
Leave it on the counter.

Let boss prick send demands to someone else all weekend. But two hundred thousand dollars a year pays those student loans off a lot faster and keeps my parents afloat.

A shrill groan boils up my throat.

Whatever. I pick up the phone, scowling, and open the latest flaming bag of dog poo in my inbox.To: Sabrina Bristol

From: Magnus Heron

Priority: HIGH

Subject: Jingle BellsSabrina,Do you want to take several days off around Christmas so you can spend more time with your parents? Business slows to a crawl after the big ecommerce campaigns wind down, and we’re in limbo before the new year. Who knows when you’ll have another chance to take a vacation.

How’s your old man?M.

CEO of HeronComm Inc.Huh? Whatever else I expected, it wasn’t that.

Is this his way of changing the subject? Deflecting from the fact that he acts out like a rampaging grumpasaurus when I offer a second of comfort?

I sit on the bed, tapping the phone lightly on my chin.

Yeah. I don’t know how to respond.

Between Mag’s wild mood swings and Ruby’s warning, I really don’t want to give him any personal info about me or my family. I feel like a complete idiot for ever mentioning Dad’s heart issues.

Still...I also recognize an olive branch.

However pathetic, this is his thinly veiled, uber masculine attempt to apologize—you know—without actually apologizing.

Part of me revels in his pseudo-apology anyway.

How sad.

I haven’t known Heron that long, but I know he thinks he’s always right. He never lies, he’s brutally direct, and anyone who deals with him needs to take the same approach. Because Magnus Heron does not like to apologize.To: Magnus Heron

From: Sabrina Bristol

Subject: RE: Jingle BellsMag,My dad is fine. Thanks for asking. My parents will get by.S.

Executive Assistant to Magnus Heron, HeronComm Inc.Time off would be nice, but I’m not sold on his sympathy. His reply pings my phone less than a minute later.To: Sabrina Bristol

From: Magnus Heron

Subject: RE: RE: Jingle BellsSabrina,I hope so. Truly.

Retirement can be hard, especially for a former machinist and an author. If you want the extra downtime, say so, and I’ll approve it.M.

CEO of HeronComm Inc.What the hell? When did I tell him my parents’ careers? Never?To: Magnus Heron

From: Sabrina Bristol

Subject: Bad SantaYou checked up on my parents? Creepy.S.

Executive Assistant to Magnus Heron, HeronComm Inc.I bite back a smile. Yes, I’m half teasing, but still.

The man needs to learn boundaries, and snooping around after my family—even for a good cause like offering extra PTO—isn’t normal.To: Sabrina Bristol

From: Magnus Heron

Subject: RE: Bad SantaMiss Bristol,Always so quick to jump to conclusions. Watch where you land.

Of course, I had a full background check done. You’re part of my C-level team. It’s only appropriate, and you signed the consent form. Maybe some holiday time off with eggnog would help your holly jolly memory.Mr. Claus

CEO of HeronComm Inc.Damn him. I can’t help laughing at his signature.

I’m actually starting to be a little more flattered than weirded out. He has a million things on his mind, and yet he remembered a micro-detail about my life? That’s not entirely horrible.

But that doesn’t mean I won’t give him a hard time about it.

I hit reply and swipe my fingers across the letters on my screen.To: Magnus Heron

From: Sabrina Bristol

Subject: RE: RE: Bad SantaVery funny, Santa. /sarcasm

So I guess you’ll be peeping down my chimney next?

I didn’t know I was signing up to work for the alphabet with HeronComm, and when did I sign this consent form, anyway?S.

Executive Assistant to Magnus Heron, HeronComm Inc.Not even thirty seconds later, he blows up my inbox.To: Sabrina Bristol

From: Magnus Heron

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Bad SantaSabrina,It was in the batch of paperwork you signed with Ruby the very first day. What alphabet?M.

CEO of HeronComm Inc.I roll my eyes, wondering what else I agreed to in my wild rush to accept this job. It feels like forever ago. I fire off another reply.To: Magnus Heron

From: Sabrina Bristol

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Bad SantaYou know, like CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. Maybe you can hook me up with a national security clearance too?S.

Executive Assistant to Magnus Heron, HeronComm Inc.He’s back in my email a second later, and I can totally see the amused smirk pulling at his face in my head. I also laugh at seeing Miss Bristol. So we’re back to Captain Growly, I see.To: Sabrina Bristol

From: Magnus Heron

Subject: Your Spy CareerMiss Bristol,We manage huge accounts that supply technology and security to every alphabet agency keeping this country safe. I believe my Marine credentials go a long way toward making those clients feel comfortable. We’ve even assisted digital recruitment campaigns for the FBI.

We always land our clients huge government contracts. You should know that, and you’ll thank me someday when you’re being lauded for your service as an undercover agent.

I’m sure I’ll be disappointed to lose you to the CIA, but I’ll manage, Miss Bond.