“What are you talking about? I would never harm you or our father. Family is everything, Chul. You know that. A man has nothing if he doesn’t have loyalty,” King sputters. “Is this how you return my loyalty to you? I thought our bond meant more to you than this? Who has filled your head with these lies? I demand you let me talk to my accuser! I will prove to you that they are lying!”

Chul holds an object in his hand, from my angle, it’s blocked from me, but I can tell immediately he’s using it to play an audio file, because I can hear King talking—the same conversation he had when arranging the contract on Chul’s life. I was going to leave, but now I want to watch the asshole die. I’ll sneak away once that’s done. King’s arrogance will keep me from extracting my final revenge on Torrent and Devil. Plus, the cocky bastard just pisses me off. I’ll enjoy watching him die.

“You must think me stupid, brother.”

“That conversation is rigged. Someone spliced it. They had to. I’d never plot against you, Chul. Never!” King cries.

“Like you didn’t kill the man I called father?”

“I didn’t—”

“Don’t bother denying that, you will only bring more dishonor upon yourself,” Chul warns, his voice going deadly. “I wanted to kill you myself, but I gave someone else that privilege, and unlike you… I have honor. But never fear, brother dear, I asked him to give me your ashes when he is done with you. I plan on scattering them in the stalls of my Arabians.”

“That way every time his horses take a shit, they can do it on you,” Diesel says. My eyes go wide, as he slides out of the helicopter. “I see you recognize me King. Look pretty good for a dead man, don’t I? Don’t worry though, I’m not a fuck-up like you are. I’ll make sure you don’t survive all of the shit I’m going to do to you,” Diesel promises.

The helicopter was shut off and it was quiet, but in the distance, I can hear the roar of bikes. I know what’s coming and this is my cue to get the fuck out of here. I don’t know where I’m going. My revenge will have to be postponed now. I need to go someplace to regroup and figure shit out. Maybe I’ll go to Florida? I can find out why one of Diesel’s men was there. It’d be nice to fuck with them all some more.

My mind made up, I slink back along the hedges toward the back of the house. I’ll have to walk to the next house and hijack a ride there. It’d be too dangerous to try and drive out of here, even if I go through the service entrance.

I’m done taking orders from anyone. I only did this shit to have men at my back when I finished off Torrent and that fucking waste of air, Devil. When I finally make my move this time, I’ll do it on my own and they won’t know what hits them.58DieselI enter the room with a frown. The place is really starting to stink. I’ve had King in my clutches for a week now and I would have thought the anger inside of me would have lessened by now, but it doesn’t seem to. If anything, being around this bastard makes it worse. I’ll have to end him soon. The appeal of watching him piss and shit himself left days ago.

I’ve robbed him of everything I could possibly think of. I started with the papers proving that it’s my blood in Ryan’s veins. I’m not sure he believed me, so I drew blood from him—through his fucking dick with a huge needle—and had a test done, then I let him see those results. He might have still doubted that test, but I don’t think so. I had Gunner draw the blood. He wasn’t thrilled to be handling a dick, even if it was limp and physically broken.

I probably need to ease up on Gunner soon. I sigh with that thought. I’m not even that jealous of him anymore. Rory is mine, I know that. It was just the principal of the thing.

And maybe a little bit of jealousy.

“Did you come to end it, finally?” King growls. I’ve broken his hands, and his fingers. They’re starting to get a nice gray and black tone to them. It’s a shame what loss of blood flow can do. For the most part, I’ve kept the torture light. A little water and electricity, some broken bones.

I wanted each thing I did to mean something. I even offered to let Devil in on the fun. He didn’t accept. He’s still fucking pissed that we didn’t find Wolf in the men we rounded up at the castle. I gave those men to Chul. They all knew of King’s plan to overthrow his brother and Chul signed their checks—so to speak. So, I figured whatever happened to them, wasn’t good. Eventually I’ll find Wolf and give him to Devil as a present. I’ve already got Scorpion working on it. Hopefully that will make things better, but I hate to tell him, as much fun as I’m having torturing King… it’s not helping the anger I have inside of me. There are some nights I think it just feeds it. Rory seems to be the only thing keeping me sane right now.