“That’s just it, Diesel,” I tell him. “Angel, baby. Let me talk to my brother, you’re too emotional, it’s going to take you all day to get him the info he needs,” I murmur in her ear. She nods slowly, rubbing under her stomach.

“Somebody, please tell me something. I need to get back to Rory and Ryan.”

“Torrent’s mother was afraid of the child’s father. Dodger wrote he didn’t know who the fucker was, but that Layla—Torrent’s mother—did confess that he was a member of the club.”

“No offense, and you’re right to be upset, this sounds like a fucking soap opera, but we will find the girl. I’ve yet to see what in the hell is so urgent here, or what it has to do with Wolf.”

“We think the father is Wolf.”

“Motherfucker,” Fury growls under his breath.

“It makes sense. He bragged to Devil while torturing him that he slept with my mother and how he was going to have her daughter too,” Torrent adds.

“You really need to kill that son of a bitch,” Gunner says.

“That’s the plan. At least it is if I ever find the asshole.”

“I don’t—”

“We can’t wait, Diesel. Don’t you see? If we know my sister exists, maybe Dad told Wolf? He thought they were brothers. Wolf could already have my sister. And if he doesn’t and he’s clueless, I still need to find her. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

“We’re searching for Wolf now, Torrent. I understand you want your sister, but we have our hands full. I can’t justify sending men off to find her right now. It would leave us too vulnerable,” Diesel says, and I can tell he doesn’t like giving that answer, but he does it just the same.

“I’ll go,” Fury responds. “Where is this orphanage?” he asks. Torrent gasps and jerks her head toward him.

“St. Augustine, Florida,” she answers.

“Fury, I can’t spare you. We don’t know what King is up to right now. I need all hands on deck until we do,” Diesel argues.

“I think I can give us some insight to that—at least a little,” Scorpion responds, speaking up.

“What do you mean?” Diesel asks, and all the attention in the room shifts from my woman to Scorpion.

“I was coming to you this morning, but you called church so I just waited. We’re still coming up empty on surveillance with King. I was pretty sure he went underground, but I’ve been monitoring any activity on Chul’s business holdings in the United States and I’ve been concentrating on anything that might be a red flag. It was a long shot, because I’m really only able to track the legitimate businesses, and that’s a small footprint, and full of red tape. But, still, it was worth a try.”

“And you got a hit?”

“As of last night, at midnight, Chul’s company, C.K. Holdings has rented a twenty-six room castle in Sevier County, Tennessee.”

“You’re fucking kidding me,” Fury growls. “That’s right in our backyard.”

“I think that’s probably the point.”

“A castle? Are you talking about that old resort outside of Gatlinburg?”

“That’s the one. He rented the entire facility, completely staffed, for the entire month beginning on the fifteenth.”

“Motherfucker, that’s just three days away,” Crusher growls, finally speaking up.

“What would Chul want in Tennessee? He doesn’t have a fight with us. It has to be King, using his brother’s purse strings.”

“That’s what I’m thinking,” Scorpion answers. “King is a shareholder—albeit a small one—in this company, so that makes sense.”

“I want surveillance on that fucking castle in place by tonight. Tap all communications going in and out and I want equipment close by so I can hear a damn fly buzzing on the inside,” Diesel growls.

“I’ll get on it.”

“My sister…” Torrent whispers, her body going tight.

“I can’t really spare a man, if Devil wants to go down to Florida—”

“I’ll go. It’s just Florida, I can fly. I’ll be there, check out any records and be back before King, Chul, or who-the-fuck-ever is in place here,” Fury says.

“I’ll go with him. You need someone at your back,” I tell him. Diesel doesn’t look happy, but he nods his head yes.

“You can’t,” Torrent says, panicked.

“Angel, I’ll be fine and—”

“You can’t,” she says, and I understand why even before she says it… because I feel it. “You have to stay here, Logan. My water just broke.”

Excitement, happiness and a little bit of panic grab me, as I pull out my cellphone and demand an ambulance.

“If you have this baby outside of the hospital because you’re too stubborn to tell me you’re in labor until you got Diesel’s cooperation, I’m going to throttle you, Angel,” I growl, picking her up in my arms, as she grips her stomach when another contraction hits her.

“When I’m able, Logan,” she huffs, stopping to take a deep breath. “I’m going to kick you in the balls,” she promises. “And then I’m going to bring your son in this world and make him promise to make your life complete misery for the next twenty years.”