“Don’t be nervous. You’re going to like this, I promise.”

“I trust you,” she says, ending on an intake of breath as my fingers slide down the division of her ass and further into her pussy.

“You’re wet as hell, Kitten,” I all but moan, unable to stop my fingers from pushing into her. She immediately thrusts back against me, searching for more.

I reach over to the small egg, palming it in my hand and letting my body heat warm it. Another time I’ll insert it ice-cold into her, but right now, this is all about bringing her to her limits, quickly. All the while I’m finger fucking her hard with two of my fingers. She’s panting and doing her best to ride them. I could make her come like this. I’m not ready for her to come though. I have plans.

I take my fingers out of her greedy little pussy. She rumbles, unhappy. I spank her again, twice in quick succession, and she whimpers, her ass thrusting up and seeking out more. That’s when I insert the egg, seating it inside of her and smiling at how her muscles ripple around my fingers. She’s so fucking primed and ready. I withdraw my fingers, leaving the egg inside, and cup her warm pussy with my hand. I use my other hand to turn on the remote; setting the egg to vibrate on slow speed.

Her quiet moan of need is the first signal that the small vibrator is working its magic. Then the liquid heat and the way she clenches against the palm of my hand tells me even more.

“Max…” she groans, her body thrusting back and forth, riding and thrusting, searching for more.

My hand wraps in her hair, and I pull her head back with a harsh grip. “Who do you belong to, Tess? Who owns this body?” I bark at her; my voice is strained full of need.

Her legs tremor, she hums the word yes and I know she had her first minor orgasm. While that is what I want, I can’t allow her to ignore me. I turn the vibrator off.

“Max!” she cries, her voice desperate. My other hand still has a tight hold on her hair, and I let go; opting to wrap my hand around the back of her neck, pulling her head back. I love feeling her neck under my touch. Her soft, to my rough; and the feel of her pulse against my hand makes me feel powerful; like I could conquer the world. My head bends down to her sweet little ear, and I growl into it.

“Who the fuck do you belong to, Tess?”

“You, Max. Always you,” she cries and hearing the words, I turn the vibrator back on, this time a notch higher. Her breathing harshens and her body twists, trying to ride the vibrations. I let go and she settles back on her hands and knees. I place a gentle kiss on the small of her back. While she seeks her next climax, I go back to the lube.

“Are you getting ready to come, Kitten? Are you enjoying your toy?”

“Yessss…..” she sobs.

“Enjoy it. Because I’m back here getting my cock ready and I’m going to fuck your ass hard, in a minute, and you’ll be so fucking full you won’t know what to do—except come. Oh, Kitten, you’re going to come so fucking hard.”


While I’ve been talking to her, I’ve wrapped my dick in the lube, putting it on thick. I want to make sure this is as easy as I can make it for her. I don’t want her to fear what we do. I want her to need it, because once I claim this ass, I know I’m going to want it more and more. Once my dick is ready, I take two fingers and dip them in the lube. I use one hand to pull her ass; exposing that small little rosy opening.

“Jesus you’re going to squeeze the hell out of my cock, sweetheart.” I barely have my two fingers into the first joint when she goes off and her second full climax claims her. Her head goes down, unintentionally sticking her ass up higher. As her orgasm flows through her, I thrust the fingers all the way in. “Tess…” I hiss as the fingers pop through the tight ring of muscles. Jesus. I move my fingers in her ass, scissoring them back and forth, stretching her with the help of the lube and preparing her.

“Max!” she cries out again, and I remember I have the vibrator on medium speed. I hit the remote slowing it back down, and she murmurs a protest, but she’s still riding the hell out of it and my fingers.

I pull my fingers out and position my cock at her entrance.


“M…Max, please.”

“It might hurt, baby. If you don’t like it, you have to tell me. We will only do things you get pleasure from. If you don’t like it, you tell me. Understand?”

“Fuck me, Max! God, please.”

I push my cock into the entrance of her ass. The head slides in pretty easily, a combination of the lube, and the way I’ve been preparing her for the last week. She goes still as my cock strains against the muscles. I close my eyes at the pleasures assaulting me from every corner.

“Max…” she whimpers. She’s tight, so fucking tight I think it might snap my cock. I switch the vibrator up to medium. I could feel it before but once it kicks up, the vibrations sweep against the head of my cock in waves. “Please…” she moans, her ass pushing against me.

I reach down and turn the vibrator to high, then sink my hands into the cheeks of her ass, digging my fingers in, and making it easier to watch my cock slide inside. Her third orgasm hits, and it’s powerful, raking through her body with the power of a storm. I push completely into her tight ass, and take a moment to enjoy the feeling. Then…I fuck her. There’s nothing romantic about it. It’s pure fucking, domination, basic and like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I ride her ass hard, thrusting in and out because I am about to explode. Her orgasm is long and powerful, and she’s milking my cock. I slap her ass, and she wails out, sounding like an animal. I slap it again, and her upper body falls down from the force of her release.

My own climax takes me by surprise, my cum shooting out in jets so forceful that her body jerks and clinches with each stream. It seems to last forever though I know it’s just mere minutes. When I’m done, I manage to have enough thought to turn off the vibrator. She collapses against the bed with a raw moan. Her voice obviously strained. I lay on top of her, still buried in her ass. I hate to leave. Eventually I do, mourning the loss of being wrapped tight inside her channel.

“I think you’ve killed me…” she murmurs.

“That was just round one, Kitten.”

“Jesus, Max. I can’t.”

“Shhh… you can. I’ll show you after I clean you up.”

“Mmm…” she hums, sounding doubtful.

I laugh because I know I’ll prove her wrong.

And I do….

Today’s our last day here. Tomorrow I’m traveling with Max. Soon, we’ll be on a beach somewhere, soaking up the sun, and it will be great. I’ve repeated this to myself over and over since early this morning. Max has gone with Marcum; he said he had a surprise for me. He wouldn’t tell me what it was, but said he’d be back this afternoon. He’s been so relaxed since yesterday. I can’t stop the self-satisfied smile that spreads on my lips. Yesterday was amazing. My hand goes to my hip, and I move my finger over the area where the tattoo rests beneath my skirt. Yesterday was…

“You look like a woman in love,” Cherry says, interrupting my thoughts.

“That obvious?” I ask with a smile, turning to talk to her. We’re in the kitchen. It’s pretty quiet at the club. Marcum has put a lockdown in place since Max and I have been back. He’s limiting the people in and out of the compound. I haven’t ventured anywhere, other than my room and the kitchen. I’m being paranoid I know, but I don’t want to do anything that might jeopardize us leaving, and Max finally being safe.

“Girl, you’re practically glowing.”

Her words make the panic inside of me increase. I’m hiding a secret. I’d like to think I’m still unsure, but something inside of me tells me I’m not. It’s there, and I’m terrified.

“Yeah, right,” I joke. “What you mean is I glow in the dark because I haven’t been outside in days.”

“Whatever you say. I was about to go out to the store with a couple of the other old ladies, and the watchdog Marcum assigned us. Thought I’d ch

eck and see if you needed anything.”

I think about it. Should I ask Cherry for help? I wring my hands together, worrying.

“Honey?” Cherry asks putting an arm around my back. I let her lead me to the table and sit down.

“Are you having second thoughts?”

“No. Not at all. I love Max.”

“No one could doubt that; I’ve seen you around him. I’m just saying you’ll be giving up a hell of a lot for that boy, and no one would blame you if you want to back out.”

“No. I want to be with Max. He’s where I belong.”

“Tess, I wouldn’t judge you…”

“I’m pregnant!” I blurt out in a panic. If I don’t get the words out, I may strangle on them. I’ve suspected it for days, but I keep ignoring it. I can’t avoid it anymore.

Cherry goes silent. It’s understandable, it leaves me speechless too. I go back to wringing my hands together and worrying.

“Are you positive?”

“No. I mean obviously I haven’t taken a test or anything. I haven’t had a period since Max and I have been together though and I’m never late. Never.”

“Well sometimes stress can wreak havoc on a women’s cycle, and we both know you’ve been under that. Maybe you’re worrying for nothing?” Cherry says, trying to sound hopeful.

“Maybe,” I whisper, but I know better.

“Do you not want a baby?” Cherry asks me, and her question loosens the tight rein I’ve had on my emotions. I burst into tears. “Oh, honey,” she coos, going to her hands and knees in front of me and extending up so she can wrap me in her arms. I take her comfort. I’m scared. Terrified. “Talk to me, Tess.”

Eventually, I get enough control and dry my eyes with the paper towel that Cherry stuffs into my hands. Talk to her? Do I dare utter the fears that I keep drowning in? The ones I’ve held in for days; afraid to voice?

“I want my baby more than anything in the world. I want Max’s baby,” I whisper touching my stomach gently. I don’t even know for sure if I’m pregnant, but I swear I can feel the baby’s presence.

“Then why so many tears?” Cherry asks, but she knows. How could she not?”

“What kind of life is it for a baby knowing that her parents are hunted fugitives? What if we’re found? What if I’m arrested, and I’m pregnant? Worse, what happens if Max finds out? With his history, how will he react to having a child, with me? I can’t believe I let this happen, Cherry. I’m so scared.”

“Okay, you’re searching out all of the worst case scenarios. You know them logically, but you still decided to skip the country with Max. What’s the difference?” she asks, and I have to think about it.

“Making decisions when it is just Max and I involved, is one thing. An innocent child shouldn’t have to suffer from decisions that its parents make.”

“Oh please, what kind of world do you live in? That happens every damn day,” she argues.

“Maybe so, but it’s not what I want for my child. I want something better than I had, you know?”

“Tess, you’ve told me about your life. This baby will have two people that love it unconditionally. It’s already doing better than the hand you were dealt.”

“It won’t matter how much it’s loved if we have to leave him or her alone,” I whisper my greatest fear. “I feel so stupid, Cherry.”

“Well stop it! You don’t even know if you’re pregnant. You could be worrying over nothing. Let’s not put the horse before the cart. We’ll find out what’s definite and go from there.”

“I’m pretty sure.”

“Have you had a test?”

“No, but I’m never late, and we did have sex once without protection. The timing is right,” I whisper, “I’m so stupid.”

“Will you stop? You are not. I’d venture to say Maxwell was right there with you. He is just as responsible as you are. There’s still a chance you’re not, though, if I’m going to be entirely honest, sugar, it’s not very likely.”

“I know.”

“He’s like his dad. I swear those Kincaid soldiers could knock up a nun wearing a chastity belt thirty paces away.”

It’s a weak laugh, but a laugh.

“I’ll pick up a test while I’m in town. You can do it and then we’ll know for sure. Sound good?”

“What if someone sees you buying it?”

“Then, they’ll just think that Marcum has done it again. I promise you, your secret is safe with me.”

“Thanks, Cherry.”

“I got your back, sugar. The main thing is not to get excited. That’s not good for you right now either way. You can take the test and then we’ll figure out our next step.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan,” I tell her weakly.

“Damn straight it is. I’ll head out now and be back with your test in an hour or so.”

I can’t stop the sigh. “I’ll stay here and work up the nerve to take the damn test.”

“What test?” Max asks from the door, and my heart stops. Cherry squeezes my hand, before getting off the floor.

“I’ll be back, sugar.”

“Okay,” I whisper, but my eyes never leave Max’s. My heart is in my throat.

Cherry skirts around Max, and it just leaves the two of us.

“Tess? What test is Cherry talking about?”

“Tess?” I prod her when she still doesn’t answer. I want to hear her say it. I know though. God do I know. The knowledge is sitting in the bottom of my stomach like lead. Tess is pregnant.

“Max, I…you’re back early.”

It’s a stupid sentence because I didn’t tell her where I was going. In fact, I haven’t left the compound. It’s a sentence born out of desperation, and we both know it. She’s stalling for time. Her face is white, and the truth is standing between us like a loaded gun.

“You’re pregnant?”

Tears gather in her eyes, but they don’t quite break free, and she nods her head yes. She’s worrying her hands together, and I should try to soothe her, but I can’t. My whole body feels like I can’t take enough oxygen through my lungs to sustain it.

“I’m sorry, Max.”

“How long have you known?” I gave her a tattoo while she was carrying my child. Jesus, why does that matter? She was fucking shot at while carrying my child.

“I don’t know for sure; there’s a chance. Cherry is going to pick up one of those home pregnancy tests.”


Tess jumps like I’m about ready to hit and her. I feel guilt. It’s my fault this is going on, not her. But still…motherfucker.


“Son of a bitch! What the fuck are we supposed to do now?”

“Nothing has to change, Max. I might not be pregnant and even if I am, we can still carry through with our plans. Nothing has to change!”

“Everything will change, Tess! Son of a bitch! Everything will change!” I growl picking up something from the table. I think it’s a glass, but I’m not sure. I throw it across the room, my anger has me acting and reacting without a thought in my head, except I fucked up. I fucked up horribly bad. The glass connects against the wall and shatters with a loud crash.

“What the fuck?” Marcum yells, coming through the door a minute later.

Tess stands up, shaking with tears pouring from her face. That’s when I’m sucker punched yet again. There’s so much hurt in her eyes. That’s my fault too. I know it. I’m not upset with her. I’m upset with myself, but she doesn’t know that. She’s taking all of this on her shoulders when it’s me who is responsible.

“Tess,” I start, but she runs from the room, and I just hang my head in disgust.

“What the fuck did you do now, boy?”

“Just let it go, Marcum. I got it handled.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

I ignore him and take off after Tess. She’s my priority. I find her in our room, lying on the bed, with her back to me, crying quietly. I kick off my shoes and g

et on the bed and spoon her. I can’t stop my hand from holding her stomach. Our child might be resting there. After the mess with Renee, that’s something I never wanted again. The pain of losing a child, even one I never got to hold, is something I can’t explain. It gutted me. Is it fucked-up that I may be having another child, this time with a woman I care about, and I most likely won’t have the option of being around for the mother or the child? Is that the definition of irony? It’s probably no less than I deserve. I get that. Still, the thought of it is ripping me apart inside. That’s my cross to bear.

“I’m a fucking asshole, Kitten. I’m sorry.”

“No, you have a right to be upset,” she whispers brokenly, her voice thick with tears.

“I’m not upset with you, Tess. It’s me. It’s just bad timing.”

“I know.

“If you’re pregnant, Tess. You can’t go with me. It wouldn’t be safe.”


I shush her quietly, my lips against her hair, and I breathe in the strawberry scent of her. Can I live without her? How do you leave someone behind when they’ve become your only reason for living? Can I say goodbye? I’m not sure I’m strong enough.

“Tess, you were shot…”

“It was a graze,” she argues, but her voice gives away her doubt.

“It just as easily could have not been. What if you are carrying our baby, and that happens? The risk is too great.”

“So we’re just supposed to never see each other again, Max? How is that a solution? How is that fair?”

“Tess, I killed…”

“A monster, you killed a monster.”

I smile, despite the heaviness inside of me. “Marcum says I’ve been living my life and going off half-cocked, for way too long, and he’s right. Actions have consequences; I didn’t think about them. Then again, how in the world could I have ever prepared myself for you, Tess? I’ve never known anyone like you.”