For some reason I smile at her threat. God, I love her.47DieselBy the time we cancel the ambulance, and get Torrent loaded up in one of the club’s vehicles, I’m tired. It feels like I’ve put a full fucking day in. Gunner and Fury drove Devil and a panting, yelling, Torrent to the hospital. I made sure Scorpion immediately got started on getting things in place to watch that damn castle and try to find out what King has planned. A damned castle. Fuck, he’s an egotistical bastard.

When I finally confront him, I’m going to take great pleasure into showing him the results of the DNA test I had done the moment Ryan was born—proving he’s mine. Then I’m going to kill him… slowly.

As I walk into the kitchen, I really expected Ryan and Rory to be gone already. I’m happily surprised to find both are still there. I walk to them immediately. Ryan is coloring a picture of some cartoon dog and Rory is helping him. As soon as I get to the table, Rory looks up and gives me a nervous smile.

“Hi,” she whispers. I lean down and kiss her, unable to keep from it.

“Missed you, Gorgeous,” I mutter.

She smiles, her cheeks warming in color.

“Hey, Bub. What are you coloring?”

“A puppy dog,” he mumbles, barely looking up at me. I frown, wondering if he’s feeling okay. He’s being way too quiet. I’ve got to find out more about what went on while King had Rory and Ryan in his clutches. If just the mention of Wolf’s name can affect Ryan like this…

“Did you get your business taken care of?” Rory asks, and the look on her face gives her nerves away too.

I slide in the chair beside her, my arm automatically hanging on the back of her chair as I do. It just feels better if Rory is close to me.

“Yeah, baby. It just took longer because Torrent’s water broke.”

“Oh my God! It did? Is she okay? Did they call an ambulance?”

“She’s doing good. It would take twice as long to get an ambulance out here. The county government here put bikers on their hardly-ever-a-priority list. Gunner and Fury drove her and Devil to the hospital. We can stop by in a bit if you want?” I offer.

“I…I’ll think about it,” she whispers and her face goes white. I know that brings up painful memories for her—and those are things we really need to talk about more than we have. I’ve been going slow with Rory, but I don’t want to feel like I’m walking on eggshells around her, that will never work. Rory and I need to have everything out in the open. I just need to get King in my clutches so we don’t have that worry hanging over our heads.

“Whatever you want, Gorgeous.”

“What about Wolf?” she asks so quietly that I have to strain to hear her. I notice that Ryan stops coloring mid stroke at the mention of Wolf’s name. I hate that I agreed Devil could be the one to kill the son of a bitch at this point. I can guarantee I’ll get my own licks in first.

“It was a false alarm. Wolf was involved, but it doesn’t have anything to do with us,” I assure them both. Rory just looks at me doubtfully and Ryan doesn’t start coloring again. It sucks, but I think my family’s fear outweighs their belief that I’m telling them the truth.

“Noah, you don’t need to try and keep me in the—”

“Gorgeous, trust me. What me and the boys discussed has nothing to do with Wolf attacking. I don’t want to get into it right now; I will tonight. It basically boils down to Torrent’s father not being a man. He left a mess and that’s what happens when a man is weak. It leaves the women they care about either hurt or in danger.”

“That’s vague—”

“Maybe he didn’t mean to be weak! Maybe he had a reason!” Ryan cries, standing up. My head turns quickly to look at my son, his body jerking with emotion, tears are running down his face.


“Maybe he tried to be brave and he just couldn’t!” Ryan yells and then he takes off, dropping his crayons as he goes.

“Oh my God,” Rory whispers. “I’ll go—”

“I’ll go to him Rory. This has been coming for a bit. I’ll go talk to my boy.”

“You want me with you?” she asks, her gaze still staring at the door where Ryan ran out.

“Always, Gorgeous, but this time I think I should go it alone. Ryan and I need to finally have a heart to heart.”

“Go gently with him. He saw a lot, Noah—too much for a boy his age.”

“I will, Baby,” I promise as I get up, giving her a quick kiss. Then, I turn and go after my child, praying I can find the words to help him.