“Have a seat.” Gail pats the spot at the long conference table next to the one she now occupies.

Grateful to be sitting next to her, needing her as an ally, I take the seat beside hers, and we begin to unpack our boxed lunches. “This looks great. Thank you,” I tell her. I’m starving, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to eat, knowing that I’ll have five sets of sexy eyes on me in no time. Speaking of those five sets of eyes, their deep voices are growing closer by the second.

“I swear those boys are a rambunctious bunch when they’re all together.” Gail chuckles. “Always have been. Their momma, Lena, she’s a saint of a woman raising those five.” There is nothing but fondness in her tone. It tells me that she’s not only been with the company for years but the family. I can tell they are more than just an employer to her.

I don’t have time to comment before the first one steps into the room, followed by the other four. I stop what I’m doing and stare at each of them as they take seats around the table. My palms are suddenly sweaty, and my chest is rising a little faster as my breathing accelerates. I was nervous for today, starting a new job. Not once in any of my scenarios did I imagine myself sitting across from Royce and his brothers. All five of the sexy, suit-clad, gorgeous men. It’s more than I bargained for.

Turning, I look to Gail. “Thank you for lunch,” I say politely. I know I’ve already thanked her, but I need to focus on something other than the panel of men who are sitting across from me.

“Of course, we’re going to feed you lunch on your first day. Anytime you order for these guys”—Gail points across the table—“add something for yourself as well.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary,” I tell her.

She waves me off and turns her attention to the men in the room. “Your formal introduction. This is Sawyer Gibson. She’s taking over for Samantha. I sent you all an email this morning, briefing you that Sam has agreed to train her remotely. Something I’m sure you are all grateful for.” I can hear the smile in her voice.

The guys all mumble their agreement that they were aware of my existence and the fact that Sam will be training me. Royce stares at me for a few seconds longer than the others before busying himself with his lunch. Oh, how I wish I would have done a little research. Maybe then, I wouldn’t be so intimidated by the line of Adonis-looking men staring at me. I would have known who he was on the plane, and I would have known that there were four others just like him.

“Now, let’s go down the line, shall we?” She looks at me, and I nod my agreement. “Royce, Owen, Conrad, Grant, and Marshall.” She points out each one as she says their names.

The pictures in the folder that she gave me don’t do justice to the real thing. How am I going to work with all five of them every day, all day long? I wipe my sweaty palms on my skirt. I don’t know if it’s nerves or the fact that five very attractive men are watching me intently.

“So, Sawyer, what’s your background?” one of them asks me. I have no idea which one he is. The only name, and face I remember is Royce. I chance a look at him, and he’s watching me, waiting for my reply. I think it’s Grant. Damn, I wish I would have been more prepared.

“I worked at a law firm in Seattle as an administrative assistant.”

“What did you do there?” another asks. I think this one is Owen, but I can’t be sure.

“Everything,” I say with a small nervous laugh. “Answered the phone, scheduled meetings and appointments for ten attorneys. Prepared meeting rooms, filed depositions, coordinated hearings with the courthouse, got lunch, coffee, snacks. You name it, I did it.”

“I’m surprised you left with that kind of responsibility. I’m Conrad, by the way.” He winks. My confusion as to who is who must be apparent. “Don’t worry. You’ll learn all of us eventually.”

“Sorry,” I say sheepishly. “Gail gave me a cheat sheet, but we’ve been so busy today, I didn’t have time to study it.” I give him what I hope is a confident smile. “As far as the job, there were… issues. Things I didn’t agree with, and I felt it was time that I leave the company.”

“So you weren’t prepared for your first day?” This comes from Royce. “What kind of issues?” he adds.

Sexy, brooding, and 100 percent the alpha CEO I’m sure he’s known for. Good to know, I think, as I take mental notes about each brother. He’s nothing like my Royce from the plane. “I knew that Riggins Enterprises was family-owned and operated, but I did not know to what extent. I felt it was important to learn the company and the owners firsthand, not read and fall into what very well could be false from the internet.” I keep my shoulders straight and maintain eye contact.