Quickly, I close down my computer and grab my purse. I survey my desk for anything personal. There is a picture of Had and me at college graduation and one of Royce and me. I grab the picture of Had. Everything else can be trashed. As far as I’m concerned, I want to forget he ever existed. Maybe then the pain will lessen.

I’m able to maintain my composure on the ride to the lobby on the main floor. I rode with Royce today, so I’m going to need to hail a cab. I walk outside to do just that and see the hotel across the street. On impulse, I rush across the street and inside. Within fifteen minutes, I’m in a room dropping to the bed and letting the tears I’ve been fighting coat my cheeks.

The pain in my chest intensifies when I think about Saturday night. Sitting at Jase and Sam’s holding baby Aria, Royce told me he loved me for the first time. We talked about what our life might look like in the future with kids. A sob fills the room as the pain of what he’s done rushes through me.

I don’t know how long I lie here. Long enough for the pillow to be soaked from my tears and exhaustion to set in. My phone has been ringing nonstop, each time it’s Royce or one of his brothers. I’m not ready to talk to them. Not yet. When my phone rings, I start to ignore it, but I’m a glutton for punishment. I glance at the screen. This time it’s Hadley, and a fresh swarm of tears clogs my throat.

“H-Had,” I croak out in greeting.

“Sawyer, where are you?” I can hear her panic in her voice.

“He l-lied to me.”

“Who lied to you?”


“He’s looking for you.”

“I left.”

“Where are you?” she asks again.

“A hotel.”

“You’re safe?” she asks, her voice holding less panic than before.


“Okay, good.” She sighs in relief. “Tell me what’s going on.”

I start at the beginning. I tell her about Saturday after I left their place, about baby Aria, and Royce telling me that he loved me. It was the perfect moment of what I thought was raw honesty. It was our moment, and he stole that away from me. All along, he was planning to get back with his ex-wife.

“Sawyer, you know I love you, right?” Hadley asks.


“You’re an idiot.”

“What?” I wipe at my cheeks.

“Think about all of this, really think about it. Look past what you think is the betrayal and think about what you know about her, what you know about Royce. I don’t believe for a single second that man is getting back with her. Sawyer, he’s beside himself looking for you. He’s a wreck. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that that man isn’t head over heels in love with you.”

“What do you mean?” I’m trying to decipher her words through my tear-fogged head.

“I mean that he’s losing his mind worried about you. There has to be an explanation for all of this.”

“What? I saw the message.”

“Did you see her name on his phone?”


“The message. Was her name programmed into his phone?”

I think back to the message. “No.”

“Surely, if they were getting back together, he would have saved her number.”

“Maybe,” I say, letting her words take root in my mind.

“There is no maybe about it. He’s here, Sawyer. Looking at him now, I can say with 100 percent certainty that he’s not getting back with his ex-wife.”

“Then explain it to me.” My voice is pleading, and there is hope. I hope that this could be a misunderstanding, that there is a reason for all of this, and Royce is still the man who owns my heart. The man who loves me.

“It’s not my place to explain.”

“I don’t know if I can see him.”

“This isn’t you, Sawyer. Where is my fierce best friend who kneed her boss in the balls for coming onto her?”

“She fell in love.”

“You love him?”


“Then fight for him, Sawyer. Don’t let a woman who you already know is a conniving, lying, toxic bitch cause trouble between the two of you.”

“What do you know?” I ask her.

“Like I said, it’s not my place, but I’m team Royce.”

I can’t help but laugh at her. “You’re right,” I agree with her. “I need to hear it from him.”

“Where is she?” I hear Royce ask in the background.

“I need some time, but I’ll be at his place later.”

“You okay?” she asks me.

“Yeah, I will be. Thanks, Had. Although, depending on how this turns out, I might be pounding on your door later tonight.”

“My door is always open to you, but I don’t think that will be an issue. Once he lays his eyes on you, he’s not going to let you out of his sight.” There’s rustling, and then I hear his voice in my ear.