Cheers, murmurs of congratulations, and hugs are passed around. “It’s really early.” Dawn smiles. “We were going to keep it to just us until we were past the first trimester, but this guy”—she points to Mark, who has his arm around her where they sit side by side at the table—“he couldn’t hold it in any longer.”

“I’m so excited. Our babies will be close together,” Reagan says.

“Baby,” Tyler chimes in, “one baby,” making us all laugh.

“Right. It’s been confirmed. Only one this time.” Reagan grins up at her husband.

A pang of jealousy hits me. I missed this. All of it. I didn’t get to celebrate and share that connection. Life isn’t fair, and I understand that, but I still wish things could have been different. I wish that I would have had moments like these.

“Next time,” Kent whispers in my ear. I turn to look at him, raising my eyebrows in question. “I hate that we missed all this, Laney. But we can’t change the past, but the future, that’s ours.” He kisses my cheek and turns back to the table.

My heart races as I look around to see if anyone heard him, but then I realize that even if they did, it doesn’t matter. We’re adults. Our life is our own, and it’s what we make of it. That’s not something I’ve practiced in my adult life, at least not the parts I can remember. I’ve always let my mother lead, and the more time I spend with this amazing man at my side, and his friends, I realize the error of my ways. I was so lost, depressed, and I let her run my life. That stops now.

The future is ours.Chapter 10KentI didn’t sleep. I tossed and turned all night long. Today’s the day I get to meet my daughter. I get to set my eyes on her in the flesh, and I’m nervous as hell. What if she doesn’t like me? She’s not going to know I’m her father, not until we get the results back, and I get it. I understand the need that Delaney has to have concrete proof since she doesn’t have her memories. I get it. I fucking hate it, but I get it. So I have to wait, and I hate waiting.

Throwing the covers off, I climb out of bed and head to the shower. As the hot water rains down on me, I think about Delaney and Kendrix. About what it would be like to wake up with Delaney in my arms and to get hugs from my daughter when she’s sleepy and wants to cuddle. Having breakfast together, bedtime stories… all of it. I can’t shut it off. I can’t stop thinking about all the time we missed, and all the time I have to make up for.

Wiping the steam from the mirror, I take a long hard look at the man staring back at me. I’ve never been ashamed of my ink, or the life I’ve chosen to live, but what if my choices are the reason they decide I’m not what they want? I know I get judged for my ink. While the guys all have tattoos as well, I took mine to an all-new level. It became somewhat of an addiction after I lost Delaney. I don’t know why, but it did and it’s where we are. I’ve never regretted any of them, but what if she’s afraid of me? What if my daughter is scared of me, from the choices I’ve made in my life? I can’t handle that. Talking to her on the phone she seemed fine. However, face-to-face, up close and personal, I know I can be intimidating. I never want to be that to her. Not my little girl.

Bowing my head, I blow out a breath and reach for my toothbrush. I don’t look in the mirror again. I can’t. The worry is enough to choke me, and I feel as though I could suffocate in this bathroom. Once finished, I toss my toothbrush back into the holder, rinse out my mouth, wipe it with a towel, and shut off the light. I’m nervous enough I don’t need to let my doubts and worries cloud my mind. I need to be clear-headed when I meet her.


I’m meeting my daughter.

Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into the shop. Mara smiles wide, and so does Seth. “She told you,” I say, shaking my head.

“Yes!” Mara squeals. “You get to see her today, right? Kendrix? She’s coming today?” she says, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Yeah, they’ll be here this afternoon.” My eyes flash to Seth. “She fill you in?”

He nods. “You should have told us.”

“I know. It was a lot to wrap my head around. I wasn’t keeping it from you.”

“Look, Kent, I get it. Putting yourself out there, that shit’s scary.”