“I don’t know about that.”

“I think my brother’s actions today prove that. Or should we talk about you staying at his house, both with and without him?”

“It was late,” I defend.

“I’ve heard the story,” he says, nodding with a smile tilting his lips. “I also know Royce. That’s not him. That’s not how he operates. His home is a sacred place. He bought it after the divorce, and I’ve never known a woman other than family, and Sam, of course, to step foot inside his home.” He taps his hands against the counter. “Let that sink in, and tell me you’re just his assistant. Now, I’ve got work to do, and you have a project to finish so that my brother can get his Sawyer fix.”

“Marshall!” I scold, laughing.

“Have a good weekend, Sawyer,” he calls out, already walking down the hall toward his office.

Shaking out of my thoughts, I dive back into the report for Owen. He rarely asks for help, and I want to get this done for him, so maybe, just maybe he doesn’t have to work so hard this weekend.

Two hours later, I’m hitting Send on an email to Owen. It’s a few minutes before four, and I’m relieved to have that off my plate, and Owen’s as well. I’m answering some emails when Conrad stops at my desk.

“Have a good weekend, Sawyer,” he says with a wave.

“Thanks, Conrad, you as well.”

“Oh, keep my big brother out of trouble, will you?” He smirks.

I open my mouth, but quickly shut it, only to open it again and shut it just as quickly. “He called all three of us when he couldn’t reach you. Marshall gave us a report on the outcome.” He winks.

I shake my head. “You Riggins boys are something else.”

“I tried to warn you,” Gail says, coming around the corner. I didn’t even hear the elevator ding.

“You did,” I agree.

“I just wanted to check on you. I haven’t been up here much this week. I’ve been dealing with the crisis in Idaho from an HR standpoint.”

“Things are going well. It’s been quiet with Royce and Grant both gone.”

She nods. “The office will be back to crazy next week,” she assures me.

“Ladies, I’m heading out.” Conrad waves at us, giving Gail’s shoulder a soft squeeze before disappearing around the corner.

“So, any questions? Anything I can help with?” Gail asks me.

“Nope. I think I’m good.”

“She’s doing a great job,” Owen says, joining us. He has his bag over his shoulder. “Thank you for the report, Sawyer. You saved me a lot of work this weekend.”

“You’re welcome. It’s my job, and I’m happy to help.”

“I’m heading home. I told Jase I’d stop by and look at some financials for him. You ladies have a good weekend.” His eyes scan back to me. “You call me tonight if you need a ride.”

I nod. “Thank you, I don’t plan on needing a ride.”

“Offer stands.” He waves.

“Bye,” Gail and I say at the same time.

“Well, you should head on out too. It’s been one of those weeks,” Gail says with a sigh.

“I have a few more emails I want to take care of, and then I’m headed out as well.”

“Perfect. You’re doing great, Sawyer. I’m so glad you’re here.” With a wave, she turns and walks back around the corner.

When I hear the elevator doors open, then close, I sit back in my chair and sigh. I love this job. I feel at home, and even when Royce is his bossy self, I still love it. I worry that whatever this is between us will cause me to have to look for a new job. However, on the flip side of that, I could have Royce as a permanent part of my life.

“Ouch,” Marshall says.

I look up to find him standing beside my desk, twirling his keys around his fingers. “Whatever it is you’re thinking, stop. It looks like it’s physically causing you pain. It’s all going to work out.”

“The youngest brother yet so wise,” I muse.

He chuckles. “I had to watch the four of them growing up. You learn a few things when you have five men because we can’t leave out Dad, to look up to.”

“I like it here.”

“Good. We like you, and we all know Royce likes you.” He wags his eyebrows.

“Go.” I point toward the elevators. “Have a good weekend, and stay out of trouble.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he sings as he walks backward toward the elevator. “Or do.” He shrugs, turns on his heel, and disappears around the corner.

Shaking my head, I dive back into my emails and decide to go ahead and print each of their schedules for next week and place them on their desks for Monday morning. I’m sure to write the date and time the schedule was printed with my initials and drop them off on each of their desks. It’s possible it could change. In fact, I’m sure of it, but I like for them to have a hard copy of what their week looks like. With Royce and Grant both gone, they didn’t need theirs, so I grab the one from this week from their desks to toss into the shred bin and replace it with the one for next week.