“You didn’t even need me,” Owen says as we’re walking out of the jewelry store twenty minutes later.

“Moral support.” I laugh as I hear my name called.

“Royce!” I turn to look over my shoulder and walking toward me is my ex-wife, Jennifer. I haven’t laid eyes on her since the day we walked out of the courtroom for our divorce hearing. “How are you?” She leans in for a hug, but I take a step back out of her reach. “Aw, don’t be like that,” she coos.

“Jennifer,” I greet her. I wait for the pain, and the anger to take root, but I don’t feel anything. Nothing for the woman I once claimed to love, and who claimed to love me. A slow smile crosses my face that I couldn’t stop even if I tried. She no longer has a hold on me. The anger I’ve been carrying around is gone, washed away with the love that I have for Sawyer. If I hadn’t just dropped a pretty penny on an engagement ring, it would be the next thing on my list. I love her, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I knew that, but this run-in confirms it for me.

“You look good,” she says, raking her eyes over my body.

“Where’s your wife?” I ask, even though I couldn’t care less.

“Oh, Sandra and I separated. She was a phase, and I realized that I missed you.”

“What-the-fuck-ever,” Owen says from his spot next to me.

“Owen,” Jennifer greets him.

She never liked him, or any of my brothers for that matter.

“Satan,” he says, and I don’t hide my chuckle.

“Is that any way to talk to your sister-in-law?” she asks, her voice sugary sweet.

“In the eyes of the law, you aren’t shit to me or anyone in my family,” Owen says, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Royce, I’ve missed you. I think we should get together and talk.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” I cross my arms over my chest, matching Owen’s stance, and her eyes focus in on the bag from the jeweler.

“Oh, is it your mom's birthday?” she asks.

Bitch. We were together all through college and married for four years. She should know when my mom's birthday is. “Nope.”

“Whatcha got there?”

“None of your damn business,” I snap. I can’t believe I gave so many years of my life to a woman who is nothing like me.

“I don’t see a wedding ring,” she says sweetly. “Then again, I’m sure I would have heard by now if one of the most eligible bachelors in Nashville was off the market.”

“There are five Riggins brothers that are off the market when it comes to you,” Owen seethes. “Haven’t you done enough damage?”

“I was confused.”

“Confused?” Owen asks. “You don’t know the difference between your girlfriend’s pussy and your husband’s dick?”

She blanches at his crudeness. “Your brother worked all the time,” she fires back. “He never wanted me.”

“Enough!” I snap. “We’re not doing this. Not now, not ever. We’re over. You’re nothing to me but a memory. If you’ll excuse us.” I turn to walk away, not bothering to see if Owen is following. I know he is. My brothers, all four of them, are loyal to a fault, and he has zero tolerance for the woman who is my ex-wife and took me away from them for far too long.

“That woman is vile.” Owen is still seething on the way back to his place.

“I can’t believe I was married to her,” I say, fighting a shudder.

“Tried to warn you,” he mumbles under his breath.

“I know. I didn’t want to see it.” I glance over at him. “Any concerns about Sawyer?” I ask, even though I doubt I’d listen. I thought I loved Jennifer. What I used to feel for her doesn’t even compare to how I feel about Sawyer.

“Nah, Sawyer’s one of the good ones. One day I want to find me a Sawyer.”

“Yeah? You ready to settle down?”

“Been ready, but watching what you went through makes a man question every woman who comes his way. I’ll find her,” he assures me.

“When you do, you let me know. You have my support, and when you’re ready to buy a ring, I’m there.”

I see him nod out of the corner of my eye. “Do you know when you’re going to ask her?”

“No. Not yet. I know where I want it to be, but I don’t have a plan. I have a few ideas. I just need to get them together.”

“Well, count me in for whatever you need,” he says as we pull into his place.

“Thanks for coming with me today.”

“You didn’t need me.”

“Yeah, but it’s nice to have my brother there. This time things are different.”

He nods. “Let me know what I can do.”

“Will do. Thanks, O.”

It’s just after three. Hopefully, I beat Sawyer back to my place so I can slip her ring into the safe, and if time is on my side, start planning how I’m going to ask her to spend forever with me.