A furious sting like a pissed-off murder hornet bathes my jaw in fire before I can even figure out what the hell is going on.

I just got fucking slapped by my own HR Director.

It’s official. I’ve lost control of this ship and my life.

“Have you lost your damned mind?” I snarl.

“Nope. That was me hitting you with a smart stick. We’ll see if I can undo the hundred stupid sticks you’ve already been whacked with. Someone has to knock some sense into you, and since Brina’s gone, guess who gets the job. What the hell did you do to her, Mag?”

She folds her arms in front of her chest with a pout.

“Nothing!” I spit, her slap resonating through me.

Ruby shakes her head. “Bull. She always got here between five and six most days and usually left around midnight. She hung on your every word. Now she’s asking for time off. So spill it.”

“Give her the vacation time.”

I at least owe her that.

“Oh, I will, but that’s not the real issue.” Ruby puts a hand on her hip. “Is she coming back?”

I hesitate because I don’t fucking know.

And the thought that I’m the colossal asshole who drove her away, who made her quit, who chased her away hits worse than a thousand face-shearing slaps from Miss Hunting.

“What am I, her keeper? You’ll have to ask her.”

I know I certainly can’t. Not after that last blistering text.

Lose my fucking number.

I’ll be damned if I send her a message and make this worse than the nuclear dumpster fire it already is.

“I’ll send an email soon. If she doesn’t answer, should I put an ad out for a new EA?” Ruby asks tightly.

I look down at my desk. “If she comes back, the job’s still hers.”

The thought of replacing her, even just as my EA, makes me fucking sick.

Filled with pure, throbbing loathing for myself.

“I’m going to ask one more time, Mag, and if you won’t answer, that’s fine. But I hope you think about it and figure your shit out. What did you do to that woman?”

I don’t answer.

Ruby’s gaze bores into me like a blade. Her hands fall to my desk, and she leans over me.

“Listen, idiot. She’s the best EA you’ve ever had. I don’t have to tell you that even if I manage to find someone who doesn’t quit on you in two weeks, your life will be harder. Much harder. Because no one else will ever do what Brina does.”

“I hear you,” I grind out. “If you’re done with your rant, please—”

“No.” She shakes her head, her eyes narrowed like an angry cat. “No, Magnus. You think I’m just talking about business? She...she loved you. It’s been obvious to everyone in this office the last few weeks. It’s why she put up with your never-ending fuckery. Not only have you lost our best employee—you fucked things up with the only woman who could ever love you.”

Loved me?

Fuck it.

Another complication I don’t need.

“Admit it,” Ruby whispers. “You know how right I am, and it’s not too late to pull your head out of your—”

“Ass? Yes, you are, Ruby, and I’m done with it.” I tent my hands over my chest and lean back in my chair. “I won’t admit to anything. I’ve also got over a billion reasons in the bank that say I won’t have any trouble hiring cupid whenever I need his services.”

Her whole face sours, bright-red lips twisting like an expired cherry. Then she heads back to the door.

“You’re making it really, really hard not to slap you again. No fortune in the world is worth your attitude. You’re so ridiculous you can’t be honest with yourself. I get it. The crap with Jordan, you’re hurt, and you’re lashing out.” She throws her hands up. “Honestly? I never thought I’d say this, but, Magnus Heron, you need to grow the fuck up. You’re acting like your father. A man women literally hid from when they knew he was in the building.”

“You watch your tongue or Miss Bristol won’t be the only one handing in her resignation,” I bite off, and immediately regret it.

That went too far, but so did she.

Frustrated, I stand, chucking the legal pad on my desk across the room. Ruby doesn’t flinch as it smacks the wall next to her.

I never aimed to hit her. I’m not that insane. I’m just fucking reeling.

“Really?” Ruby glares, folding her arms.

“You don’t get it. I broke things off with Brina specifically because I’m not my shitbag father. It wasn’t any easier for me than it was for her. I can’t be him. I won’t. The incident at the hospital made me realize...” I trail off, the words stuck in my throat. My eyes land on the legal pad on the floor behind her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to throw it.”