“Hey sleepyhead,” I respond, forcing myself to let Rory go and face my son.

“You were kissing Rory,” he says.

“Yeah, I was,” I tell him, hearing Rory take in a shuddering breath.

“You two like each other again?” Ryan asks, proving my son is more observant than anyone gives him credit for—including myself.

“God, I hope so,” I whisper, watching as Rory bites on her bottom lip, studying me.

“Cool. Are we going to have breakfast together? I can help Rory make blueberry pancakes,” he says and Rory’s gaze doesn’t leave mine. I grin, she does too—although much more cautiously.

“I could use some pancakes,” I answer.

“Yes!” Ryan answers. “Right on!”

“Right on,” I murmur quietly, letting my lips touch Rory’s again quickly before I pull back and we let Ryan take over our morning. I don’t know what’s going through her mind, but I’ve gotten through to her—at least a little—and damn if I’m not going to build on that.

I’m not letting her go again.36Rory“Don’t you ever feel like grabbing one of those bitches by their stringy hair and slamming their face into a wall?” I mutter over my drink as I see another woman with a loose t-shirt that hangs off her shoulder and a G-string—and yes, that’s all she’s wearing—lean over Diesel, giggling. He’s been ignoring them all and this one in particular he gives what I’ve come to call “the look”. It’s designed to make a woman cold clean through, and if you’re smart, it will make you run. I don’t know how intelligent this woman is, but she does leave and I sigh. Diesel looks over at me and gives me a small smile. I don’t fully return it, but I give a tight one in return. I’m still sorting my way through my head.

Diesel gave me his speech two days ago. He made a lot of valid points and I can’t discount them. Still, I can’t let myself trust him again—not right now. I’m trying, but I’m a mess inside and I am not sure the man won’t turn cold again at the drop of a hat. He’s giving me space. We spend time together—although Ryan is always there. He hasn’t tried to kiss me again which I’m glad for, but also a little sad about.

I’m definitely a mess.

“I ignore them. They’re just club candy,” Torrent says staring at her lemonade and then back at my beer longingly.

“They’re sluts,” I grumble. “And, it’s not that I’m into shaming women. They do them, I do me—normally. But these bitches are all barely dressed. What is with the white t-shirts, no bras, and thongs? Is that like a uniform for them? I swear I’d have to fumigate a seat before I put my ass where they are.”

Torrent laughs. “The boys get randy often, they want easy access,” she laughs and at that thought I want to hurl.

“Here we go ladies, Fireball for me and Rory and a Sprite with cherry juice, sans vodka for Tori,” Dani says, coming behind us.

“Gee thanks,” Torrent grumbles and despite the fact I wish I was in her shoes, I giggle.

“I should probably have what Torrent is having,” I say with a sigh. “I’m not sure a shot of Fireball is something I should do. Honestly, that might loosen me up enough so I go over there and beat that bitch up with those fake boobs she keeps trying to rub in Diesel’s face. I’m pretty sure I can slam her face into her own boobs and her head will bounce like it’s on a damn trampoline for hours,” I grumble.

Dani snorts and Torrent laughs so hard that she almost chokes on her drink.

“That would be Connie the Cunt,” Dani says, sitting down and putting a couple of bottles of beer within our reach. Apparently, her job is to keep me in drinks and shots. If I have to sit and watch this much more, I’m going to need plenty of both. “She makes it her mission in life to be with every Savage Brother ever to wear a cut. It doesn’t matter if they’re a prospect or not. She wants them all. For some reason she thinks being with all of them will make her the head twinkie.”

“Twinkie?” I ask, finally pulling my gaze away from Diesel now that there’s no woman trying to smother him with her tits.

“That’s what they call club girls in the Savage family. All fluff and cream, no substance for a man.”

“Christ, did you have to say cream?” Torrent complains her face curling in distaste. Dani flips her off.

“Seriously though a few men have taken twinkies as their old ladies in Kentucky, but those girls weren’t bitches. They were good women who knew what they wanted and took it and enjoyed the ride. These chicks? All twinkie,” Dani mutters.

“I’ll never buy another box of those at the damn store again,” I moan.