“Fuck you, Dawg,” that comes from a tall, skinny man who has to be close to seven foot and barely has more meat on him than I do.

“Sorry, man, not my type,” Max says. “Now if you ladies will excuse me, I’m going to take my woman back to our room.”

I watch the banter back and forth. I don’t know if Max is serious, but I do know I like being called his woman.

“Oh! Max is going to have a little of the old in and out,” Topper jokes and I’m doing my damnedest not to blush. “Take old one-eye to the optometrist. Get a little slap and tickle,” he keeps going and Max gives him the finger and takes my hand leads me back through the compound, while everyone else is laughing.

“You have some strange friends,” I tell him when the door closes behind us, leaving the laughter and Topper’s comments behind.

“Yeah, but they’re good ones,” Max says and after having spending some time with them, I’m starting to think he’s right.

“So what’s the plan now?” I ask as Max leads us through the main room.

“Max! Blaze was just telling me you made it back.” Some skanky woman wearing a white t-shirt and nothing else, including a bra that she desperately needs, sing-songs. She’s blocking our way from the main entrance to the rooms and I have a bad feeling this is going to be Jenna.

“Hey, Dawg, ol’ man. How’s it hanging?” A man says coming out of the room zipping up his pants. He doesn’t have a shirt on, and his chest is covered in tattoos, gorgeous ones, but I have a bad feeling this is Blaze and having just met Jinxy, I think he’s a douchebag.

“Jenna,” Max acknowledges, but his voice is tight. Seems I was right. “Not bad, Blaze. If you don’t mind old buddy, it’s been a rough couple of days and I want to get my dick wet for the first time in way too fucking long,” Max says. I want to punch him in the junk, but since Jenna is shooting me evil looks and douche bag Blaze is eyeing me like I’m the Grade ‘A’ steak, freshly cut at his favorite butcher’s I mostly want to leave.

“I thought you and I could party, baby. Just like old times. I’ve missed you,” skanky queen pipes up.

“He can’t do that,” I interrupt before Max can say anything.

“Oh yeah, why’s that?”

“Because anything he puts in you isn’t coming near me, and I’m pretty sure that’s a deal breaker for him.

“Who the fuck are you?”


“Mine,” Max’s voice rings over the top of anything I can say. It’s cold and chills run down my back, but I don’t let on that I’m afraid it’s me Max is upset with. No, I stare down the cunt-cake in front of me.

“Hey, I don’t mind sharing. Blaze here can give her a go,” Jenna whines, and it is a whine. Suddenly I want to slam my fist in her face over and over until I’m satisfied her crooked ass nose is smashed in enough that it doesn’t annoy me.

“Yeah man, that’s good with me, I think I could show…”

“No one touches Tess but me, ever. Got it, Blaze?” Blaze holds his hands up in the universal no-harm-no-foul gesture, but I’m still disgusted.

“I wouldn’t want any other man, after having Max. They’d just pale in comparison, what’s the point?” I say and make sure my voice is thick with contempt. “Besides, I wouldn’t dream of hurting Jinxy like that. That’s something one girl shouldn’t do to another unless of course you’re just a skanky slut-whore…”

“Why, you bitch!” Jenna says jumping after me, but I was expecting it, so I punch her hard in the throat. She staggers back, and I get ready to scratch her damn eyes out when she comes after me, but Blaze holds her back. Max grabs me.

“That’s enough!” Max growls and his voice is deadly cold.

“Max, baby…” Jenna starts, and I jerk against his hold; ready to go after her again.

“Shut up Jenna and Tess, stop now,” he growls. “Jenna, I have an old lady now, and I’m no longer on the market. Respect my woman, or I’ll let Marcum know.”

“Whatever. Your ass will be locked back up soon anyway. I guess your time in the big house made you like skinny bitches. Hell, you probably been bending over for…”

Max has my hands, and he’s not letting go of me, but I know where the bitch is going, and there’s not a fucking way in hell she’ll finish that thought. I still have on Max’s uncle’s boots because Cherry couldn’t find shoes to fit me. Suddenly I’m very glad I’m still wearing the hard steel toes. I’m far enough away that I can get a good angle, and that’s the only thought I have in my head when I do my old cheer coach proud and kick out, catching Jenna between her legs. She cries, crumpling to the ground and Max jerks me further away from her. Jenna lies there whining, with tears running. Bitch.

“Tess, go to our room and wait for me!” Max orders, and yeah there’s no doubting he’s pissed at me big time now. I figure it was worth it.

He turns me loose, and I want to spit on her, but I resist. Barely.

“Fine! I guess I should be glad her skanky snatch didn’t swallow my foot,” I huff. That’s when I hear the laughter. I look over my shoulder, Marcum and Cherry are there laughing, same with Topper and Babs. The only one that isn’t laughing is Jinxy. She does give me a tight smile though, and I try to return it.

“Now, Tess.”

“Yes, Max,” I say, figuring I’ve caused enough trouble for one night and more than a little embarrassed that we’ve attracted so much attention.

“And Tess?”


“Make sure you clothes are off, and you’re bent over the bed waiting for me.”

I gasp and nearly swallow my tongue. When I look up at him, I can tell he’s not joking. A quiver of nervous excitement curls in my stomach. I don’t respond but walk on to the room.

I watch Tess walk away with a warring sense of pride and shock. I knew she had more fire than any woman I had ever known, but what I just saw here was something else entirely. The woman was jealous, fucking hilariously jealous. She was so panicked over staying in the Vipers compound, and she has no idea how well she fits in with them. Hell, she could rule over the old ladies easily after the stunt she just pulled. She even has Cherry’s respect now; I can see it in the other woman’s eyes.

“It seems your muffler bunnies have forgotten their place, Marcum.”

“Yeah, I see that. What do you want me to do with her?”

“I’d have her wash clothes and wait on Jinxy and the other women hand and foot,” Tess calls out from down in the hall.


“I’m going, Mad Max, I’m going. I’m just saying…”

“Too damn much…” I grumble while the other women are agreeing with Tess and giving Marcum a headache. I think it’s time I said my goodnights. “I’ll talk with you boys tomorrow.”

“That sure is a saucy little piece you’ve got there, Dawg,” Topper says.

“I’ve noticed,” I answer, not turning around. I’m not sure I want them to see how big I’m smiling.

“Going to take a lot to tame that one,” Marcum agrees. “You’re a lucky man, Maxwell,” Marcum adds, and again I don’t argue. For once, at least in this minute, I feel lucky—maybe even the luckiest son of a bitch on the face of the Earth.

When I make it to the room, Tess is sitting on the bed, still fully clothed. That’s damn disappointing.

“Before you start bitching, she’s lucky I didn’t do worse,” sh

e grumbles.

“Why do you still have your clothes on?”

“I mean the nerve of her and what kind of woman would just sleep with...What did you say?”

“I said, why do you still have your clothes on?”

“I well…uh…”

“I gave you an order, Kitten. Now explain why you ignored it.”

“You weren’t serious though, that was just for show out there in front of everyone, right?”

“I never put on a show for anyone, Tess. I gave you a direct order.”




“Are you defying me?”

“I thought you were taking me back home?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“So you’re just going to sleep with me, and then get rid of me? That’s classy, Max. Real classy.”

“No, first I’m going to smack that ass, then I’m going to fuck you raw, and then when you’re able to walk again, we’ll talk about when you want to go home.”

“When I want?”

“Marcum is going to put us up in a safe house the club owns, for a few days. While I figure out my next moves. It’s entirely your decision, Kitten, but I’d like you to stay with me a little longer.”


“I don’t want to give you up yet, Tess. I don’t want you to go. Though, after what’s happened the last couple of days, if you feel it’s best for you to go home, Marcum and the boys will see to that too. I know I can’t offer you much, but for however long we can, I want more time with you.” That’s it. That’s as honest as I can be with her. I’ve laid it out, and the next move is entirely in her hands. I don’t think I’ve ever been nervous before in my life, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m feeling right now. She leaves the bed and comes to stand in front of me. There’s something in her eyes that I can’t read.

“What happened to my caveman?”

“He’s giving you one chance to leave.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I’m bending you over this bed and fucking you so hard that you taste me in the back of that pretty little throat of yours.”