“Sorry,” she says sheepishly. “The air conditioning was a little cool.” She starts to get up, but my words stop her.

“No. Stay.” I take a seat on the edge of the bed. “In fact, stay as long as you want. I hope only to be gone a couple of days.”

“I can’t stay here. I’ll lock up when I leave, but I need to go home and do laundry and grocery shop. All the things I said I needed to do earlier.”

I nod. “Fair enough. I’ll call you.”

“Do you even have my number?”

“Yes, Sawyer, I have your number. You’re my assistant.” Yet, she feels like more.

“I was just curious. You’ve never used it.”

“I’ll call,” I say again. I’ve not even stepped one foot outside of these walls, and I already miss her. I went on countless business trips during my marriage, and never once did I feel this way when I had to leave.

“Go. You’re going to be late.”

“Come here,” I murmur, reaching for her. My hand slides behind her neck, and my lips press against hers. This kiss is different from all the others. It’s not hurried or ignited by the chemistry between us. No, this one says I’m sorry I have to leave, and I’ll miss you. Both I find to be true.

“Have a safe flight. I’m sorry I won’t be there to calm you down.” She smiles.

“Maybe you should come with me.” As her boss, I can demand it, but I know as well as she does, I don’t need her there. Grant and I can handle this, and anything we might need can be handled remotely.

“Owen, Conrad, and Marshall need me,” she says, her face serious. “I can’t abandon them.”

“What if I need you?”

“Do you?”

I stare into her eyes, and I swear I could get lost in them. “Yeah, beautiful. I think I do.” My phone rings, and I don’t have to look to know that it’s Grant making sure I’m on my way. “I need to go. The keys for my SUV are in the kitchen. Drive it home tomorrow. Don’t call a cab.”

“You’re going to be late,” she reminds me.

One more kiss of her sweet lips and I force myself to stand and walk away from her. By the time I’m pulling out of my garage, Grant calls again. “What?” I snap.

“You coming?”

“I’m on my way.”

“Shit, I forgot you had to take Sawyer home.”

“She’s still at my place. She’s staying tonight, and before you ask no, I don’t want to talk about it. Do you have an update?”

He laughs. “Yeah, so the head of Idaho security just called.” He spends the ten-minute drive catching me up to speed on what’s going on, and it’s a good thing. I’m not sure that if I was left to my own devices that I wouldn’t have turned this car around and gone back to her.

Back to Sawyer.Chapter 15SawyerMy phone vibrates from its place next to me on my desk, and a thrill races through me. I have a pretty good idea of who the message is from. Royce kept his word and called me early Sunday morning to tell me they’d arrived, and he was going to be busy “taking care of the shit storm,” which were his words. He also said he’d text me later. Later ended up being late Sunday night as I was ready to fall asleep.

It’s Friday, and although I haven’t heard his voice since that first late-night call. The trip to Idaho took longer than they expected. They wanted to stick around and make sure everything was settled before heading home. He’s been texting me every day, and I’ve gotten into the habit of keeping my phone out of my desk so that I don’t miss him. Well, miss his texts. I already miss him. The office just isn’t the same without his brooding.

My phone vibrates again, but I ignore it. I need to get this spreadsheet finished for Owen, and I’m afraid if I start down the texting rabbit hole with Royce, I’ll never finish it and get out of here on time. Hadley and I are having dinner, and I don’t want to be late.

I’m so engrossed in my task I don’t notice Marshall standing in front of me until he clears his throat. “Oh.” I look up. “I’m sorry. I was in the zone.” I chuckle. “What can I do for you, Marshall?”

“You can answer your phone before you give my brother an ulcer.”


He points to my phone that buzzes with what I assume is another text message. “Royce is flipping out that he can’t get a hold of you.”

“I’m working.”

“You work for him.” He grins, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I can assure you that he doesn’t need me right now. I’ve arranged for the jet to be ready for takeoff, and confirmed that everything is a go.”