“Another one!” she chimes.

“She’s so going to get your ass drunk,” Torrent says, sounding sad.

“I don’t really drink that often and I never get drunk,” I tell her and I haven’t. I’ve had a few drinks before, but I’ve not been drunk once in my life.

“Never?” Dani gasps like I’m some alien from another planet.

“Well no. With my life, getting drunk and letting your guard down was just too dangerous…” I whisper, wondering if they will think I’m a freak—or worse. They could think I’m a weak person for allowing my life to be like this for so long.

“I remember those days,” Dani whispers, seeming to get lost for a minute, but then her head jerks up and she looks at me with something that looks like awe. “Red! You’ve never had drunk sex!” she practically shouts the words and despite the music, I blush because I can feel eyes on me. When I look up, my gaze automatically goes to Diesel. His stare is even more heated now, but that’s not what shocks me. Gunner is looking at me with a lazy smile. I don’t think of Gunner that way, but I’m a woman and if Gunner looks at any woman the way he’s looking at me, your toes curl. It’s just a natural reaction. He’s hot, not Diesel hot, but hot in a sexy intense way that makes your stomach get butterflies, just the same. I hear Diesel growl, and my gaze automatically comes back to him and now he just looks pissed.


“I think maybe I ought to check on Ryan—” I start. All the kids are in the other part of the building for what Dani called a movie night while the adults have fun. Suddenly, I’m not feeling like this is fun. If the anger in Diesel’s eyes is anything to go by, fun is not even on the table.

“I’ll go check on them, I’m useless here anyway,” Torrent mutters, going to get up. It takes her two tries, she really is big. I want to ask her if she’s carrying twins, but haven’t found a way to work it into conversation just yet. You can’t exactly blurt out: Oh my God, you’re bigger than the side of a house, are you having twins? Well you can, but I haven’t found out a way to do it politely. On the second try her man, Devil, comes over and helps her up. He treats her so sweet, leaning down to kiss her, his arms going around her as he takes her weight. My eyes are glued to them, as he looks down at her like she hung the moon. It’s clear he’s totally in love with her.

“I got you, Angel,” he says so softly I have to strain to hear him. I want to sigh when I hear how tender his graveled voice is when he talks to her.

“I miss drunk sex,” Torrent whines to him and that makes Devil’s face soften in a way that does make me sigh. Damn, he’s a good-looking man too and that patch he wears makes him look dangerous and… hot.

“I’ll take you back to our room and we can pretend you’re drunk,” Devil reasons.

“After we check on Ryan for Rory,” Torrent qualifies, giving me a wink.

“Sounds good,” Devil agrees instantly, smiling at me briefly before walking his woman out.

“You’ll have to get on top,” she mutters, like that’s some kind of bad thing. I really must talk to her. Sometime. Any woman I’ve ever met would kill to have Devil over her in bed.

“Hey you!” Dani yells across the room, jerking my attention back to her. I look behind me to see she’s yelling at someone at the bar. “Bring us two more rounds of Fireballs!”

“Hellcat,” Crusher mutters from beside Diesel. He acts like he’s trying to reprimand her and maybe get her under control, but he’s got a smile on his face and he looks more like he’s about to laugh.

“You get drunk sex tonight, Cowboy,” she announces to the room. She’s not a bit embarrassed. I’d be horrified, of course I don’t think the room cares, especially since the last time I glanced at Fury and Scorpion they were getting their dicks sucked off by women… Right out in the open! I think I’ve kind of blotted that out of my mind—and tried not to watch…although I might have peeked… once…maybe twice…

“You’re going to do all the work,” Crusher tells her. “I’ve been working in the garage all day and I’m too damn tired,” he adds. I’m pretty sure he’s lying, if the look on his face is anything to judge him by.

“You don’t have to work, Zander. You just have to let me ride your face,” she responds. Again, she’s not embarrassed. Me? I’m pretty sure I’m beet red at this point.