“That’s it!” Grant swims after her, but she’s faster and swims to me, wrapping herself back around me. “He can’t save you.”

“He can,” I answer for her.

Grant’s smiling at the two of us. “He won’t be by your side all day.” He takes two fingers and points at his eyes, then points them at Sawyer. “I’m watching you, blondie,” he teases.

That’s how the entire day goes. We break to grill some burgers before going back in the water. It’s just the boat today, but I can’t help but imagine the two of us out here on the Jet Skis—anything to keep that smile on her face and keep her wrapped around me.“Owen is going to have to drive us home,” I tell Sawyer as we get back to the garage and start to unload the boat. “I had four beers.” I’m kicking myself in the ass for having one, but it was damn nice to just let loose and have some fun.

“I only had one, and that was when we first hit the water. That was hours ago. We’ve eaten since then and everything.”

“You kids have fun?” My dad’s voice greets us. Turning, I find him and Mom holding hands walking into the garage.

“You two should have come with us,” Owen says, greeting Mom with a hug and a kiss to her cheek.

“Oh, you kids don’t want us hanging around.”

“You know you’re always welcome,” Conrad tells her. “Besides, then Sawyer would have had another woman to talk to. She was outnumbered.” My brother grins, and I feel Sawyer stiffen beside me.

Mom's eyes scan until they land on the two of us. “Sawyer.” She lets go of Dad’s hand and walks toward us. “I’ve heard so many great things about you.” She steps into Sawyer’s space and wraps her in a hug. “Gail, Sam, and the boys, all of them have had nothing but great things to say.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Riggins.”

“Oh, none of that Mrs. business. Call me Lena.”

“Thank you, Lena,” Sawyer corrects. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“This is my husband, Stanley.” Mom turns and motions for Dad to join them.

“It’s a pleasure.” Dad offers her his hand. “You keeping these boys in line?”

“They were very well behaved,” she assures our parents with a slight laugh.

“Come in and eat. I’ve got fried chicken and all the fixings,” Mom tells us.

I chance a look at Sawyer, and she shrugs. “We’ll be right in,” I tell Mom. I finish helping my brothers clean up the boat, making sure we have all the trash and wet clothes. “We’re headed in to change,” Conrad says.

“We’ve got our stuff here.” I hold up my bag and Sawyer’s. “We’ll be right in.”

“Take your time.” Marshall winks. “We’ll cover for you.”

“Jackass,” I mumble, but his laugh and that of my other brothers tell me they all heard me. I wait until it’s just the two of us before sliding my arms around her and pulling her into a hug. “I had such a good day with you.”

“Me too. It was fun.” She pulls out of the hug. “Thank you for the invite.”

“Are you okay with dinner with my family?”

“Are you?” she counters.

“Yes.” I don’t even think about my reply. I’m always ready for more time with her. I’m in trouble with this girl. Deep, deep trouble.

“We’re friends.”

Reaching out, I slide my hand behind her neck and lean down, placing my forehead against hers. “I want to be more than your friend, Sawyer.”

Her hands rest on my chest. “It’s been a weird couple of days. Let’s give it some time and make sure you still feel that way.”

“I’m not going to change my mind.”

“Good.” Green eyes smile up at me. “Where can I change?”

“There’s a bathroom through the door.” I point to the door to our left. “But I can help you here, and it’s just us.” I let my hand slide down her bare back, nothing but the strap of her bikini top in my way of feeling her soft skin.

“Go change.” She pushes away from me and removes her bag that I still have over my shoulder and saunters off to the bathroom. I swear she adds some extra sway to her hips just for my benefit, but I’m good with that. I soak up the sight of her until I can no longer see her.

Dropping my bag to the floor, I slip out of my swim trunks and pull my dry clothes out of my bag. I’m not worried about being seen. My brothers have seen it all before, and to be honest, I wouldn’t be upset if Sawyer caught me. Maybe she’ll be tortured the way her body on display and snuggled up to mine in the water has tortured me all day today.

“Ready?” she asks, not even five minutes later. She’s in a tank top and cutoff shorts, her wet hair is up in some kind of knot on top of her head. She has no makeup on, and I love her like this. Just Sawyer. She’s never looked sexier to me than she does in this moment.