“Sawyer’s home. I’ll see what she’s thinking and let you know,” I tell Jase. He called and invited us over to visit and see the baby.

“Later,” he says, ending the call.

Standing, I make my way to the front door. I pull it open just as she’s about to reach for the handle. “I missed you,” I say, grabbing her and pulling her into a hug. I want to drop to my knees right now and tell her how much I love her and beg her to spend the rest of her life with me.

She laughs. “It was a few hours at best.”

“Too long,” I murmur as I place a kiss on her neck.

“Am I allowed to come inside?” she asks, humor lacing her voice.

“You can do whatever the hell you want,” I tell her.

“Then let me in, Riggins.” Stepping out of my hold, she places her hand against my chest and pushes me back as she steps forward. Reaching behind her, I close the door. “How were the newlyweds?”

“Great.” She smiles. “Their new house is so pretty. She’s just starting to decorate, but it’s really cute. I’m a little jealous. My apartment is not as appealing now.” She laughs.

“You can do whatever you want here,” I tell her.

“What? I can’t just redecorate your house.”

Our house. “Sure you can. I don’t really have an eye for any of that. Do whatever you want. In fact…” I reach into my wallet and hand her my credit card. “…do your worst, baby.”

“I love your house,” she says, spinning to get a full view. We’re still standing in the foyer.

“It’s nice, but it could use a woman’s touch,” I say, pulling her back into my arms.

“Maybe we can do it together?” she asks, eyes full of hope as she stares up at me.

“Done.” I place a kiss on the tip of her nose. “What are our plans for the night?”

“I’ve got nothing. Hadley and Derek are going to his parents’.”

“What about going to see Jase, Sam, and baby Aria?” Her eyes light up. “Jase just called and invited us over. Said Sam needs some girl time.”

“You know I’m down for my baby fix.” She grins.

Fifteen minutes later, we’re pulling into their driveway. Sawyer is so excited she doesn’t wait for me to open the door for her. She’s bouncing on the balls of her feet in front of my car, waiting on me. “Come on, slowpoke.” She waves her hands in a “come here” motion.

“We just saw them at the hospital last week,” I remind her.

“A whole week, Royce. Seven long days without my baby Aria fix.” She grabs my hand as soon as I’m within reaching distance and hauls me up the steps. She knocks, and Jase tugs open the door a short while later with Aria resting against his chest.

“Aw, gimme.” Sawyer reaches for the baby. “Wait, I need to wash my hands. I’ll be right back.” She darts inside, slipping past Jase. I hear her call out “Hello” to Sam as she makes her way to the bathroom to wash her hands.

“I might have to fight your girl for my daughter,” Jase says, a serious look on his face.

“Come on.” I laugh, slapping him on the shoulder and walking into the house. By the time we make it to the living room, Sawyer is finished and reaching for Aria.

“Come on, Daddy,” she coos to Jase. “Let me have a turn, you baby hog.”

“She’s my daughter,” Jase defends.

“Go cuddle with your fiancée,” she tells him. His eyes dart to Sam, and that’s all it takes to relinquish his daughter to Sawyer.

“Hold her head,” he tells her.

“I’ve got this, Andrews, now go.” Sawyer snuggles baby Aria, taking a seat on the oversized chair. I choose to sit across from her so I can watch them together. I can’t help but let my mind wander to her holding our baby girl. I’ve always wanted kids. Growing up with four brothers, I knew I wanted children, and wanted them to have that same upbringing as I had. I thought that dream was dead and gone, but looking at Sawyer, it’s like looking at my future, and I can see it all clearly. That’s our life, a house full of kids, constant, happy chaos.

“What’s been going on?” Jase asks.

I tear my eyes from Sawyer. “Same old. Opening a new location in Ohio.”

“My old stomping grounds,” he says with a nod.

“What about you?”

“Doing the dad thing.” He smiles, and I swear I’m afraid his face might crack his grin is so wide. “Nothing better, my man.”

I glance back to Sawyer and Aria. “Yeah,” I agree. I don’t know the exact feeling, but I know how my heart swells watching her with Aria. I can only imagine that would intensify ten-fold with our child.

“You need one,” Sam says with a sleepy smile.