Some secrets a man needs to keep.45Rory“Diesel, man. Open up. We’ve got problems.”

I jerk up in bed as the pounding on the door starts. I hear Devil’s voice outside and he doesn’t sound happy. I look over at Ryan and he’s just starting to wake up. My gaze shifts to Noah and he’s awake, but he doesn’t look happy about it. It’s still barely light outside, so I know it has to be early. Noah gets out of bed and I watch as he limps toward the door. I immediately feel guilt. He picked me up again and he hides it as much as he can, but I know he still has issues.

“Damn it, Devil, you’re waking up my family. What’s going on?”

His family.

I probably shouldn’t let those words affect me as much as they do. But, they slither deep inside of me and warm me all the way through.

“Man, I’ve got a problem. It involves that fucker Wolf. I need the club behind it. Torrent’s a fucking mess, it can’t wait,” Devil says.

Ryan pushes into me. His body is trembling and my arm goes around him on instinct—holding him to me.

“Call church. I’ll be there in five,” Noah growls, closing the door. He turns back around to look at us and I can only imagine what he sees. I know that Ryan is panicking and I’m right there with him.


“I don’t know what’s going on, Gorgeous. Until I do, I need you to keep Ryan with you.”

“But what if—”

Noah walks over to me, curves his hand against the side of my neck and angles my head toward him.

“Whatever it is, you don’t worry. I’ve got this and my club has this too. You don’t need to worry now, Gorgeous. You’re not alone.”

“But Wolf is—”

“I know exactly who he is. I haven’t asked you a lot about your time with King, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know most of what happened and the rest I can piece together. I’m telling you, Rory, that there was a time you had to worry, but now, worry is the last thing you need to do about any of this,” he whispers, his voice firm. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss. “That goes double for you too, Bub,” he tells Ryan, ruffling his hair and kissing the top of his head. “I’ll get this done and meet you in the kitchen for breakfast,” he calls over his shoulder. I watch as he walks away, licking my suddenly dry lips and trying to calm my heart, which is beating hard against my chest.

“Daddy knows what happened to… us?” Ryan asks softly, his voice trembling.

“Apparently,” I tell him, my mind way too distracted to concentrate on Ryan’s fear completely. “What do you say we get dressed and go find food?” I ask him, forcing my voice to be cheerful.

“Okay, Rory,” he says his voice as subdued as mine. He’s obviously wondering what’s going on too.

Hopefully it’s not as bad as my brain is imagining.46DevilI rap my pen over and over against the table. It feels like it’s taking for-fucking-ever for the men to file in. I know it hasn’t, but right now it feels like it. I don’t have control here and that’s a feeling that reminds me too easily of the past—a past I’m doing my damnedest to put behind me.

Finally, Gunner, Fury, and a few of the other brothers file in. I rub the back of my neck, trying to work the soreness out. I still have issues with my muscles, then again most can’t believe I’m still breathing. I had a reason to live, though.


Damn I love that woman. She makes life sweet—even with that fucker Wolf still out there. I’m going to enjoy choking the life out of that motherfucker.

“What’s going on, Devil?” Fury asks, coming in and sitting behind me.

“It’s a lot. I want to wait until everyone—”

I stop as Torrent comes in, her hand under her stomach.

“Angel, what in the hell? You’re supposed to be lying down.”

She huffs at me, blowing her bangs up from her eyes.

“If you had your way I wouldn’t be doing anything but lying in bed and eating, Logan,” she growls.

“You’ve been having contractions woman. You need to be resting.”

“I’ve been having contractions for a damn month. This baby is determined to drive me crazy, just like his daddy. Besides this is my family you’re discussing and I should be the one to explain it.”

“If you give birth to my boy while doing this bullshit, as soon as you’re able I’m going to tan your ass,” I growl, knowing that once Torrent gets something in her head, she’s not about to let it go.

“Bring it on, just keep your dick away from me. I’m swearing off of them after this. Your baby has been tap dancing on my bladder for too damn long.”