“He didn’t want to let you go.”

“What? When?”

I watch as he closes his eyes and mumbles under his breath. Slowly, they open. “He was holding your hand. Just now. Here. In my office.”

Oh, that. “He’s just looking out for me. Look.” I sit up straighter in my chair. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t planned. I was out with my best friend, and Conrad and Marshall were there. They bought us drinks, and we ended up hanging out. It was nothing more than that. I promise you it will never happen again.” He stays silent, so I keep rambling. “I didn’t mean to break any rules. I would never.”

“You didn’t break any rules, Sawyer.”

My shoulders relax. “Then… why am I here? Am I in trouble for something else?”

“No. However, you are aware that I lost one assistant that I worked well with to my best friend. I’d like very much not to lose another.”

Is it just me, or did his voice soften? “I enjoy my job. I have no plans to leave.”

“Sam didn’t either until she did.”

“I promise you, sir. There will never be an intimate relationship with me and any of your brothers.” It’s a bold statement, one I know that I have to stand behind if I want to keep my job at Riggins Enterprises.

“You’re mine, Sawyer.” My eyes widen, and he clears his throat. “My assistant. You support them, but ultimately, you’re mine.” His eyes flare when he says it, and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be his. I adjust my seating, my thighs rubbing together. Now is not the time to get turned on by my new boss.

“Yes, sir.”


“Yes, Royce.”

“That’ll be all, Sawyer.” He dismisses me. I stand on shaking legs and exit his office, shutting the door softly behind me.

“Well?” Marshall asks.

“He didn’t yell at me.” His eyes widen in disbelief.

“What did he say?” Conrad asks. “We can go talk to him.”

“No.” I raise my hand to stop his movements. “He said I didn’t break any rules.” He said I was his. I decide to keep that to myself.

“Good. Now, you boys get back to work. Sawyer and I have some training to do.” Gail shoos them to their office and pats my chair for me to sit. Just like that, my job is still secure, and my panties are ruined. It’s wrong to think about Royce in any other way but professionally. I know that, but all I can think about is him telling me that I’m his, and the heat that flared in his eyes when he said it.

Sure, it was probably anger, but this is my fantasy, and I want to believe his words had a double meaning. A girl can dream. This is another side of him I’ve never seen before. Another layer of Royce Riggins.Chapter 6RoyceDropping my pen to my desk, I lean back in my chair, covering my face with my hands. My dick is hard and pressing painfully against the zipper of my dress pants, but I refuse to adjust it. It’s my punishment for lusting after my new assistant. It doesn’t help that her eyes widened, and she licked those full luscious lips when I told her she was mine. I don’t even think she realized that she did it. When she squirmed in her chair, rubbing what I imagine are smooth, creamy thighs together, I went from half-mast to full-on steel. I’ve never been more thankful for the barrier my desk provided, or the coverage.

It’s been over a week since the smoke show that is my new assistant appeared in my life. Coincidently, that’s the same amount of time that my concentration has been complete shit. Of course, I didn’t know that she was my assistant the day I met her. No, that day on the plane, she was a beautiful woman battling her fears. I was just the lucky bastard who got seated next to her and got to help her through it. When she walked away from me that day, I hoped that I would see her again. I had no idea it would be in this capacity. I didn’t know that those green eyes and her soft skin would taunt me day in and day out.

I have contracts to read through and a mountain of other paperwork that keeps piling up. Instead of being the beast that I am, or that I usually am, all I can think about is her. Sawyer. She’s here when I arrive and checks in with me before she leaves for the day. Anytime I start to forget her sexy ass is sitting just outside my door, her sweet voice filters into the room, and poof. Concentration is gone.

When Marshall and Conrad told me they were out with her, I can’t explain the anger that made me feel. I don’t understand it. All last night and this morning, on the way here, I told myself it was because I didn’t want to lose another assistant. Not that it would be a huge inconvenience since she’s only been here for a week. She’s barely trained, but something deep inside me wants her to stay. My plan was to make her fearful of losing her job. I wanted her to think long and hard before agreeing to a night out with my brothers again. Then she walked in here, holding Marshall’s hand, and the only thing I could think about was to get him away from her and to get her closer to me.