“I’m down here and I found the orphanage without an issue. Just like we thought, their records were sealed. I creatively worked around that and got into the records room. I can’t find one file with Torrent’s mother’s name.”

“Damn it,” Torrent curses softly.

“What’s our next step?” I ask Fury. I’m used to wars and using my fists to find out what I need. That doesn’t exactly work in this case.

“Fuck if I know, Boss. I was hoping Torrent might know another name her mother would have used, or hell, something else I can use.”

“I didn’t know my mother that well,” Torrent says. “But…”

“But what?” Devil, urges.

“One year she got me a baby doll for my birthday. It was weird because Mom wasn’t one to buy me anything… or even remember my birthday. She told me that she saw the name and had to buy it for me.”

“The name?”

“It was a Kristy doll. You’d pull a string and her hair would slide back in these grooves in her head and then you could pull them long again whenever you wanted,” Torrent explains.

“That sounds like a fucking creepy doll, Angel,” Devil grumbles and he’s not wrong.

“It was neat,” she argues.

“Neat and creepy,” Devil mutters, and I find myself laughing under my breath. He’s right.

“I’ll make a note that Logan, Jr., doesn’t get a Kristy doll for Christmas.”

“Fuck that, my boy won’t be playing with dolls at all.”

“They make male dolls you know. Wrestlers, super heroes…”

“And every damn one of them are missing their dicks. No thank you,” he adds and this makes Fury laugh.

“Okay, I’m going to do a search for Kristy I guess. That’s a fucking long shot and a half though. This might be a dead end, Tor,” Fury cautions her.

“Just do what you can,” I answer for all of us.

“Will do. When do I need to be back for knight duty?”

“Knight duty?” I ask, confused as hell.

“Storming the castle. Get it?” he laughs.

I just shake my head. If I laugh it will just encourage the bastard.

“I’m going to meet with Scorpion and the others this evening. I’ll touch base with you then.”

“Sounds good. I’m out of here. Congrats on your baby, Torrent, and a bigger congratulations because Devil texted me a picture. Thank God the boy doesn’t have his ugly mug.”

“Fuck you,” Devil laughs.

“Thank you, Fury,” Torrent adds and we say goodbye to him and I click the phone off.

“I better get. I’ve got a couple of prospects waiting in the SUV outside. I can’t tell you how much I hate having to ride in a fucking cage and having a tail everywhere I go.”

“I get it, but you have a kid and a woman depending on you, brother. It’s better to be safe.”

I shrug my reply. He’s right, but I still don’t like it one damn bit.55Rory“What is that grin for?” I laugh when Noah comes into our room, looking so proud of himself he might burst.

“Guess where I went after I stopped by the hospital today?” he asks.

At the mention of the hospital, I’m feeling guilty. I’ll get better, I know, I just wasn’t ready to face that right now. I’ll lock it down and get control before Torrent gets home. She should get out soon. She had a rough labor so they’re making sure she’s okay, before releasing her. I need to work through it, so I can help her. I know I will do it, I don’t really have a choice. Besides, I have a life with Noah and Ryan to look forward to. I’ll miss my child forever, but I can’t keep looking back. I need to concentrate on the future.

“I have no idea,” I laugh as he comes in, swooping me up in his arms and kissing me.

“I missed you, Gorgeous,” he whispers against my lips. The words warm me. It’s been three days since I broke down on him in his office and each day gets sweeter and sweeter. I have to believe eventually the pain and guilt inside of me will lessen.

Noah stands me back on the floor and that’s when I notice the brown paper sack he’s holding in his hand. He holds it upside down over the bed and shakes it. Three huge boxes of condoms fall onto the mattress.

“That’s a lot of condoms,” I laugh.

“I haven’t had you in four days now. I’ve got a lot to make up for,” he says with a cocky smirk.

“I thought this morning was pretty good, actually,” I remind him, blushing at the memory. I’d never actually had a sixty-nine before, but I definitely wouldn’t mind repeating it. I’ve never been brave with sex before Noah. He gets rid of all of my inhibitions.

“Everything with you is good, Rory. I will admit this morning was really fucking good, but I need inside of you again. Jesus, when that tight little cunt of yours wraps around my cock it feels like heaven,” he whispers, his lips against my ear and his voice wickedly soft. Chills of awareness and hunger move over my body.