“I really was needing you, but I didn’t want to bother you when you were with your buddies.”


“Yeah, I guess that sounds really lame, huh?”

“No. I mean you’re a girl. Sometimes you need someone to look out for you. Since Dad’s not here, you kind of need me Rory,” he says sounding proud. He goes to the opposite side of the bed and crawls up in it and scoots over to the center. I pull his back into me and curve my body around him, holding him close. I kiss the top of his head and take a deep breath.

“You’re right, Ryan,” I whisper. “I definitely need you.”

His little hand touches mine that’s resting against his stomach.

“I need you too, Rory. Love you.”

My heart flips against my chest as I close my eyes.

“I love you too, baby. I love you too.”30CrusherI snap the picture of Rory and Ryan sleeping and text it to Diesel. When Dani couldn’t find him in Dakota’s room, she woke Dakota who explained that Ryan missed his mom. Diesel is planning on keeping Rory, but if he doesn’t make it work he may have a revolt on his hands. Those two love each other. I hope for Diesel’s sake he can make it work. Rory’s a good woman. My hand moves up to the side of my face and I grin remembering her slap at the hospital.

She’s also got a hell of an arm on her.

Diesel doesn’t reply to my text, but then I didn’t expect him to. The trip wore him out today and he still insisted on doing three hours of therapy after that. He practiced the exercises they gave him to help his vocal cords and cognizant recognition. It sounded like a bunch of crap to me, but apparently Diesel is aware of the words he wants to use, but sometimes uses the wrong ones. The therapists are training him to think over each word before choosing them, as well as helping his vocal cords to make the sounds again.

The man has a long road ahead of him, but he’s pushing himself like crazy. He’s already aced hurdles they thought would only be reachable a month from now. Then again, the doctors don’t know Diesel. Plus, Diesel’s on a mission. He’s going to get back to his family and seek revenge and he’ll do it much sooner than anyone thought possible. That picture I sent him will just be added incentive. Thank God the doctors had the nurses working his legs and arms while he was in the coma. If they hadn’t, his recovery would have been much harder. He’s taking steps now—small ones and he falls back into his wheelchair afterwards, but that’s still a huge milestone. Diesel has plans and most of them revolve around that woman lying in his bed and his little boy.

I move out of the room and nod to Rebel who I have stationed by their door. Until we find King and destroy him and everything he thinks he has, Rory and Ryan will be watched constantly. I have two men staying with Diesel at the rehab facility and made sure he has his weapons with him. He’s as safe as I can make him, but I’ll feel better when he gets back home. Fuck, I’ll feel better when he steps back up as president. I took over out of necessity, but I don’t want this damn job. Some men slide into the role like a second skin. Me? My fucking skin breaks out in hives and itches like a motherfucker. If it wasn’t for Dani opening her legs and showing me heaven anytime I demand it, I’d be going insane. She’s complaining now that I keep her walking bowlegged. She’s not wrong. The damn woman will probably grieve when things go back to normal, though. The thought makes me grin. I look down the hall to our bedroom and wish I could join her right now. I still have a few other things to do first. I’ve taken over as president so that means duty over pleasure, even though Dani is the sweetest pleasure I’ve ever known in my life. This shit gets over, I’m moving my family back to our lake house and forbidding the men to come around for a fucking month.

I walk into the office which used to be an old classroom, but we’ve done a good job of converting the place. The clubhouse is new. The old elementary school was up for auction and the club got it for a steal. I’m sure the county would have tried to block our purchase if they’d known, but sucks for them they didn’t. Diesel made these moves before he left and it was fucking genius. It gives the club all the room we need, a huge area outside and a gating system that would rival a prison. We’ve still got some work on the garage, but for the most part it’s a sweet set up.