Ryan pulls away, getting my attention. We look at each other, and I use the back of my hand to wipe my tears away and then the tips of my fingers to do Ryan’s—which have finally slowed.

“No more tears, baby. We’re okay now and soon you’ll have your Daddy.”

“No more tears,” Ryan says. “I love you, Rory.”

“I love you too, baby,” I tell him, kissing his forehead. “Now you eat so you can have some cookies,” I tell him.

“Okay,” he agrees and then slides from my lap. This emotional outburst might be done, but I know it won’t be the last.

“How far are we away from your home… umm… Dragon?”

“About twenty minutes,” he says and my eyes dilate while I gasp.

“Twenty minutes?”

“Yep,” Dragon says with a lazy grin.

“Ryan! Why didn’t you tell me Dragon was in Kentucky?”

“Um… I’m only five Rory. I didn’t know. I thought he was in Tennessee like me and Dad.”

Dragon laughs.

I grumble under my breath and for some reason that makes him laugh harder.

Whatever.16Dragon“You get her?”

“Hello to you too, old man,” I respond to Crusher. I stretch out in my chair at my desk, kicking my feet up and smile because I have my door open. In the distance, I hear Nicole laughing with Ryan. I hear Rory’s quiet voice blend in, too. There’s no laughter from her. There’s pain. I’ve seen that pain too damn much, and I’m fucking tired of it.

“Sorry, man. It’s not good here.”

“What’s going on?”

“They hooked Diesel up for dialysis again and his heart went crazy. Fuck man, I thought he was gone.”

“So, things haven’t changed,” I mutter, hating that burn deep inside my gut. Diesel is a good man, one I depend on just like he is one of my own. He deserved better than this shit.

“For the worst, maybe,” Crusher says, sounding tired.

“Why do Rory and Ryan think he’s alive and doing fine, brother?” I ask.

Crusher curses under his breath.

“I didn’t exactly tell them he was okay, Dragon.”

“Boy, don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining.”

“Jesus, no one in my life would call me boy but you.”

“Keeps you humble,” I respond, almost smiling.

“I want Ryan to be able to say goodbye to his dad while he’s still breathing—even if it is through a fucking machine.”

“And Rory?”

“She cares about Diesel. I don’t know how Diesel felt about her, but if he did…”

“You’re hoping that shit will reach through to the grave.”

“Are you going to say it didn’t for either of us?” Crusher asks. “Fuck man, look at Dance. He’s the poster child now for well adjusted.”

“He wasn’t tasting death for four months either, brother.”

“Nicole was. You brought her back from that. Same as I did with Dani.”


“I know, Dragon. I’m not stupid, I know this might not work and I can’t even be sure that Diesel gives a fuck about her… but I damn sure have to try.”

“She’s not going to thank you for putting her through this shit and I think she’ll hate you for putting Ryan through it.”

“I’m willing to take that bullet.”

“Got to tell you, brother, I just met the woman but I get the feeling she’s a good woman, who has been through hell. She doesn’t need more.”

“I got to try, Dragon.”

“I reckon you’re going to try it no matter what the fuck I say at this point.”

“Wouldn’t you?”

“I’ll have them at the hospital around two tomorrow.”

“It’s a shit reason, but it will be good to see you again, man.”

“Same here, brother. Same here,” I respond and then I hang up.

Fuck, I hope this works, but I’m not feeling good about this shit… that’s for damn sure.17RoryThis place isn’t what I assumed. I might even be comfortable here. Dragon is nice—in a badass who can kill most men with one hand kind of way. The rest of the men seem good too. I really like their wives and they’ve been great with Ryan, all while treating me like I belong. Skye might be my favorite. She’s funny, sweet and her little boy and Ryan have played all evening. She’s got another child, but she’s barely left her Dad’s side.

It’s good, being here. It feels safe. I don’t think King would ever think to look for me or Ryan here. Which means, I’m able to let my guard down for a bit. There’s only one dark spot about being here.


She’s super sweet. She’s beautiful and obviously completely in love with her husband. She’s also pregnant. I’m doing my best to keep my distance from her, not because I’m a bitch or anything, but it hurts to see her. It hurts to remember I once had a baby growing inside of me. A baby that the father didn’t believe was his, a baby my brother beat out of me…

A baby no one wanted but me.

“If you’ll excuse me,” I whisper suddenly so overcome with sadness, I know I’m going to cry and I can’t break down in front of these people. It’s not right—or fair—but I can’t break down in front of Nicole… this woman who has children she adores and who love her, a man who thinks she hung the moon and a baby inside of her that I couldn’t have…