I’m already feeling pretty fucking stupid—not to mention guilty. When I heard through the paper-thin wall that she had a job interview today, I saw a way to begin the thaw between us. I stupidly let the air out of her tire—and I know how childish that sounds.

What would I have said if she caught me?

“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just trying to get you to talk to me so I can fuck you and get my fill of you.”

I don’t see many women going along with that—at least not women like Rory and for some reason it’s her my dick wants. Besides, if I have to hear her come one more time and not be able to enjoy it I’m going to go bat-shit crazy. That’s just the truth of it.

I’ve never had trouble with women giving me what I want. Hell, usually they fall at my feet. But, I’ve always been Diesel, a President of an outlaw club, and that kind of life attracts women—even good ones who wonder what it would be like to walk on the wild side just once… or twice.

Fuck, I’ve not been Noah in so long, I don’t remember how to be the bastard now. I never liked him to begin with. It didn’t help my case that I put Rory in her place from the beginning. It needed to be done, however. There’s not a bitch alive going to get close to my son again. I don’t care who she is. Fuck, before I left the club, I was beginning to rethink letting Dani watch him—and I actually trust her and Crusher. But then… that’s how fucked up I’ve been for way too long now—and the main reason I decided to leave the club.

“Thank you for the ride,” she says—instead of answering me. She opens the door and gets out.

“I take it that’s a negative about coming in with you.”

She studies me from across the seat of the truck. Her gaze is locked with mine and she’s betraying nothing on her face. She’s locked down tight. For some reason I find that intriguing. I’ve never known a woman could lock down her emotions and not giveaway something. Even Violet did that to some extent. She was good, but I would have caught on much earlier if she hadn’t spent a lot of her time on her knees sucking my cock.

“That’s a negative,” she says.

“I’ll be here when you get out,” I respond as she starts to walk away.

“There’s no need,” she argues, looking at me from over her shoulder.

“You got another ride that I don’t know about?”

“I’ll call an Uber or something.”

“I’ll be here.”

"Honestly, you don’t need to bother. I’ll be fine.”

“Woman, I’ll be here and you’re wasting time.”

“What about Ryan?

“He’s in school. I have nothing but time. You on the other hand… I thought you had to be here at a certain time?”

“I did, I’m just—”

“You’re just going to be late if you don’t get inside,” I tell her shutting this conversation down.

“You’re very confusing,” she mutters, stalking off.

I’m not sure if she was just saying that to herself or to me. Either way I don’t respond, because she’s right.

Hell, I even confuse myself.9Rory“I thought I said I didn’t need a ride,” I grumble. Looking out at the road as Noah’s truck pulls up beside me, his window down.

“You also said you’d call for a ride,” he reminds me.

“It’s a nice day for a walk,” I lie. It’s hot as hell and I’ve got major boob sweat going on. I thought about calling for a ride, but the truth is that once I paid a hefty down payment for my place, my bank account was gasping. I couldn’t tap into the money my parents left me. Doing that would have notified my brother and I don’t want him to find me—because where my brother is, Tony is not far behind. Just the thought of Tony causes fear to slither down my spine.

“Hop in, Cupcake.”

“Go away, F.A.”

“Woman you have two choices. You can hop in, or I’ll get out of this truck and put you in it myself.”

“That’s against the law. Try it and I’ll have your ass arrested,” I grumble. I walk away, but he just follows along, allowing his truck to inch up little by little—somehow keeping pace with my footsteps.


“So, let me get this straight. Because you’re pissed at me, you’re going to walk all the way back home in those fancy ass shoes that you can barely walk in?”

“I can walk in them!” I argue, ignoring the fact that I actually stumble while I’m saying it.

“Right,” he growls.

I do my best to ignore him, but panic hits me when the truck lurches to a stop as he quickly throws it in park.

“Don’t you dare get out of that—”

My warning ends in a squeal as Noah is already out and stalking towards me.