
“Not going to count the women I’ve fucked, Gorgeous. Not now, not ever. They weren’t numbers, they were people, and at the time they gave me something I needed—even if that need was just getting my balls emptied,” he states and I have to blink at the plain way he lays it out. “That said, there’s only been three women I’ve taken to my bed who mattered at all to me,” he says and I find myself staring up into his eyes, getting lost in the way emotions reflected in the deep brown.

“Three?” I whisper, reaching up to smooth out the groove on his forehead, not liking it there—even if I can’t explain why.

“Ryan’s mother was a lying bitch. I got way too drunk, wore a condom but the woman was a lying bitch and those are a lot like cockroaches, they find a way to procreate no matter what you do.” The way he says that hits me hard, because he has Ryan and he’s not—

“But, Noah. You have a child and….” I trail off, not sure how to make my point.

“Wouldn’t give the world for my son, Rory. He’s the sole reason I’m still breathing on this earth. If it meant the outcome would be me having that boy as mine, I’d crawl back in bed with that bitch a million more times.”

“Gotcha,” I say softly, thinking that Noah might be the most plain-spoken man I’ve ever met. I don’t think he could pretend to be sweet if he tried. But, in saying that, the way he feels about his son bleeds through his words and somehow wraps around my heart. In that moment, I’m thinking I’d rather have a man who speaks plain, but is capable of loving someone so deep you hear it in the vibration of his voice.

Not that I could have Noah… I’m leaving… but still…

“Second woman, had me fooled. I didn’t love her, but I liked her. I gave her pieces of me and I trusted her with my boy.”

“What happened to her?” I ask, frowning.

“She put me in a position I didn’t want to be in. A position that fucked with my head and sucked for me, but in the end sucked a lot more for her.”

“Not sure I understand…”

“She’s gone, that’s all you need to know, other than one thing.”

“What’s that?” I ask, my gaze glued to his eyes which seem to fill with fire.

“No one hurts my child. I’ll do whatever I have to do to protect Ryan and I’ll do it not giving a fuck what it is or who it’s to.”

I lick my lips, and swallow at the intensity of his words. I didn’t know this mysterious woman, but just reading between the lines I think I hate her.

“Is that what happened to woman number three?” I ask shyly.

His face relaxes and he studies me closer. I feel like he’s searching for something, but I have no idea what.

“Woman number three is a gorgeous red-head who makes my cock ache. Not sure what’s going to happen with her yet.”

“I… oh wow…” I breathe, going instantly soft.

“Rory,” he growls, his hand moving across my thigh and up toward my pussy.

“Yeah?” I ask, my lips parting as I feel his fingers skate against my entrance.

“You’re wet,” he growls.

As his fingers push inside of me and my body softens for his invasion, I hold his gaze with mine. I forget that I’m supposed to be getting him out of the room and I even forget that I plan on leaving the state today. I forget everything but the feel of Noah’s fingers thrusting deep inside of me, the look in his eyes and the pleasure that’s beginning to spread through my body.

“Maybe you could help me out with that,” I whisper, my eyes pleading for more.

“Fuck, yeah,” he growls right before he claims my lips and then gets busy helping me out….27DieselI wake up, instantly alert. I wasn’t planning on going to sleep, but Rory is energetic in bed and fuck if she didn’t work me hard and wring me dry. I blink a couple of times listening for movement in the house. My bed is empty which means Rory is either wandering around or she’s gone home. I hear nothing from her side of the wall, but I do hear muffled sounds coming from the kitchen.

I stand up, my cock already half-standing at attention. I shake my head.

“Down boy. My fucking balls are sore,” I grumble. I go to the closet and grab a pair of jeans, sliding them on. I do my best to arrange my dick so he’s not sticking out like a damn pole… I mostly succeed. I go in the bathroom and see to myself, as well as wash my hands and splash water on my face. I pull my fingers through my hair and snag a band to put the damn shit up.