“It makes perfect sense,” he retorted. “Especially if you’ve been working with Samil for months. It explains how you knew where Myka was, how you escaped Navang’s facility, how you were able to control the Athena. This has all been one brilliant set-up.”

“You’re right, it has. I just wish I was the one who’d thought of it. I’d give anything to wipe that smug sneer off your lips, you short-sighted ass**le.” Anger surged through her, and her vision flashed red as her implant kicked on and off, the heads-up display flickering through Finn’s vitals and stats. He was as upset as she was, based on how fast his pulse was racing.

Beside her, Viktis muttered to her under his breath. “Keep it together, Renna. I have a plan to get us out of this,” he said softly.

“You and me both.” But she took a deep breath and brought herself under control. She ordered the implant off, and shockingly it obeyed. Maybe she was finally getting the hang of this thing.

Finn motioned again with his gun. “Hands up, please. Blake, cuff her. But be careful.”

The lieutenant frowned at Renna, then glanced back at Finn. “You sure about this? I still think there’s something we’re missing here.”

Renna smiled at Blake. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, handsome, but you’re not going to change his mind. We’ve got a history, and for some reason he can’t see past that. Wish it had been different.”

Blake shook his head. “But then I’d never have met you. We’ll figure this out, Renna. Just let us take you in and clear it all up.”

“Sorry, but that’s not going to happen.” As Blake closed in, Renna dropped her hands and struck out with her foot. She swiped Blake’s legs from beneath him, then side-stepped his attempt to grab her.

Beside her, Viktis launched himself directly at Finn’s gun hand. His long amber fingers closed around Finn’s wrist, twisting it back. The two men grunted as they struggled for control.

Renna had only a split second before Blake attacked again, but thanks to her earlier sparring with him, she knew exactly where his weaknesses were. And she had no problem using them against him now.

As the lieutenant tried to jump to his feet, she struck again, her boot connecting firmly with his gut. Blake hissed, going down again, and this time he didn’t get up. Renna didn’t wait to see if he was okay. Instead she turned back to Finn and Viktis.

The two men were locked together, struggling over Finn’s gun. Viktis seemed to have the worst of it. Sweat poured down his face, and he gasped for breath as Finn twisted his body, seeming to gather his strength.

Shit. She recognized the move from Bumani, the fighting style he’d taught her so long ago. It was up to her now, and she’d only have one shot at bringing Finn down before he struck. Renna tensed her own body as she readied herself to attack. She’d have to be perfect or Viktis would be directly in the line of fire.

As Finn’s leg muscles bunched, she struck out, her hand connecting with the soft flesh of his side. Exactly where his kidney was. Three quick strikes and he’d dropped to the ground, the gun clattering across the floor. He curled into the fetal position with a moan, and Renna grabbed Viktis’s arm.


Still panting from his fight, Viktis sprinted down the corridor, Renna following close behind. “Through here,” he gasped.

He jammed a fist against the elevator call button, and seconds later it arrived. They rushed inside as shouting filled the hall.

Finn was calling for back up.


Renna and Viktis raced across a narrow bridge and into docking bay 324. A prototype long-range Ultra Explorer sat gleaming under the hololights.

“Prep for takeoff,” Viktis shouted into his comm.

Renna and the pirate thundered up the gangplank, and the ship’s hatch started closing behind them as soon as they cleared the threshold. The smell of chrome polish and new leather greeted her. Renna inhaled deeply. The ship was gorgeous, but there was no time to admire it now. They needed to get the hell off the station before MYTH scrambled its own ships.

Viktis raced toward the flight deck, a small area at the front of the ship, and Renna followed closely behind.

Another Ileth with dark ochre skin sat at the controls, glancing back as they climbed the deck. “Prepped and ready to go, Viktis.”

“Then get us the hell out of here,” Viktis ordered.

The warning klaxons screamed throughout the hangar as the alien switched to takeoff mode. The bay door started to rise slowly while the clamps holding the ship in place released as the grav thrusters kicked in. The ship bobbed in place as the door finished rising.

In the port authority command booth, Finn glared down at her. She met his gaze, then flipped him off with a sneer as the Ileth pilot gunned the controls. With a roar from the engines, they shot into space and out of MYTH’s clutches.

“Prep for hyperspeed,” Viktis said, rubbing a shaking hand over the ridges in his skull.

“Where to?” the pilot asked. “I need a destination to plot our course.”

“I don’t care. Just get us the hell out of here.”

“Very well, I’ll head for the Egonne system. It’s centrally located, and we should be able to hide out there for a while.” The pilot input the coordinates into his nav computer before turning back to Renna.

“Ariz Teray at your service,” he said, holding a hand out. “Used to fly for Viktis years ago. I see there are plenty of people out there who still want to kill him.”

Renna shook it and smiled at the man. “Until recently, I was included in that list. Nice to meet you.”

Viktis shook his head. “Ariz was never one to follow the rules, but then again neither am I. Must be why we get along so well.” He clapped a hand on the pilot’s shoulder. “We’ll give you real coordinates as soon as we have them. Let me know if there’s any sign of pursuit.”

“You’ll be the first to know.” Ariz grinned at Renna. “Nice to finally meet you, Miss Carrizal. Back in the day, Viktis talked a lot about you. I can see he wasn’t exaggerating.” His gaze traveled down Renna’s body, and she narrowed her eyes.

“He wasn’t exaggerating about how many fights I’ve won either,” she said. “Keep it professional or I’ll make sure you learn about my skills firsthand.”

Ariz’s jaw dropped. “Yes, ma’am. Terribly sorry.”

Viktis turned away with a chuckle. “Let’s get the tour over with so we can figure out where we go next. As soon as Samil learns we’re on the run, I have a feeling she’ll be after us faster than light speed.”