He forced a smile to his lips. “Everything’s going to be fine, Myka. I promise.” This was war and Renna had chosen this path. It was time to suck it up and do the same.

“Look, there’s a park right in front of the apartment where you can play,” Finn said, changing the conversation and pointing to the green space they were approaching. The station’s various zones were designed haphazardly, some clean and respectable, others worse than the poorest Earth slums. The Merrin zone was named for a well-respected scientist from Old Earth, and had a cozy, if slightly shabby feel. But its big draw was the large park with synthetic grass that anchored the zone, accessible only to people who lived there. Real trees ringed the space, and a gurgling fountain sat in the middle. A few small girls were playing a game of tag at one end of the park, their laughs and screams echoing over the hum of the air recyclers.

“I think we could get used to it here,” Aldani said with a smile. “Don’t you, Myka?”

The boy nodded, watching the other children play with a haunted expression. “It’ll be nice not to be…locked up.”

Finn’s heart clenched. He heard the kid almost every night. The nightmares made Myka shriek in terror, and sometimes, not even Aldani could comfort him. Being in that cage must have been absolute hell. Maybe Viktis was right about taking the Cordozas down.

And maybe it was way too easy to slip back into old habits. The constant struggle between doing what was right and what was easy never went away. The old part of him, the part that had been Hunter back in the gang, would have jumped at Viktis’s plan as an exciting challenge. But he wasn’t that man any more. He had responsibilities. People to protect.

Finn shook his head to clear away the thoughts and gestured to the door of one of the apartment buildings that faced the park. “Viktis promised your place has a great view, lots of windows. And it’ll only be temporary until Renna finishes her job. Then everything can get back to normal.”

Whatever the hell that was.


From his spot in the corner booth, Viktis watched Captain Finn slide onto a bar stool and gesture to the tall Trezian bartender. Viktis took a sip of his own Ileth bourbon. The Cap looked a bit off tonight. Something about the man being out of uniform just seemed wrong.

The bartender plunked a shot glass of green, glowing liquid in front of Finn. He downed the shot without hesitation, then gestured for another.

Well, well. The good captain was trying to drown his troubles, was he? Never a good sign. Viktis took another sip of the blue bourbon, letting the liquid burn down his throat in a fiery trail as he ran through his options. Despite what he’d said earlier, he needed Finn’s help. Taking down Kitty Cordoza was more than just a way to avenge poor Myka. The whole family was corrupt. A malevolent smear on the galaxy.

And with the new tech Kitty’s mercs were delivering, the family would be unstoppable.

Definitely not good for Viktis’s bottom line. Even worse for the other mercs in this system. But while the thrill alone of taking down the Cordoza’s matriarch wasn’t enough to tempt Viktis into action, the threat of lost profit was. Plus, seeing Kitty Cordoza rot in jail would finally pay off a debt he’d owed for far too long.

After watching Finn down his third shot, Viktis shook his head and got to his feet. By the looks of the ladies eyeing Finn like he was a prime-cut rib eye, if he didn’t stop him, the good captain would find himself in a world of trouble. He crossed the bar and clapped a hand on Finn’s shoulder. “Careful there, Cap. People might get the wrong idea.”

Finn curled his fingers into fists in his lap. “Go away, pirate.”

“You wound me, Cap,” Viktis said, pressing a hand to his heart. “I thought we were friends.”

“Then you’re even more deluded than I thought.” Finn gestured for another shot, but Viktis caught the bartender’s eye and shook his head.

“Why the hardcore drinking? Missing our girl?” he asked.

“My girl, not yours,” Finn growled. “You’re nothing to her any more. Nothing.”

Viktis raised an eyebrow. Interesting. Was his former relationship with Renna really eating away at the man? Finn didn’t seem like the jealous type. “I wouldn’t say that.”

“I would.” Finn glared at the bartender. “I need another drink.”

“I really don’t think you do. A few more of those and you might end up going home with one of those lovely young ladies watching you from the end of the bar.”

Finn glanced to where Viktis pointed and two girls not much older than Renna giggled and waved at him. One was human, the other Delfine and Viktis had recognized both immediately. They were notorious scammers who preyed on lonely men. And right now, Finn fit the bill perfectly.

But Finn rolled his eyes. “Not my type.”

“Right, you prefer leggy brunettes with a penchant for thievery. So how about instead of sitting here moping that she’s not around, you help me out? I promise you’ll feel better in the morning, too. That green stuff’ll give you a hell of a hangover.”

“I told you, I’m not helping you cheat at cards.”

“There will be no cheating involved — just a little sleight of hand and misdirection. It will all be perfectly legal on your end. Your shiny halo won’t get the least bit tarnished. In fact, you’ll be a hero.”

Finn’s blue eyes were slightly unfocused as he stared at Viktis. “I could have been you.”

Viktis froze. “Pardon?”

“If things had turned out differently. I could have ended up just like you. A merc for hire with no scruples or morals. But I chose a different life. I can’t go back. No matter what Renna wants.” Finn propped his elbows on the bar and put his head in his hands.

Viktis frowned. He didn’t know much about Finn’s past, just that he and Renna had been in a gang together when they were younger, and that Finn had left to become a model citizen. Whatever had happened to turn him away from crime was obviously still an issue.

“Let’s make this clear, Captain. You could never be me. I’m the best there is.”

Finn groaned into his hands and Viktis smiled. “Look, if Renna wanted someone like me, don’t you think we’d be together? I tried more than once in the last few weeks to get her to forget about you. She wouldn’t bite. For whatever reason, she’s only interested in good guys now. And from what I know about you, my friend, there’s no chance in hell you’d ever give up those damn morals of yours. Helping me with this won’t turn you into an evil mercenary with no soul. I promise.”