A woman who has everything I wanted…

“Are you okay?” Nicole asks, softly.

“Fine… I just need a minute,” I tell her, getting through the words without my voice breaking.

“Rory?” Ryan says my name, picking up on the change in me even while playing with his friend.

“I’m okay, little man, just need a break. I’ll be back,” I tell him, walking to him and ruffling his hair. He reaches around me and hugs me and I hold him tight, closing my eyes and soaking it in. Ryan’s not mine to keep either. He’ll be staying here and then his dad will have him and I’ll be… alone.

“Love you, Rory,” he says.

“Love you, baby,” I whisper quietly against the top of his head, figuring he wouldn’t appreciate me calling him a baby in front of his friends and family. “I’ll be just a minute,” I tell the others without looking at them. I walk out of the room, finding the bathroom in the hall I noticed earlier.

I barely make it, shut the door and slide down onto the floor before the tears start and the sobs tear through me. I curl up on the floor, my arms wrapped tight around my empty stomach and let my misery overtake me.18Nicole“What do you think is going on with her?” Skye whispers after Mattie distracts Ryan’s attention.

“I’m not sure,” I answer, staring in the direction that Rory practically ran. I’m not lying. I don’t know what’s going on, but I do know whatever it is, is not good.

“Where’d Rory go?” Dragon asks, coming back into the room after stepping away to take a call.

“The restroom,” I mumble, still looking at the opposite doorway, worrying about her.

I feel Dragon’s arms slide around me and he pulls me back into his warm body. I close my eyes and drink him in. The smell of him, the heat, the security I feel when he holds me… it’s all there. It’s never once gone away. His chin comes down, the stubble from his face teases my skin. His head slants as he kisses the side of my neck and goosebumps move over my skin.

“Mama, I know that tone. What’s bothering my woman,” he whispers. Skye winks at me as she moves over to the kids.

“Just thinking,” I tell him, my hands moving down to cap over his as he holds my rounded stomach gently.

“Won’t be long now, we’ll be holding our little girl in our hands, Mama,” Dragon murmurs and despite my worry I smile.

“You better pray she’s not as hard to handle as your boys,” I mutter, trying to hold back my giggle.

“If she’s anything like her mother I won’t sleep again until I’m eighty,” Dragon responds and we both laugh.

“I love you, Dragon.”

“Down to my bones, Mama,” he responds.

“Forever,” I sigh out.

“Forever,” he repeats and turns me slowly around to face him. His hand comes around to gently hold the side of my face. His thumb brushes back and forth against my cheek and then stops against the corner of my lips.

“You’re not here with me, Mama.”

“I am,” I whisper, my hand coming up against his. “I’m always here with you. Always.”

“You’re worrying,” he answers after studying me.

“About Rory. There’s something going on with her.”

“She’s been through a lot, Nicole.”

“I know, but she ran out of the room and there was just… pain in her eyes.”

“Ryan said she took a beating for him,” Dragon says and my stomach flips and I have to swallow down my nausea.

“I think I’ll go talk to her.”

“My woman… always has to fix everyone,” Dragon says, a half smile on his full lips.

“I just want everyone to be as happy as we are, is that so bad?”

“Not bad at all, Mama. You’re all good,” he says smiling and I can’t resist leaning up to kiss him. “I’ll be back.”

“I’ll be here.”

“Good to know,” I laugh, turning to walk away.

“Not like I’m going to go anywhere else, Mama. Not when I can watch that ass in those tight fucking pants you’re wearing.”

“They’re yoga pants, Dragon, they aren’t tight.”

“All I know is I like the feel of them, but I really love the way they are glued to your ass and let me see what’s mine.”

“I’m ignoring you now,” I mutter, turning so I can continue walking away. Dragon must have taken a few steps to catch up to me because he grabs my hand and pulls me back into his body. I gasp in surprise.

“You say that, but you’ve got an extra swing in that ass while you walk. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing woman. You’re teasing me so I’ll give you my dick tonight,” he whispers against my ear.

“Are you saying you won’t give it to me?”

“Fuck no, I’m just letting you know I’m on to your game.”

“You’re wrong you know,” I murmur looking over my shoulder at him.