“What if someone told you lies about that time in your life? All of my memories are back except for the timeframe I was lied to.”

He nods. “It’s possible.”

“I remembered something today, just before you came into the room. So, it’s not correlated to the accident?”

“I’m sorry, but no. However, whatever you’re doing to trigger those memories, keep it up. Are they good memories?”

I glance over at Kent. “The best.”

“Good, then I would encourage you to stay on the course and don’t try so hard. One day you might just wake up and remember it all. There is also the chance that you will never get those memories back. Like I said, the brain can be confusing.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”

“Sure. Anymore questions?”


“All right, I’ll send the nurse in and we’ll get you out of here.”

Before the door is completely closed, Kent is leaning over me in the hospital bed. “I love you.”

I want to tell him I love him too, but I can’t. I feel this deep connection to him, but I can’t seem to let myself give in to it. I wish I could remember our past so we could so easily move into our future.

“Can we go get Kendrix when we get out of here?”

“It’s late, babe. Let’s call and see if she’s sleeping. If so, we’ll get her first thing in the morning. I promise.”


He pulls out his phone and dials his mom, putting the call on speaker so I can hear her.

“How is she?” is her greeting.

“She’s going to be just fine. How’s my princess?” he asks.

“Asleep in the fort. Poor thing was tuckered out. Even with her nap. We were waiting on your call before we went to bed ourselves.”

“Laney is going to be fine. Thank you for watching her. I’ll be by to get her in the morning.”

“Why don’t we bring her to you? I’ll bring breakfast.”

“You don’t have a car seat.”

“We do, actually. Ridge brought us one of theirs just in case we needed to leave.”

I watch as he swallows. “Okay.” He clears his throat. “That works for us. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Take care of Delaney. We’ve got Little Miss taken care of.”

“Thanks, Mom, love you.”

“Love you too. Give Delaney our best.”

“Will do.” He ends the call and slides the phone back in his pocket. “All is good.”

“Your friends and family, they’re amazing.”

“Yes, they are.”

“You can’t leave that. The support that they give you is… it’s unheard of. You can’t leave that. You can’t leave them.”

“What I can’t do is live hundreds of miles away from you. That’s what I can’t do.”

“You won’t have to.”


I shake my head. “We’re staying here. I can work anywhere, and I don’t want her to miss out on this. All the family and friends. We don’t have this back in California.”

“What about your mom?”

“She has some big changes to make if she wants to be in our lives. I won’t tolerate her outburst today, and never in front of Kendrix. You’re in our lives to stay.”

“Yeah?” He grins.

“As just the father of your child?”

“No. You’re more than that. I need some time to work it all out in my head. I’m scared, but I know you’re more than just her father. You mean something to me.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Laney. You take all the time that you need.”Chapter 20KentI wake to the sun streaming through the blinds, and I shut my eyes to ward off the rays. Rolling over, I smile when I see Delaney sleeping peacefully. Her body is sore from the fall. No matter how many times she begged me to hold her last night, I was afraid I would hurt her. I settled for lying next to her, my head resting on her chest. Her hands stroking my hair. Neither of us said much, and that’s okay. She’s here, she’s healthy, and she’s not leaving. That’s what matters.

I watch her as time passes us by. Mom texted me last night and told me to send her a message when we were up and moving today. She didn’t want to keep Delaney from resting. So I’m not worried about visitors, at least not this early. When her eyes flutter open and those baby blues land on me, she smiles. Her smile lights up my entire fucking world.

“Morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning.”

“How you feeling?”


“Let me get you some medicine.” Tossing the covers off, I head to the kitchen to get her a glass of water and some over-the-counter pain reliever. I rush back to the bedroom, help her sit up, at which she rolls those baby blues, and then hand her the water and pain reliever.

“I’m not broken, Kent.”

“I know you’re not broken, but I’m here so I can help you. It won’t be that way tomorrow when I go back to work.”

“Kendrix will be here. She likes to help.”