This totally feels like a large corporation to me, and I’m still freaking out about the possibility that my savior is the same Royce. My boss.

“Trust me. Once you meet the boys, and yes, I call them boys—I changed their diapers, and I’ve earned the right.” Her smile is genuine. “When you meet them and get to know them, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Even Royce loosens up when he’s with his brothers. Those five—” She shakes her head. “You just have to see for yourself. You’re going to feel like you’ve been here for years in no time. None of that funny business you had to deal with at your previous employer.”

I nod. I’m impressed with her memory of my situation with my previous employer. Then again, I’m sure it’s not every day that the candidate you hire tells you that she kneed her old boss in the junk before telling him he could shove the job up his ass. In case you’re wondering, that candidate is me. Just so we’re clear.

The elevator dings, alerting us to an arrival on the floor. I stand still and watch as a man in a white dress shirt comes around the corner. My knees go weak at the sight of him. I watch him closely as each step brings him closer to where I’m standing behind the desk with Gail.

“Good morning, Royce,” she says, her voice chipper.


My Royce.

“Gail.” He nods, then turns his gaze on me. Something flashes in his eyes that I can’t name. “What are you doing here?” His voice is deep and sexy, sending tingles down my spine.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. He looks the same, but he’s… harder than my Royce.

“If you’ll take a breath, I’ll introduce you,” Gail chastises. “Royce Riggins, this is Sawyer Gibson. She’s Sam’s replacement.”

Royce stares at me with those brown eyes that seem to twinkle under the fluorescent lights. It’s awkward, and I realize he’s probably waiting on me.

“Sawyer Gibson,” I offer my name even though he already knows it, knows me. I hold out my hand for him anyway. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I will my hand not to shake and chastise myself for not wiping my sweaty palm on my skirt before offering it to him.

My hand stays suspended in the air for about four heartbeats, and yes, I count before he extends his long arm and takes my hand. My eyes drop to our hands and take in the tattoos that cover his. The same hands that cradled my cheek and talked me down from a panic attack. The same hands I’ve imagined touching every inch of my body since the moment I walked away from him at the airport.

Those hands.

His stare is intense and intimidating. It’s not at all what I was expecting from him. What happened to that kind and endearing man? He wants me to think he’s this stiff responsible CEO, but I know another side of him. The side that, along with the tattoos on his hands, tell me another story. They tell me that he might be serious, but there is a wild side, a free artistic side to him as well. To me, it makes him less intimidating, and I can feel my shoulders begin to ease. My smile grows at the thought. I’m sure he would not be impressed with that admission. Considering today is my first day, I think I’ll keep that little nugget of knowledge to myself. He can’t be mad at me for not telling him because I didn’t know.

My eyes move back up to his to find him watching me intently. There is a look on his face that I can’t describe, nor do I get the chance to when Gail speaks up.

“Your nine o’clock canceled. I’m waiting for confirmation on the rescheduled date.”

Royce blinks and looks down at our hands that are still joined and pulls his out of mine. I already miss the warmth of his skin wrapped around mine. “Why didn’t she handle that?” he asks.

“She is standing right there, and she also has a name,” Gail says sternly. “Sawyer has been here maybe fifteen minutes. It’s not her job to handle it. Not yet. It will be. I’m going to be working up here with her, and Sam is going to be training her remotely.”

“Can she do that?” he asks, raking his hand over his hair. It’s dark brown, almost black, and cut short. He has a few days of beard growth, and the overall look is causing me to think thoughts about my new boss that I should not be thinking.

“Of course she can. Conrad set her up to work remotely. She has full access to everything she needs. She has her company phone and laptop with her, and I have all the faith in the world that she will do just fine guiding Sawyer in her new role.” Gail gives him a look that dares him to argue with her.