“Lyla,” I sigh, not sure what I want to do now, but I’d like to take my frustration out on this asshole.

“He was actually very nice about it and maybe if I hadn’t asked him…”

“Asked him what, Butterfly?”

“I asked him how he could sleep with me and make love to me all this time if he was truly in love with another woman…” she murmurs, her voice cracking and so quiet that I have to strain to hear it.

“Butterfly…” I murmur, my heart torn. As her father, it’s up to me to protect her and keep her from hurt. That’s always been my job…

“I look like her, Daddy. All this time, I was in love with him and he was with me because…” she breaks off, taking a shuddering breath, her body trembling against me as she lets herself cry. “I looked like her.”

I hold Lyla closer, letting her cry it out. I’m going to kill this asshole.


Him.15Grunt“When you said we were going on a ride, I don’t know what I expected…”

“Yeah?” I laugh, knowing what is coming next.

“Miniature golf, Luke? Really!?!”

“You don’t like golf, Red?” I laugh as she puts her ball down and tries to judge the best way to get the ball into the clown’s mouth for the final round.

“I didn’t say that and since I’m beating your ass, I think you can tell I like it,” she mumbles. “It just doesn’t seem like your idea of unwinding.”

“Okay, I’ll bite, baby. What do you think I do to unwind?”

“I don’t know,” she says with a shrug, turning to look at me. She’s smiling, there’s a twinkle in her eyes and I see the happiness there and my chest grows tight. Jasmine has no idea how beautiful she really is. “I imagined something a little more…manly.”

“Are you having doubts about my manhood, Red?” I question with a knowing smirk. I woke her up this morning with my head buried between her legs. I’m pretty damn sure she can’t have complaints in that department—purely judging by the way she screamed out my name as she came, but with Jasmine, anything is possible.

“Mmm… no…,” she says, and for some reason, I get the idea that she’s toying with me.

“Would it make you feel better, if after we left here, we went to the garage at the club and I rebuilt an engine or something for you?” I mutter.

She scrunches up her nose and shakes her head no and for some reason that makes me laugh.

“That’s so boring and messy really. Although, if you were naked and covered in oil, that might be a little sexy.”

“Fuck,” I hiss, wondering how this woman can make my balls ache in the middle of a place that’s swarming with screaming kids. She knows her power over me too, because when her gaze drifts up from my hard cock, which thankfully is mostly disguised by my pants, she’s smiling at me.

“Got a problem there, Grunt?” she teases.

“What did I tell you about using that name, Red?”

“Maybe I want punished,” she murmurs, giving up all pretense of golfing and walking toward me.

“Christ woman, didn’t you get enough this morning.”

“Not even close,” she says, shaking her head no.

“You’re playing with fire, Red. Be careful you don’t get burned.”

“What happens if I get burned?” she murmurs, studying my face.

“Red,” I groan, knowing this woman has me by the balls, but not really giving a fuck. I haven’t been inside of her body since that first night. Somehow, I can still taste her on my lips. I need her and I’ve been denying myself, trying only to give her pleasure—maybe because I know that I’m going to use her to find out who this asshole is that hurt Lyla. It’s not right and I know she’ll get hurt, but I don’t have a lot of choices right now.

“Grunt,” she sing-songs.

“Luke,” I correct her.

“Whoopsie, I guess I messed up, didn’t I?”

“Jasmine,” I mumble when her hand comes down between us. She flattens her hand against my cock, pressing in against the rigid outline.

“Are you going to punish me now?”

“Is that what you want, Red? Do you want me take you right here where anyone can see me fuck you?”

She looks up at me then, and I swear to God her fucking eyes are glowing. Her teeth come down on her bottom lip and damn, I can see the hunger on her face, and I know it’s the same reflected on mine.

“Well, maybe not right here…” she murmurs, looking around.

I pull her up in my arms, holding her under her legs and across her back. Golf all but forgotten, the clubs falling to the concrete with a clang. I can barely hear them, the sound of Jasmine’s soft laugh is echoing in my ears as she kisses on my neck, not giving a damn who is watching us.