“Now you’re sounding like Nic, Dragon’s old lady. She once smashed a whole box of that shit on the table and left it for Dragon to find. It was kind of epic, even if she probably didn’t mean for him to see it,” Dani laughs.

“Nicole seems so sweet and a total mom to everyone, I can’t imagine that,” I tell Dani. She smiles.

“She’s happy and safe with Dragon and knows it, but trust me, when she lets her hair down you’ll see it.”

I shrug, thinking it’s doubtful I’ll be around to see it—which is kind of sad. I’d like the chance to get to know her without having a meltdown.

“Club candy is kind of a necessity in club life. Our men aren’t like others. They deal with some tough shit, they have their own laws and they do shit other men couldn’t live with. It takes a special kind of man to live this life. They have a lot of pent up energy. Like it or not the club girls help work that off,” she says.

“Spoken like a woman who grew up in the life,” Dani says with a smirk. Torrent just shrugs.

“Whatever,” I grumble around my beer, before sitting it down hard on the table. “I’m just an outsider, but from where I’m sitting, I think it’s just grown men having an excuse for a ready-made harem.” My eyes go to Fury and Scorpion who have no less than five girls climbing all over them and when I say climbing—it’s dark in their corner but you can tell the things they are doing are definitely X-rated. “Or orgy,” I add after seeing that, looking down at my beer.

I don’t like anything to do with the women, which is probably just another sign that I don’t belong in Diesel’s world. All I can think in my head is that all of these women have probably slept with Diesel at one time. I shouldn’t be jealous, but that’s probably what it boils down to.

“You’ll get used to it,” Torrent says and I frown. I won’t be here long enough to get used to anything.

“I guess,” I mumble, instead of telling Torrent that. She thinks for some reason, that I’m here permanently and I don’t really want to get into that conversation right now. “I don’t care what they do, still… it doesn’t help that these women act like bitches toward me. With you guys, there might be some animosity, but they definitely don’t show you disrespect—not like they do with me.”

“That’s because we belong to members of the club; as old ladies, one word from us and they’re gone. If nothing else, that gets us respect. You haven’t officially been claimed by Diesel yet. Until you let him do that they will resent the hell out of you openly. Especially Connie,” Dani informs me.

“Why especially Connie?”

“Because she’s wanted Diesel forever and not just for another Savage belt notch. If she bagged him she’d be the old lady of the President. There is no higher position in the club.”

“That’s kind of disgusting. Diesel’s a man, not a trophy.”

“It’s this world,” Torrent mutters.

I frown because this world is so foreign to anything I’ve ever experienced. This whole lifestyle is. It’s not that I don’t like it either. I enjoy being part of the family atmosphere and I really like Dani and Torrent and a few others that I’ve met. The men are good too. They’re nothing like King or the men I’ve been used to in my life. I can tell that by the way they interact with Ryan.

“Okay you ready, Red?”

“Red?” I ask Dani.

“Well, I can’t call you carrot, I already have a girl in my circle I call Carrot, plus your hair is darker. I could call you other things that resemble the color, but right now all I can come up with is a rose—which would be lame. Maybe Elmo…”

“Dani, I like you, but if you call me Elmo I will probably have to kill you,” I warn her.

“So, Red it is. Now grab your shot and let’s do this shit.”

“The last thing I need to do is get drunk.” I look at the shot, because it is tempting. I’d like to get drunk until I can’t remember the last several months.

“One Fireball won’t get you drunk, Rory. It will just make you relax,” she reasons.

I look up to see Diesel staring a hole through me, his gaze heated and intense. I grab the shot glass, more to distract myself from Diesel than to drink.

“Here’s mud in your eye,” Dani says with a grin and we both take the shot at the same time. She slaps her palm against her leg as she drinks, which for some reason makes me smile despite the burn. We put the empty glasses upside down on the table and before I even catch a breath, Dani announces we need one more.