“I don’t understand.”

Closing the box, I place it back in my pocket. This is not how I plan to propose to her. I don’t want that to be her memory of the moment I ask her to spend forever with me. “We ran into Jennifer that day. She told me that she and her wife- her best friend—had broken up and she made a mistake. She wanted to try again.” She flinches at my words. “I told her that was never happening, baby. She’s nothing to me. A blimp in my past, but you, Sawyer, you’re my future.”

“I’m so sorry,” she sobs. “I saw the message, and I thought the worst.”

“Shh.” I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. “I have one more call to make. One more call, Sawyer, and then I’m going to show you how much I love you.” Pulling away from her, I turn and grab my phone off the table. I open my messages and tap the “unknown” number placing the call on speaker.

“Royce, I missed you,” Jennifer’s fake as hell voice answers.

“Cut the shit, Jen,” I say. “I’ve informed my staff, which includes the security team, you’re not allowed on the premises of any of the Riggins Enterprises facilities. Furthermore, if you show up at my home or those of my family, you’ll be escorted off by the police, and I’ll file a harassment restraining order.”

“Ro—” she starts, but I cut her off.

“This is not up for negotiation. You threw me away, and that was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“I fucking knew it,” she seethes. “I knew that jewelry bag was for another woman.”

“The love of my life,” I say, my eyes locking on Sawyer.

“You’re my husband!” she screams.

“I have signed and filed divorce papers that state otherwise.”

“Don’t do this,” she says, panic in her voice. “I need you.”

“No, you need my money.” Silence greets me on the other end. “I don’t know what you’re scheming, but it’s not going to work.”

“You have to help us,” she says, her tone changing. “We want a baby, Royce, and adoption fees are outrageous.”

“Use your divorce settlement.”

“I have!” she screams. “We both tried in vitro with a donor, and it didn’t take. We want a family,” she cries.

“You should have started with that. Scheming and lying isn’t a way to get my help, and those lies ruined any chance of me helping you. Stay away from my family, Jennifer,” I say, my tone sharp. “You will regret it if not.”

“Fuck you, Royce! I hate you.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” I say, ending the call and tossing my phone on the floor.

“She’s horrible,” Sawyer says softly. “But I feel bad for her.”

“I would have helped her,” I say honestly. “If she were honest, I would have helped her, but I can’t do it, Sawyer. Not when she tried to take you away from me.”

“She didn’t know who I was.”

“She knew. There was no reason for her to say all of that to you otherwise.”

“How do you know what she said?”

“Security footage.”

She rolls her eyes. “I should have known.”

“Con is all over that shit, babe. That’s his forte.” I stand from the floor and hold my hand out for her. “Let’s go to bed. I need to hold you.” Without hesitation, she places her hand in mine as I lead her around the house, locking up for the night. Stopping at the door of my office, I lead her inside, and with one hand, type in the combination on my safe. Reaching into my pocket, I retrieve the ring box and place it inside, before locking the door. I turn to look at her. “That ring is yours, Sawyer. I want nothing more than to have it on your finger so that the world knows you’re spoken for. However, tonight is not how I want you to remember the moment you promise to be mine forever. I want it to be special. I have a plan,” I tell her.

She nods. “Okay.”

“I love you,” I say, pulling her into a kiss.

“I love you too.” With that, I turn off the light, and lead her down the hall to my room, soon to be our room. I need to hold her. In fact, I’m not sure I’ll let her out of bed all damn weekend. The hours when I didn’t know where she was took years off my life. I’m not ready to let her out of my sight. I don’t know that I’ll ever be ready.Chapter 25SawyerI’m in that moment in between being awake and being asleep. Royce’s arms are clasped around me. I don’t think we moved at all once we fell asleep. I let the events of last night replay in my mind. He took his time undressing us both before pulling back the covers. Together, we climbed into bed. He drew me close and simply held me. I expected him to make love to me, but the silence of the room surrounding us, and with the security of his arms locked around me, I fell fast asleep.