I look over at Gunner and I can hear him talking to the boys at the club, running a trace on my phone. I just need to keep Rory on the phone long enough for it to stick.

“Are you there?”

“Yes. Sorry I was distracted for a moment. I’m at the hospital now, Ms. McDaniels. You didn’t tell me that Diesel was—”

“If you knew he was dead you wouldn’t have come. I needed you to claim the body, to protect him so that Ryan has somewhere to say goodbye to his father.”

“You’re not disputing that Ryan belongs to Diesel?”

“Diesel is the only father that Ryan will ever claim,” she says her voice almost angry and that makes me relax. Perhaps this Lodge was right about Rory. That bodes well for my brother if he just manages to hold on.

“I think you and I will get along just fine, Ms. McDaniels.”

“I doubt that, since we’ll never see each other,” she says surprising me.

“Rory—I can call you, Rory?”

“Whatever,” she mutters and for some reason that makes me grin.

“Rory, Diesel is going to want his boy back and from what I hear, he’s with you.”

“Diesel…” she gasps and goes silent.

“Rory? Are you okay?” I ask her, worrying that maybe King has gotten to her before I can.

“Are you…” she stops.

“Rory?” I prompt her when she doesn’t keep talking.

“Are you saying that Noah is alive?” she whispers. It sounds like those words are full of… hope.

“Very much so.”

“But I saw… I… Oh God,” she whispers and this time I hear tears.

“Ms. McDaniels?”

“Noah’s alive,” she says through the tears, her voice still whispering.

“That means something to you,” I respond, definitely feeling better about Rory McDaniels.

“No, Mr. Dawson that doesn’t mean anything,” she says.

“I’m afraid I don’t—”

“It means everything,” she replies, cutting me off.

“You care about my brother,” I acknowledge and let that information sink deep inside of me.

“I want to speak to him.”


“No, wait. Ryan needs to speak to his father. Can I call back and you make that happen?” she asks.

“Ryan’s not with you?”

“I can’t… I can’t have him with me like this, it would be too dangerous, but he’ll be with me when I call back. Oh my God, I can’t believe Noah is alive. I didn’t tell Ryan about his father. I couldn’t handle seeing it crush him. He’s too fragile right now. I felt so guilty, but now…” she stops talking as a sob rakes through her body and I hear it and the sound makes me feel like a major asshole. I should tell her the truth, but I can’t risk her running.

“Ms. McDaniels, tell me where you’re at. We’ll come get you.”

“I… I can’t do that. If King finds out…”

“He’s looking for you now. You need to get safe—Ryan needs to be safe. Tell me where you are and I’ll come to you.”

“I… I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I don’t know you Mr. Dawson.”


“Went out on his own for some reason. How can I be sure he didn’t leave because of you? Or someone else? Ryan said Noah didn’t feel safe at his home anymore. I don’t know how these biker gangs work, but I don’t think it’s supposed to work that way.”

“We’re not a gang, Rory.”

“Whatever,” she mutters and damn it, I really do think I like her.

“Tell me where you are, and I’ll come to you personally. Ryan will tell you that you can trust me.”

She starts to answer and then I hear someone talking to her. I frown. If she feels like she’s in danger, who would she be talking to?

“I’ll talk to him. I’ll give you my decision when I call back… but it will be tomorrow. My boss just told me that I have to work late tonight. I want Ryan to talk to his Dad tomorrow though. If he doesn’t then all deals are off the table,” she declares.


“And if you are playing me Mr. Dawson you need to know that I will kill you personally. I don’t have much left in life now…not now,” she whispers. “But I have Ryan and I will not let anyone hurt that little boy. Are we clear?”

“We’re clear, Rory. I promise you, if you give me a chance I’ll make sure you and Ryan both are safe and happy.”

“I’ll never be that again, but if Ryan gets his father back, he will be happy and that’s all that matters. I have to go back to work now. I’ll call you tomorrow about seven p.m., eastern standard time,” she says and then before I can respond, hangs up.

I look over at Gunner, putting my phone away.

“Tell me that Scorpion managed to get a trace,” I mutter.

“Got it. No, hold up. We’ll get back with you,” Gunner says into the phone. He hangs up and turns to look at me.