“Still no luck on finding a new EA? I think that would help more than anything. As long as he’s a dude or an old granny. You get one sexy assistant for this lifetime, and lucky for you she’s still yours.”

“Don’t I know it, you little hellion,” I growl, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Trouble is, my last EA is impossible to replace, and for once I’m talking about her business skills. No one’s ever going to be as good as you.”

“Tell Ruby to expand her pool. You found me by casting a wider net, and I bet you’ll find plenty of other awesome candidates the same way,” she says.

I kiss her forehead. “Not a bad idea. Frankly, I only need half the EA you were to clean out my emails and follow me to meetings. You’re still around to make me my best.”

Her eyes look like molten amber, brown-gold in the light, and it makes my fucking heart pound.

“Yeah...kinda goes both ways. I can’t function without you, Mag.” Her lashes flutter.

This girl.

Wiggling my arm out from under her, I stand and come around the chaise to kneel in front of her.

She pulls herself up into a sitting position. “What are you doing?”

“Finishing this conversation,” I say, taking her hand.

It’s now or never.

We’ll see if I can close the biggest deal of my life when it truly counts.

“Listen, I can deal with finding a new assistant. I’m more interested in focusing on my new partner, and I want you to be mine in more ways than one, Brina.”

She doesn’t say anything. Not as the shock sets in.

Her eyes widen and her mouth hangs open.

I pull the velvet box from my pocket and flip it open.

“I propose a merger,” I tell her.

Her tongue curls under her teeth as she inhales sharply, hashing my words.

“Just kidding. I didn’t expect it to be that simple,” I say softly. “Here’s the real question. Miss Sabrina Bristol, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

She nods emphatically, too stunned to speak. But she’s laughing and crying at the same time, and I hope that means yes.

I move beside her and pull her into my lap, closing my arms around her. “I never expected to see my girl laugh and cry simultaneously when I proposed. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“Yes, yes, Magnus, yes! I love you so much, and I...I’ve been waiting for this. I didn’t think it’d be so soon and, and—”

“Brina. I bought the ring the day I won you back, over a month ago. I knew you were mine, my forever, ever since you wouldn’t get off my bench.”

“Your bench?” She shifts in my arms so she’s facing me, her face mere inches from mine. Our lips mingle. Our tongues brush. The kiss is long and sweet, and when it finally ends, the absence of her pressure hurts.

Minutes pass as I cradle her so close. I can hear her heartbeat in the loud, heavy silence.

“I should call my parents,” she whispers, rubbing her face.

I hold her hand, drawing circles over it with my thumb. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just trying to figure out how to break the news.” Her smile reaches from ear to ear. “Emily Bristol will be devastated if her only daughter received a marriage proposal without telling her first. Of course, if she gets the details, it’s likely to end up in a book.”

“I’m sure Mrs. Bristol already knows her daughter had a proposal coming. She might think you shot me down, though.”

Sabrina laughs, cocking her head. “How does she know that? And why on earth would I shoot you down?”

Given how feisty the tigress in my arms gets, I’m not sure how this will go over. “You’re close to your parents. I wanted to make sure we started off on the right track with them—”

“So?” She raises an eyebrow.

“So I asked your dad before I asked you. From what I gathered, he’s an old-fashioned guy.”

“...you did?” She blinks back tears.

I nod and this carefree smile cuts across my face.

“But why?”

“You love them, and they’ve been in your life longer than me.” I shrug. “I thought it was the right thing to do. If we have a daughter someday, it’s what I’d expect from the man who marries her. If he told me no, of course, I would’ve proposed anyway.”

She kisses me again.

Madly. Frantically. Beautifully.

“I got off easy and all the stars aligned,” I whisper, my eyes dancing, reflected back in hers. “I was worried you’d be pissed. You’re very independent and I love you for it.”

“No way. It was sweet, and if I didn’t want to marry you, you already know I’d tell both you and Dad where to go.”

“I couldn’t handle it if you didn’t,” I admit, sincerity in my throat so hot it scorches.

Her eyes narrow in bliss and her lips find mine again.