“No, just you,” she says over a yawn. She lies back on the bed and snuggles into the pillow. “Will you hold me?” she asks, her voice low.

“Give me just a minute.” Kicking off my shoes, I strip out of my shirt on my way to the bathroom. I toss the condom in the trash, wash my hands, and throw my shorts into the dirty clothes basket. Sliding into my bed with us both in our underwear causes my cock to stir, but she’s exhausted, and the truth is, so am I. Pulling the cover over us to ward off the chill of the air conditioning, I wrap my arms around her and tug her close. For the first time in over four years, I fall asleep with a woman next to me in my bed, and my final thought before sleep claims me is I want to do this exact thing every night.Chapter 19SawyerWe spent most of the day yesterday in bed, and I don’t feel the least bit sorry about it. Royce tried to convince me to stay in bed all day, but all I could think about was washing the quilts from the night before. It took me a few hours to convince him, but eventually we made our way to his parents’ place. We grabbed the quilts, and took them back to his place to wash them. Once they were done, we dropped them off and picked up some takeout. The rest of the day was spent in his bed.

Today, however, I had things to do. Laundry and grocery shopping for the week were at the top of the list. Royce went to the store with me, and picked up some things for his place as well. After dropping them off, we unloaded my groceries and snuggled on my couch in between loads of laundry. Every day with him is better than the one before.

“We have to be at Mom and Dad’s at five,” he tells me casually.

“For?” I ask, but then I remember their Sunday dinners.

“Sunday dinner.”

“That’s a family thing.”

“You’re right, it is. And as far as I’m concerned, you’re my family. Sunday dinners are just as sacred as the lake. It’s serious members only,” he says, his eyes boring into mine.

“You really want me to go?”

“Yes. And before you ask, Mom will be thrilled, Dad and my brothers too. You already know Mom cooks for an army, and you’ve already claimed your seat at the table next to me.”

“That was one meal.”

“It’s your spot, babe.” He grins. “What do you say? Will you come with me?” He bats his eyelashes and we both know that I can’t say no to him.

“Yes,” I say before I can talk myself out of it.

Two hours later, we’re walking into his parents’ place. The smell of the grill hits me as soon as we walk in.

“It’s about time you two got here. We were going to start without you,” Lena says, coming around the island and giving first me, then Royce a hug. “Go on and make your plates.” She waves her hands toward the spread she has laid out.

Not needing to be told twice, all four of Royce’s brothers grab a plate and dig in. Royce and I stand, his front to my back, his arms around my waist just watching them.

“Y’all look like you’ve never seen food before.” Royce laughs.

“It’s Mom’s potato salad,” Grant defends. “You know if you don’t get it, it will be gone.”

Lena comes to stand next to us. “I have two more bowls in the fridge,” she says, leaning her shoulder into mine.

“Bless you, woman.” I smile at her.

“I’ve learned a thing or two over the years. Feeding five teenage boys, I had to always be prepared.”

“I imagine there was never a dull moment.”

Her eyes sparkle. “Not one, and I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. Now, you two go make your plates.” She motions for us to follow her.

She and Stanley start making theirs as well. The four of us head to the dining room, and sure enough, everyone is in their same seats as the first time I was here. The conversation flows and so does the laughter. You can feel the love that they have for one another inside these four walls. It’s exactly like I want my home to be, my family. Maybe one day I’ll be a permanent part of this one. My heart skips a beat at the thought.Today is the first day back to the office since things have changed between us. Royce told me last night when I made him take me home not to worry, that it will be business as usual, but I’m still stressing about how he’s going to act toward me. Don’t get me wrong, broody CEO Royce is hot as hell, but I prefer my Royce. The sweet, caring guy I spent the weekend with.