“It’s so nice to meet you,” his mom says, pulling me into a hug.

“You as well,” I say as she releases me.

“Sam.” His dad also pulls me into a hug. “Glad to meet you.”

“Come on.” Logan grabs my hand and pulls me away from her brother. “Come and meet the rest of the gang.” I follow along behind her. “Everyone, this is Jase’s girlfriend, Samantha. Sam, this is everyone. I’m going to go down the line, but don’t worry. We know we’re a lot to take on at first.”

“All right, those are the kiddos. There are a lot of them, so we’ll get to them later.” Logan laughs. “This is Cole, and his wife, Stacy.” She points to a guy with long hair, who I recognize instantly. They both wave, and we’re moving onto the next. “This is Tristan, and his wife, Lauren, and Gavin and his wife, Cassidy.” She points out each member of the band and their wives.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say to them collectively.

“You’ll learn us all,” Cole’s wife tells me with a kind smile.

“Hey.” Jase appears beside me, wrapping me in his arms. “You good?” he whispers just for me.

I turn to look at him and nod, offering him a smile. My nerves are still there, but everyone is so nice and genuine. Not at all what I anticipated meeting guys of their celebrity status.

“Damn.” One of the guys laughs. I don’t know which one. “Our little Jase has finally fallen.” He laughs.

“All it takes is the right woman, brother,” Kacen says from his spot beside Logan. Seems like he’s with her wherever she is. Although, the way she’s snuggled up to his chest, she doesn’t seem to mind.

“Grammy, I’m hungry,” a little boy who looks just like Kacen says, running up to Jase’s mom.

“You heard the boy. Let’s eat,” Kacen says.

We all file into the huge kitchen, and fill our plates. With each minute that passes, my nerves subside, and I feel like I’ve known them all for years. We play with the kids, and once they’re all tuckered out, the guys break out their guitars and give us a little concert. The entire time Jase has me on his lap, or his arm around me, much like the other guys and their wives. We fit in here. I fit in here. Something I never thought I’d be able to say.Chapter 9Jase“Are you nervous?” Sam asks me.

I glance over at her, before placing my eyes back on the road. “No. Should I be?”

She laughs. “I don’t know. I was so nervous yesterday to meet your family, and extended family. You have it easy. It’s just going to be us and Mom and Dad tonight.”

“I want them to like me. But no matter what they think or say, that’s not going to change how I feel about you.”

“They’re going to love you.”


“Yep. They’ll see how happy I am and that’s all they care about. You making me happy and being good to me.”

“Shit, I’ve got this in the bag,” I tell her.

“Oh, and my dad, he’s kind of a fan,” she confesses.

“Perfect. If there is anything that I can talk about it’s football and you. I should be good.”

“I think the last guy my parents met was my prom date senior year of high school.”

“Let’s not talk about you and other guys, baby.”

“I was seventeen.” She chuckles.

“I don’t care. I’m living in Jaseland where the only man who’s ever been on your arm is me.”

“Don’t you mean the only other arm I’ve been on?”

“Nope. I’m on your arm and damn proud of it too.”

“You keep talking like that and you’ll have my parents eating out of the palm of your hand.”

“It’s not your parents I want, Sam. It’s you. I only want you.”


She’s still stuck on my career, and that I’m famous or whatever. I don’t know how to show her that she’s all I see. Well, I do know how, and I’m hoping tonight will be the night that seals our fate. “None of it matter without someone to share it with, you know that, right? The money, the fame, the accomplishments, the huge-ass house, it’s empty without you. And all those other things, they don’t mean as much without sharing them.” I pull up to the Stop sign and turn to look at her. “I want to share them with you, Samantha. Only you. You make each day brighter and better.”

“Sounds like a fairy tale, player,” she teases, but I can also hear longing in her voice.

“Then it will be our happy ending,” I tell her.

“Turn here.” She points to the next street. “Third house on the left.” I take her instructions and pull up to a white two-story.

“This where you grew up?”

“Yes. It’s also where I brought my prom date.” She giggles.