I’m standing at Royce’s house, well, our house, staring into the boxes and furniture that’s sitting in the extra bay of the garage. “This is not what a four-car garage is for,” I tell him.

“It works. I’ll move the SUV to the detached garage, and you can take that spot. You have plenty of time to work through your stuff. All of your clothes are in our room.”

“Our room,” I repeat his words, letting them roll off my tongue.

“Come on, it’s cold out here.” He takes my hand and leads me into the house.

“I wish everyone would have stayed and let me feed them.”

“Had and Derek brought pizza. And they know how much you appreciate it. That’s what family does.”

My eyes water. I have a family again. “I know but, I need to thank them.”

“How about we invite everyone over in a couple of weeks? We can cook, or we’ll order in, but you can thank them then.”

“Deal.” Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I send a text to Hadley and Derek.Me: Thank you both so much for all for your help.Had & D: That’s what family is for.Royce looks over my shoulder, reading the message. “Told you,” he says, smirking.Me: Thank you all so much for helping today.I hit Send to Owen, Grant, Conrad, and Marshall. Their replies are immediate.Grant: Anytime, S.Conrad: You tamed the beast!Marshall: You kids be good.Owen: That’s what family is for.“Come on, you.” Royce pulls my phone from my hands. “Shower and bed.” I don’t put up a fight as he leads me to our room. That’s going to take some getting used to, but the smile on my face is genuine. I’m exhausted but in the best way. We’re on our way to starting our future together. My mind flashes an image of the diamond ring I know he has in the safe. I don’t know when he’s going to ask me, but when he does, I’m ready to say yes. Fate brought us together, and love is going to carry us into the future.Epilogue RoyceRoyce“I’m stuffed,” Dad says, pushing back from the table. “Delicious as always, dear,” he tells my mom. We’re sitting around my parents’ massive dining room table, having just finished eating Thanksgiving dinner.

“It wasn’t just me this year. Sawyer was a huge help.” She smiles over at my girl.

“All I did was mash the potatoes. With a mixer.” Sawyer laughs.

“It’s more help than I’m used to getting.” Mom gives each of us a pointed look.

“Hey, now,” Marshall pipes up. “Last time we tried to help, you kicked us out of the kitchen.”

“You ruined the deviled eggs.” Mom points at him, barely containing her laughter.

“We didn’t know they didn’t need to be cooked,” he tells her, making us all laugh.

“Thank you for having me. Everything was delicious,” Sawyer tells my parents.

“You’re family, Sawyer” is my mom’s only reply.

“Hey.” I lean over and whisper in her ear, “Take a walk with me?”

She turns and gives me a smile that lights up the room. “Let me help clean up first.”

“Nope. You helped cook. These five can help me. You two go on.”

“Are you sure?”

“We’ve got this,” Dad tells her.

“Come on.” I stand and reach for her hand. I lead her to the door where we bundle up and head outside.

She sucks in a deep breath. “I love it here, Royce. It’s so peaceful, and the stars,” she says, looking up at the night sky.

My heart pounds against my chest at the realization of what’s about to happen. “You want to walk or take the UTV?”

“Let’s ride. Can we go out to the gazebo? I bet it’s beautiful with all the snow.”

“Yeah, babe. We can go to the gazebo.” I couldn’t have planned this better. She’s falling right into what I’ve already orchestrated. Thanks to the help of my parents and my brother, everything is all set up and waiting for us.

I take the long way around. The UTV has a window and roof, so it keeps the wind off us. I grabbed a blanket from the chest, though, and give it to her to cover up with. Mom is always prepared. I never realized how handy that is, but it’s worked in my favor more times than I can count.

I pull up to an old treehouse that has seen better days. “This is our old treehouse.” I shine the lights so she can see. “It’s too rough to use, but someday when our kids get old enough, we’ll build them another one, just like this one.”

“Make sure it’s big enough for me to sit in there too.”


She nods. “I want to be able to experience it with them.”

“Me too,” I say as I continue on. “This is where Owen got Dad’s new tractor stuck when he was sixteen. I was eighteen. It was the summer before I was headed off to college. He got the bright idea to dig a mud hole for the four-wheelers. Not a terrible idea, but he did it during a torrential summer downpour. Hence the tractor getting stuck.”