She’ll be my mommy again.66ToiOkay, I know kids can be slow, but Harley has been in there for thirty minutes. I realize he’s probably making me wait on purpose, but this is getting ridiculous so I knock on the door.

“Harley? Are you okay, honey?”

He doesn’t answer. Not that I really expected him to. I really don’t know how to reach him. I’m hoping once Cherry is gone, I can find a way to get through to him. My heart is still hurting from hearing him tell me he hated me. If we get through today I’m going to throat punch Cherry. I’d like to do more, but I figure that’s as much as I can get in before Marcum intervenes.


I’m worried about him… about everyone really. I know he said he could handle this, but if anyone gets hurt because of me…

“Harley, honey I know you’re not happy with me, but could you at least tell me you’re okay?” I ask the door.

I’m not really surprised when all I get in return is silence. I hate to break into the bathroom; if I do that Harley will hate me. I war with myself for a few minutes and then sigh heavily. “Harley if you don’t answer me, I’m going to have to come in there,” I threaten.

I hear footsteps down the hall and look up to see Babs and Desi heading our way.

“We got worried about you and Desi said she needed to use the bathroom too,” Babs explains.

I rub the back of my neck, feeling tension gathering there. I try to breathe deep and relax, because I know that my voice goes crazy if I’m stressed.

“Harley’s locked himself in the restroom,” I tell her with a sigh. I try the doorknob, while pushing my body against the door, but it doesn’t budge.

“That little hellion. I swear he was such a great kid too. Cherry is doing a number on him,” Babs mutters.

“What does she mean?” Desi asks, her eyes big and round.

“Nothing, honey,” I tell her. I don’t want to badmouth Cherry; kids don’t need to be brought into the screwed-up world of adults.

“Here, let me try this,” Babs says, holding out a bobby-pin she took from her hair.

“You know how to pick a lock?” I ask, wondering if I could get her to teach me.

“When you’re the old lady of one of our boys?” she laughs. “Girl, trust me, it comes in handy.”

She works with it for a few minutes and I’m looking over her shoulder trying to will it to open.

“Is Harley in trouble?” Desi asks carefully.

“No honey, of course not. I’m just worried about him.”

“He’s probably just pouting in there. Marcum is going to have his hands full with that one,” Babs says. Eureka!” she cries as the door opens. I push in first, anxious to get my hands on Harley and hug him—and then maybe shake him.

“Harley!” I open the small door to the first stall and it’s empty. “Harley, answer me,” I grumble. I open the next door and it’s empty.

“Did you walk away or something? Maybe he came out when you weren’t looking,” Babs says from behind me.

“No. I’ve been standing out there this entire time. There’s no way he came out there. Maybe he left through a window?”

“Honey, we’re underground here. That’s why the boys had us moved to this part. On this side of the basement we’re deeper down. There are no windows.”

“Is Harley in trouble?” Desi asks again, her voice wobbling.

I crouch down so I’m at eye level with her. I know she has to be worried about her brother. Heck, I’m terrified. My heart is beating so hard that it is slamming against my chest.

“No, honey. He’s not in trouble, it’s just there are some dangerous things going on right now and we need to make sure he’s safe,” I tell her, gently holding her little face and trying to reassure her.

“He’s with Cherry,” she whispers. “She told him to come get her.”

“Why would she say that, honey?”

“She thought I was napping, but I wasn’t.”

“When was this, honey?”

“Before Harley made you cry. She told him that you would send him away now, because you are going to have your own baby. Are you going to have your own baby, Toi?”

“Not right now and even if I did, I would never send you or your brother away.”

“You wouldn’t?”

“Of course not. I love you guys. You, Harley and your daddy are my family now,” I tell her, my heart breaking at the fear I see in her little eyes.

“Cherry needs her damn ass kicked,” Babs growls. I definitely agree with her, and once I get Harley back safe, I’ll be doing the kicking.

“I love you, Toi,” Desi cries, throwing her arms around me.

“I love you too, baby.” I pick her up, her legs wrap around me too and I hold her close. “Now if we just knew where Harley disappeared to,” I sigh.