“What about your wings?”

“Momma’s making dinner, Sawyer. I don’t pass up my momma’s food,” he says, rubbing his belly.

“I don’t blame you there. She’s an incredible cook.”

“Who are we talking about?” Royce asks, joining us.

“Your mom.”

He nods. “I’m heading into a meeting with Owen and Grant about the new Ohio plant. It should be a couple of hours. Come and get me if anything comes up.” He leans down and kisses me. “You’re still mine for the weekend, right?” he asks.

“For as long as you want me.”

“Forever, Sawyer. I want you forever.”

“On that note, I’m out.” Marshall waves and heads back to his office.

I smile up at Royce. “Go to your meeting before you’re late. I already set up some snacks and drinks in the small conference room.”

“What would I do without you?” he asks. “Oh, I’m going to leave my phone with you. The contractor for Ohio might call. I gave him my cell so he can reach me this weekend. We’re on a time crunch. Answer and interrupt us if he calls, please,” he adds.

“I hope neither of us ever find out,” I tell him honestly. “And yes, I’ll watch your phone. That’s my job.”

“You’re mine, baby.” Another quick kiss to the corner of my mouth. “And you’re more than my assistant,” he says before he turns and disappears down the hall for his meeting.

I try to calm my racing heart as I dive back into my hundreds of emails I need to answer. “Sawyer, we’re out,” Conrad says, Marshall hot on his heels. “Mom needs help,” Conrad tells me.

“Uh-huh, you just want free food.”

He winks at me. “Catch ya later, sis.” They both wave as the elevator doors close.

With Marshall and Conrad gone for the day and the other three in a meeting, I should have lots of quiet time to get caught up on these emails, and maybe if I’m lucky, return a few phone calls. I don’t know what Royce has planned for us, but I hope it’s lots of relaxing.

Grabbing my phone, I pull up my playlist and hit Play. Turning the volume down low, I get to work.“Excuse me,” a female voice snips.

My head whips up as I reach for my phone to hit Pause on my music. “I’m so sorry. I was so engrossed in what I was doing, I didn’t hear you arrive. Can I help you with something?”

“Where’s the other girl? Sarah, or Sally, whatever her name was?”

“Samantha,” I correct. “She’s been gone for a few months now. She’s got a newborn baby girl,” I tell her with a kind smile.

She waves her hand in the air, letting me know she couldn’t care less about Sam and baby Aria. “I’m here to see Royce.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Riggins is in a meeting. Can I give him a message?” I ask politely. I have no idea who this woman is, but she knows Royce apparently.

“No,” she snaps. “I don’t want to leave my husband a message. I’ll just text him.”

“H-Husband?” I stammer out the word.

“Yes. Royce Riggins, my husband.” She rolls her eyes as if having to explain herself is exhausting.

“Your ex-husband,” I find myself saying.

“Not that it’s any of your concern, but we’re working things out.”

“Right.” I laugh humorlessly. My heart is racing, and I want nothing more than to slap the lies out of her. She hurt my gorgeous multi-layered man, and it takes considerable effort not to do so.

“Listen, if you value your job, you’ll respect me. Disrespectful just like Sam. Where in the hell does he find you idiots?” she mumbles, her fingers flying across the screen of her phone.

I brace my hands on the desk, ready to let her have it when Royce’s phone vibrates where it sits next to mine. Glancing at the screen, I blanch at what I see.Unknown: It was so good to reconnect on Saturday. I can’t wait to see you again. This time it’s going to be different, baby. I can feel it. Miss you.My knees threaten to buckle as my mind whirls with what I’ve just read. He was with her on Saturday. He lied to me. I fell for it. He had me convinced that he was helping Owen, and Owen, oh God, he was in on it. The room begins to spin as I grapple for my chair to sit.

“Worthless,” she mutters before flipping her hair over her shoulders and stomping off.

I vaguely remember the ding of the elevator and the whooshing sound of the doors closing, but I can’t be sure. All I can think about is that he lied. The man I’ve fallen head over heels for lied to me. He’s back with his ex-wife. I didn’t believe her, but that message. He wasn’t with me Saturday, and he was insistent that he couldn’t change his plans. Pain ricochets in my chest as I fight back the hot tears that prick my eyes.