“Fuck no, I don’t. I’m taking that motherfucker out and I’m doing it quickly. He bought this war and if any of you have a problem with me delivering it, you need to leave now.”

“If we leave are you still going to storm in like a loose goddamn cannon?” Devil growls.

“Yes,” I tell him. I’m not about to explain that I have to do it so that Rory is safe. I can’t explain that to anyone just yet—even myself. “Is Gunner in place with the men?” I ask.

“Yeah. He got there last night. He’s got five men with him. He’s good.”

“I want to know the minute that fucker gets there. We’ll go in that same night around three a.m. and hopefully catch him with his pants down.”

“I want to go on record, since I am your Sergeant of Arms, that this is fucked up. We need to wait and get some intel so we don’t go in fucking blind,” Fury growls.

“The rest of you feel like that?” I look at my closest brothers and wait for their response, hate burning inside of me like a fucking white-hot flame. I need King to not breathe free air another night.

“I think it would be smarter,” Devil says leaning over the table. “I’ve been where you are and I paid the price for acting without thinking and checking things out. I’ll support your decision Diesel, you know that, but I’d vote for you to use more caution.

“Crusher?” I growl.

“Been where you are, Hoss. Never going to question your decision. I’m with you,” he responds.

“You have twenty-four hours after King gets there before we move in. You get what intel Gunner and Scorpion can get together.” I tell them. “If we can use it, fine. That’s great, but either fucking way we go in,” I tell them compromising a little, but not fucking much. Even giving in this much feels wrong.

“For a man who just got his family back and almost died, you sure are intent on going to war,” Devil mumbles.

“That’s what I think,” Rory announces pushing open the door.

“You need to leave,” I order her. “Women aren’t allowed in church.”

She does need to leave. I can’t see her right now. I can’t see everything I ever wanted and know that I’ll never truly possess it again. Just having her near me right now is torture.

“That’s too damn bad. I’m not leaving, you and I have things we need to talk about,” she announces.

“Now you want to talk? That’s a little late don’t you think?”

“I tried to talk before, you were just too busy talking over me. Now you’re going to listen to me.”

“You wanting to use my cock again? I’m sure Fury has some condoms we can borrow,” I shrug.

“Fuck, dude. Keep me out of this shit,” Fury mumbles, rubbing the side of his face. “I need to head out after Torrent’s sister so I can try and be back for your damn war,” he grumbles. “Sorry, Rory,” he tells her as he leaves. “He’s not usually such a fucking ass.”

“Come back here and say that to my face you sack of shit,” I growl.

“You got enough of a battle on your hands, Diesel. We can settle our shit when I get back,” he calls out—leaving.

“I can’t believe you,” Rory says and I struggle not to look away from her face.

“What? That’s the deal, right? You want my cock but only if it’s wrapped up so you don’t have to worry about putting down roots and making a fucking life with me.”

“I wondered how long it would take,” she says with a sigh.

“What would take?”

“How long it would take for the old Diesel to rear his head. Seems no matter what changes between us you’re always going to end up being a fucking asshole. I really need to remember that.”

I rub the back of my neck, knowing she’s right. It’s just… fuck her reactions earlier hurt. They fucking cut like a knife.

“Say what you want, Rory. Say it and just go.”

“To start with, I don’t want you to go to war with King.”

“I can’t believe you’d say that shit to me.”

“I can’t believe that you just got your life back and are already trying to throw it away,” she says.

“That’s not what I’m doing,” I growl.

“It sure seems like it to me. Every single one of your men that you look to for council sat here and told you it was a bad idea. They suggested you take time to plan and yet here you are ignoring what they are saying and moving forward.”

“Maybe I’d take my time and plan if my fucking woman would stay here where I can protect her,” I growl.

She blinks, her body jerking like she was slapped.

“I never said I was going anywhere, but if you insist on going to war and not being ready for it, I will.”