My headache throbs and I’m glad that my meeting was canceled. Pulling open my desk drawer, I search for a bottle of headache medicine and come up empty. That’s when I remember that I asked Sam to order me some more. “Damn you, Jase,” I mutter. Placing my elbows on my desk, I bury my face in my hands. I guess it’s time to go in search of the first aid cabinet and see what I can find.

“Sorry.” I hear a soft whisper. Looking through my fingers, I see Sawyer, stepping into my office. With a groan, I drop my hands to my desk and watch her as she strides toward me. She places a bottle of water and a small pack of Tylenol on my desk. “You looked like you could use these.”

“Order me a bottle,” I say, tearing open the packet, tossing back the pills and downing the entire bottle of water. “Thank you, Sawyer,” I say once I’m done. I’m not a complete asshole. “Did Sam tell you to do that?” I ask.

“No, but you were giving me the ‘I have a headache that would kill Clint Eastwood’ signal, so I took a chance I was right.”

I can’t help but chuckle. “Kill Clint Eastwood, huh?” I ask, the humor evident, even with my pounding head. Memories of our talk of old movies and older country music filter through my pounding head. It just makes the headache worse when I think about our connection and how we will never be able to pursue it.

“Yep. You’ve seen his movies, right? The man is unstoppable.” With that, she gives me a smile that I feel everywhere like a caress against my skin, turns on her black heels, and disappears out of my office.

Grabbing my phone, I fire off a text. If I’m going to be tortured by my sexy new assistant, Jase should be as well. After all, I’m in this mess because of him.Me: I’m still pissed at you.His reply is immediate. It’s a picture of Sam sitting with her feet propped up on a pillow as she relaxes on the couch. She has a book in one hand and the other resting on her baby bump.Jase: One day, you’ll understand.He knows damn well that’s never going to happen. There was a time in my life I wanted the white picket fence, a wife, a family of my own. I learned the hard way that finding a partner you can trust, one you can lean on who is solid, is rare, and I stopped looking. This company, my brothers, my parents, hell, even Jase and Sam, and their little one on the way, they’re the only family I’ll ever have.Chapter 3Sawyer“To your first week on the job.” My best friend, Hadley, raises her glass in the air. I clink mine with hers, and we drink. “Tell me all about it.”

“It’s good. I really like it. It’s a lot of responsibility, but the support is there, which is something I’m not used to.”

“You said you’re admin to five people?”

I nod, taking another long pull from my margarita. “Yeah, five brothers.”

“Oh, tell me more.” She wags her eyebrows.

“They’re all… gorgeous,” I admit.

“Now we’re talking.” She holds her hand up in the air for a high-five, and I slap my palm against hers.

“There’s more.”

“Do tell.” She wiggles in her seat and flashes me a grin.

“You remember the guy on the plane, the one who calmed me down?” She nods. “Well, he’s the CEO. He’s my new boss.”

“Shut the front door.” She leans her elbows on the table, getting closer. “Sexy plane guy is your new boss?” she clarifies.

I nod and take another drink. I need it after the tension-filled week I’ve had.

“What did he say?”

“Nothing. It’s as if he’s not the same guy. He’s broody and short-answered. I’ve yet to see the man who calmed me down.”

“Maybe that’s just him at work. You should talk to him about it.”

“Nope. Not happening. I’m there to do my job, and I’m going to do it to the best of my ability, and that’s it. Done.”

“The mature thing to do would be to discuss it with him.” She takes a long pull from her drink. “And if I were you, I’d be reading the handbook, you know, just in case.” She wags her damn eyebrows again, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Seriously, Had, it’s like I’m walking onto a GQ photoshoot every damn day. I had no idea what I was getting myself into,” I admit.

“Hey, at least it’s not Phil’s slimy ass crack you’re looking at.” She shudders at the thought.

“Facts!” I raise my glass to her. Phil was my sleazeball boss who got my knee in his balls. He’s in his late fifties, with a protruding belly and a porn ’stache. “My view of the Riggins brothers is definitely an upgrade.”