“Yeah, I’ll get in eventually.”

“You used to be just like them, you know?”

“What?” I turn to face him.

“You were the fun-loving brother, until Jennifer. She took the light from your eyes, and even now, four years later, she’s still taking it.”

“That’s crazy.”

“Is it? Come on, Royce. You can admit that she didn’t want anything to do with this place. In fact, there wasn’t much that the two of you seemed to have in common, if anything.”

“Yeah, I should have listened when you told me not to marry her,” I agree.

“She just seemed… off to me. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

Owen and I are closest in age. He’s two years younger than me, and until my ex, he was the most serious one of all of us. He always has been. That’s just his personality. “That ship has sailed,” I tell him.

“Has it? She brought you down, took the light before the divorce, and she’s still taking it. What’s worse is you’re letting her. You stopped living. I get it. What she did sucked. She fucked you over, but you had a prenup, and there were no kids involved. Did it suck? Absolutely. Should it define you and the rest of your life? No.”

“What would you do, Owen? She works for us.”

“You’re the only one who seems to be hung up on that.”

I think about that, and he’s right. Even Sawyer admitted that she was willing to look for a new job to see where this might go. “I want her,” I admit.

“No shit, we can all see it. The real question is, what are you going to do about it?” He nods to where Sawyer still stands on the side of the boat. She has yet to get into the water, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s waiting on me.

“I told her I would be on good behavior today.” Owen raises his eyebrows, and I can’t hold in my chuckle. “I might have held her hand on the way over here.”

“Oh, big steps, brother.” He smiles, scratching at his full beard. “Just relax, and whatever happens will happen.”

“Relax? Do you know what that word means?”

He laughs. “I know exactly what it means. I’ve been in the water already, and I’m the DD, so I’m relaxing responsibly.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” I say as I tip my beer to my lips and finish it off before tossing it into the trash. With careful steps, I make my way to the edge of the boat, to Sawyer. “You not swimming?” I ask her.

She looks up at me, and even though she has on sunglasses, I can imagine the green in her eyes bright and sparkling. “I was waiting for you.”

Something tightens in my chest, and I fist my hands at my sides to keep from pulling her into my arms. “Together?” I ask her.

She holds her hand out for me, and I don’t hesitate to take it as we step on the edge. “On three.” She nods and removes her sunglasses, tossing them on the seat. “One. Two. Three.” I count us off, and we jump in at the same time. Once we hit the water, her hand is released from mine, and I feel the disconnect. I also feel panic. I surface and open my eyes looking for her. I don’t see her and feel the panic start to rise. “Where is she?” I call out to my brothers. Before they have time to answer, I feel her wrap her arms around my neck from behind, and she wraps her legs around my waist.

“Looking for me?” she asks.

“She’s right behind you,” Marshall replies with a shit-eating grin.

“Helpful,” I mutter. Below the water, my hands grip her thighs, holding her to me.

“Is this okay?” she whispers in my ear.

I want to turn and hold her close, but this will do for now. “You tell me, Sawyer. Is this okay?”

“I don’t want to let go,” she confesses.

“Then, this is more than okay.” I take off swimming with her wrapped around me, and her laughter fills the air. It’s as if the sound reaches inside my chest and grips my heart. I let Owen’s words replay in my mind, and he’s right. I used to be a fun-loving guy like the rest of my brothers. Hell, even Owen has been more laidback than me today. I want to be that guy again. I’m tired of being angry, and I miss the companionship of a woman for more than just a night. I miss women in general. It’s been far too long since I’ve allowed myself even the simplest pleasure of a hook-up.

“Cannonball!” Grant shouts as he launches himself over the side of the boat, splashing us all.

I’m ready to yell at him for it, but Sawyer lets go of me and climbs up the ladder. I’m quiet as I watch her. She disappears, and then I hear her feet slapping against the deck as she runs and, just as Grant did, launches herself off the boat. She lands close to him, water splashing up and covering his face. He coughs, obviously not prepared, and I grin.