“He doesn’t really know Diesel and believe it or not my brother in there has no idea who King is. They fucked the same woman—not this McDaniels chick, in fact before she called me I’d never heard of her.”


“My turn. How did you find Rory McDaniels?”

“She called me. She managed to escape King’s house with her boy—”

“That is not her child,” Crusher growls.

“She says he is, and it’d take an act of God to separate that little boy from her side. I got to warn you, I’m not even sure that would do it. The woman I met and that child have been through hell together and he trusts no one but her.”

“She’s protecting him?”

“That woman is doing more than that, and that’s all you’ll get on the subject of Rory McDaniels.”

“You really like her.”

“Let’s just say your friend in there was a lucky SOB to get her on his side before he bought it.”

“He’s not dead. I wouldn’t be putting him in the ground just yet, Agent Lodge.”

“Like I said, hope springs eternal.”

“Diesel will pull out of this for his son and when he does, if this McDaniels chick means something to him, he won’t let you around her.”

“I don’t think he’ll have—”

“Let me clarify that. My brother has been fucked over by women again and again. If this Rory is half the woman you seem to think she is and my brother wants her, I won’t let you get within shouting distance of her.”

“Are you threatening a federal agent?” I ask, for some reason finding his response something to smile about.

“More like a friendly warning,” he shrugs.

“So noted. You going to ask your questions now?”

Just as I ask the question, a doctor comes in and heads straight to Crusher.

“I’m afraid I have some bad news,” he says and Crusher stands up immediately, his friend standing beside him and I can tell from the look on the man’s face, hope is slowly dying.

I hate it for him. I’ve seen this side of the coin too many fucking times to count—each time it sucks.

Knowing that this Diesel is leaving behind a good woman and a child makes it suck that much more.14Crusher“What did I miss?” Rebel asks coming in the waiting room an hour later.

Agent Lodge left to crash in a hotel. I hate to admit it but I kind of like that asshole. He’s not like cops in suits I’ve met—especially the federal kind. He’s showing an unhealthy interest in Rory McDaniels and since I don’t know what that woman means—if anything—to Diesel, that could be a problem. I also have no fucking clue if I can trust her. I’d like to think I can, especially since Ryan is apparently with her, but I have no fucking clue. I rub the back of my neck. Feeling older than the fucking hills and missing Hellcat so bad it hurts. I should have brought her here with me, I just wasn’t sure what we’d find. She hates that I do it, but I still try everything I can to keep her out of harm’s way.

“Gun, you head back to the hotel. Get some shut eye now that Rebel is here. We’ll meet up for dinner and discuss what we’re doing,” I tell him.

“What about you?”

“I’m not leaving until I know if Diesel is out of the woods.”

“That might be a while, Crush,” Gunner responds and maybe it’s just me, but in my head, I hear him add… or not at all.

“Then, I’ll be here a while. I’ll grab a nap on this chair, but I need at least one of you assholes alert to have my back,” I joke—only half lying.

“I’ll stay,” Gunner says obstinately.

“Suit yourself,” I say with a shrug, leaning my head back on the seat.

“Will someone answer my question? What happened while I was gone?” Rebel grumbles.

“Visit from the FBI,” I tell him, without opening my eyes, refusing to talk about the other.

“Diesel’s kidneys quit working,” Gunner answers, and I want to punch him in his damn face. It’s not a normal reaction and Gunner isn’t doing anything other than repeating the God’s honest truth, but that’s still how I feel.


“They’re hooking him up to dialysis,” Gunner adds and I sit up, intent only on punching Gunner in the mouth to make him shut up. That’s when my phone rings. I pick it up without checking the caller ID, and hoping it’s Dani. I need something to take me away from this shit before I snap.

“Hello?” I growl, wincing because my frustration bleeds through the greeting. Dani will understand though. She gets me when no one else does.

“Uh… Mr. Dawson?”

“Ms. McDaniels?” I ask, clearing my throat. I stand up immediately. I look over at Gunner and motion with my hand. He immediately nods and takes out his phone.

“I wanted to follow up and make sure you contacted the hospital and Agent Lodge,” she says, her voice sounding nervous and borderline panicked.