I called a meeting on my way over here. There are things we need to do to get ready. I don’t know where King is at, but I do know he’s definitely planning something. The minute he finds out we have Rory and Ryan—all bets are off.

Scorpion, Fury, and Gunner are all waiting on me when I get there. I do a double take when I see Devil. It’s good to see the bastard. He’s been back for a while, but he hasn’t been active with church since he returned. He had a fuck of a lot of healing to do himself. He lost an eye and still has a slight limp, but that’s improving. The best thing to see is that shit-eating smile that’s spread over his face.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” I say with a smirk, reaching out to slap my hand against his as they clasp and slap him on the shoulder.

“Kiss my ass,” he laughs. “I’ve been here, it’s good to have you back, though. How’s our boy?”

“I got him settled and have a few prospects on him. He’s not happy, but the way he’s pushing it, he’ll be back here in no time. Which is part of the reason for this meeting. Gunner?” I yell as I go and take my seat at the head of the table. That’s another thing that makes my damn skin itch. Fury is in my seat. I’m sick of being in Diesel’s chair. I can’t wait until that changes.

“Yo,” Gunner says, looking as tired as I feel.

“I know we’ve turned that old science lab into a gym, but I need you to get some prospects to help you fix that empty maintenance room up for a private area for Diesel. He needs a place for his rehab here, and he won’t feel comfortable doing that shit in front of others. He hates his limitations and he sure as fuck doesn’t want us to see him at his weakest.”

“Like any of us would fucking care,” Devil growls. I raise my eyebrow at him, because we both know he pulled the same shit. He gets the meaning of my look and flips me off, making me almost laugh. I’m too damn tired however, to give into it.

“I’ll get it done,” Gunner responds and I nod.

“Scorpion, have you had any luck figuring out King’s movements?”

“Still doing some research. We know the bastard took his stepbrother’s private jet to visit him. He came back a week later, but there’s been very limited movement since. We’re monitoring his place and I’ve hacked into what accounts I’ve been able to get access to. Still, there’s nothing big and no red flags—at least not yet.”

“Fuck, that’s not good. You know he’s not letting Rory and Ryan go that easily and the minute he finds out that Diesel is alive…” I break off, rubbing the back of my neck

“Yeah,” Fury growls.

“Check under every fucking stone and do it hard and fast. If King does so much as pull his dick out to piss off his back porch I want to hear about it. We’re about to go to war boys and when we do, I want to make sure the only ones left standing are us. You get me?”

Everyone shows their agreement and then my gaze centers on Devil. He knows what’s coming.

“Dragon called,” he says. “I want him. He’s mine. No one else’s, you get me?”

I frown.

“I can’t be sure he’s still involved…” I start, but I’m lying.

“Bullshit,” Devil says, calling me on my bluff. “If Ryan told Dragon that a man named Wolf helped kill his mother, then Wolf is in it up to his fucking eyeballs. Eyeballs that I’m going to rip out one by one,” he says, and I don’t doubt that he’s planning on doing that—hell, he’s probably dreaming about it and I can’t blame him a bit. “Have we talked to Rory about any of it?”

“No. She lost a baby and putting the pieces together, she lost that baby protecting Ryan. She needs to heal and Diesel wants us to go slow there. I… I may have Dani talk to her.”

“That’d be a good move. Dani’s been through hell herself, she can help Rory,” Gunner says in agreement. He’s right, I know he is, but that doesn’t make it easier. Talking about the past may bring shit up that Dani has buried. I hate even the thought of making that happen. I’ve dedicated my fucking life to destroying her demons. I don’t want to bring them back.

I just may not have a choice this time.

“How is Diesel, really?” this comes from Fury and I think about how to answer him.

“Physically he’s improving. He’s compartmentalizing shit and dealing with it slowly. He wants revenge, but first on his list is Rory and Ryan.”