I should.

“I could wait and take Toi back to her room,” Ghost responds, and it takes work not to knock his ass down and stomp him under my foot. I like the motherfucker, but he’s playing on my last damn nerve right now.

“You could go to the fucking garage like I told you to,” I growl.

Ghost jerks his head around to look at me. He’s usually pretty stoic, but I can see the surprise that lights up his face. I don’t blame him. I’m pretty fucking relaxed unless it’s club business, and I never get into it with the men when there’s a damn chick involved. I don’t know what the fuck is going on with me, but I’m not backing down here. I stare at Ghost without blinking, daring him to push me on this. I almost wish he would. I need an excuse to slam my fist into his face.

“I’ll see you later, blue eyes,” he tells Toi. I watch as his finger travels down the side of her face, and she murmurs the word bye to him. I frown watching the display. Ghost looks at me. “I’ll just go to the garage like I was ordered to do,” he says, and walks off.

“You sleeping with him?” I ask Toi once Ghost has gone. Her eyes dilate with my question and shock is evident on her face. It’s quickly replaced by anger. I see the moment it sparks in her gaze, and I like it. She can hardly talk and she’s had a shit life up until now, but it’s done nothing to quell the spirit inside of her. She’s got grit. She sure as fuck didn’t get that from Weasel. I’m not sure where it came from, but I find myself hoping she never loses it.

She grunts, but doesn’t reply. I know it hurts her, but like always I find I push her to go further.

“Answer me.”

“Not your business,” she whispers, making the words short so that they don’t make a real sentence, but I understand them. Which I can appreciate. What I don’t like is the fact that she didn’t really give me an answer.

“I thought you didn’t want to become a club whore?”

Her soft gasp makes me want to smile for some reason.

“Asshole,” she roughly whispers.

“Just saying if I knew you were open to that, I would have given you the first go around. I usually sample the talent before I let the boys have it,” I tell her with a smirk, pushing her because I can. I like when I get a glimpse of her fire. I expect her to sass me. For some reason, I even like that. What I don’t expect is for her to draw her hand back and slap me hard across the face—which is exactly what she does.

“Do you have that kind of fire in bed?” I mock her and she hauls her hand back to slap me again. I grab her wrist before she can connect.

“I don’t think so,” I growl and her hand jerks in my hold as she tries to pull free. If she were able to right now, she would be screaming at me. For some reason, I wish she could.

“Let me go.” Her strained whisper is full of anger and fury. Hell, her blue eyes practically glow with emotion and her face is flushed. She really is quite beautiful when she’s fired up like this.

“Did you fuck Ghost?” She jerks her hand to try and slap me again. The intent is clearly broadcasted on her face. “You managed to slap me once, Dragonfly. You don’t want to do it again. Trust me on that,” I tell her, my voice low.

She narrows her eyes at me, frustration and anger warring clearly on her face.

“No,” she whispers, finally answering my question.

“Good. See that you don’t. If you want to be a club whore, you don’t need to be around my kids.”

“You’re an—” She pauses to get her breath, “—asshole.”

“You have no idea,” I grin. Fuck, I know I’m an asshole. I’m good at it. She’ll get used to it. It’s not like she has much of a choice. I let go of her hand, and she jerks it back against her body. She goes to walk around me, and for some reason, I watch her ass as she walks away.

In my head, I hear Maxwell laughing.

Fuck.13ToiHe’s infuriating! He’s an asshole and an idiot all rolled into one! He’s a pig! I march down the hall to the room I’ve been staying in, still rubbing my wrist where he grabbed me. There will probably be bruises there tomorrow—not that Marcum will care. How is it his business if I sleep with Ghost?

Or anyone for that matter!

I’ve had it with the men in my life ruining everything for me. While Marcum was gone, I began to kind of like this place. Having him back brought reality back like a bucket of cold water. I need to start thinking about breaking out of here. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I have to. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that my father is never going to give Marcum money.