“You admitted it. You wanted to protect me!”

“Christ, you women get everything so twisted. Why is that a bad thing?”

“Because I don’t want to be a charity case to you, Marcum. Another lost soul you try and protect.”

“Fuck, baby, have you seen me? I’m not a damned guardian angel. Most of my fucking life I’ve sent people to their death. Don’t try to romanticize me.”

“You see me just like one of the kids. You want to protect me from life!”

“So? Jesus. I want to protect you, but I don’t see you as my kid. You’re young, Toi, but you’re a woman—a damn beautiful woman and I’m not a fucking monk.”

“What does that mean?”

“That I want you. I fought it like hell, but it was always there. You deserved better, and I’m way too fucking dirty and old to touch you, but I couldn’t walk away. It was always you for me, Toi.”

“It was?” I ask, confused. I feel hope warring inside of me, though and as much as I try and beat it down, I can’t.

He pushes the sheet from my body, and I let it go. I’m riveted into place by the heated look on his face. It’s a mixture of anger and need, and it makes me feel alive.

“Of course it was. I’m feeding you my dick. I beat the fuck out of my own man over you. Jesus, woman, I’m sharing shit with you I don’t share with anyone. How can you think you’re not special to me?” He growls out the question as his hand connects between my legs. He might be angry, but the soft glide of his fingers over my clit doesn’t feel angry.


“My whole life, Toi, there’s never been another woman… fuck… another person who gets inside of me like you do. I want you. You’re like a fire inside of me and I need you as much as I need food or air. But that’s not all of it. I trust you, Toi. I trust you in ways I don’t even trust most of my men, and they’ve pledged their lives to me. I told you about my children when only Max, Tess and Topper ever got that information from me. You are different, honey. You’re not like any of the others, you aren’t a damn project… Fuck,” he hisses, stopping his tirade as I wrap my hand around his cock. “Toi…”

I stroke his cock once. He’s so wide my hand doesn’t go around him completely, and I love it. I love everything about him. I guide him to my entrance, pushing my foot into the mattress to get a better angle.

“I love you, Marcum,” I confess quietly as I thrust upwards, taking him into my body. “I love you,” I tell him again, my pussy bearing down on his cock and groaning as he pushes deep inside of me.

“Christ, Dragonfly.”

“I love you,” I whisper again, as he takes over.

He doesn’t give me the words back, but that’s okay. He says I’m special and I believe him. He trusts me and for Marcum that feels like a huge gift. He also needs me; that’s enough. It’s more than enough and when his orgasm takes over, I follow him. I do it with one thought on my mind too…

I hope he does give me his child.56CherryI listen to them grunting like pigs in there. She’s worming her way inside of him, in ways I never could. I tried with him too. I gave him a fucking year of my life as his old lady and he never appreciated it. Not once.

He told her about his fucking kids. I cared for the damn brats for a year before he finally claimed me as his old lady, then I devoted another year to them and he never told me that shit. I had to hear it from Babs.

I did everything for him and then he wanted to kick me out of his fucking bed? Telling me he just wasn’t happy anymore. He kept looking at Max and Tess and I didn’t measure up. The fucking prick. He didn’t exactly measure up either, but that didn’t seem to bother him. There were days I couldn’t stand him, but being the old lady of the club president had some damn nice perks. I liked them and I wasn’t about to give it up.

Then came the news about Jenna. Jenna was a bitch, that’s true. I didn’t have a thing for her. Marcum alone knew that Jenna was my sister’s kid. He didn’t care. Fuck, he didn’t hesitate to end her. He didn’t even tell me about it. I had to find out months later. Then he tries to spout out all these rules about family loyalty.

I couldn’t stay, not with the things I had done. If Marcum had found that out, then he would have killed me, just like Jenna. He wouldn’t have even hesitated. I didn’t get this far in life not to know the golden rule. You have to take care of yourself. Which is why I’m here. Toi has a five million price tag on her head and I want my money.