We’re about two miles from Seth’s place, but I have to pull over for this. Slowing down, I turn my truck into the driveway of a home on the market. I’ve driven past here enough times to know the house is vacant. I won’t have to worry about getting run off. I pull up to the house, so we’re away from the main road, put the truck in Park, and kill the headlights.

“Is this Seth’s house?”

“No.” I take off my seat belt and turn to face her.

“Where are we?” she asks. The lights from inside the cab of the truck are enough for me to see the concern on her face.

“You wanted to know. You wanted me to tell you how I would make you want me. I can’t tell you that while I’m driving.”

“Oh.” Her mouth forms the cutest O, and I want nothing more than to kiss the shocked expression from her face.

“Laney.” I reach over and cradle her cheek in the palm of my hand. “I promised myself I’d never lie to you. Never again. You sure you want to hear this?”

“I-Is it bad?”

“No, babe. It’s not bad, but I’m not going to hold back. Never again will I hold back with you.”

She nods. “Tell me, Kenton.”

With my thumb, I trace her cheekbone, her blue eyes flare with heat, and there’s a damn good chance that this conversation is going to kill me. “Your skin is so soft. I would spend hours tracing it with my tongue. I’d start with your lips, travel down your neck, and then…” I raise my hand that’s not cradling her cheek and slip it inside her coat. Even with the layers of warmth, her nipples are hard. I run the pad of my thumb over the pebbled bud and she sucks in a breath at the contact. “So responsive,” I murmur. “I could get you close, your orgasm at the cusp just by giving all of my attention to your breasts.” I cup one in the palm of my hand, feeling its weight.

“I never let it get that far. Just when you were teetering on the edge, I’d pull away.” My hand moves over her shirt and traces down her belly. “I’d continue my exploration, kissing, licking, nipping, and tasting you. I wouldn’t stop until I reached your pussy.” She shifts in her seat, but she’s restricted by the seat belt. With deft fingers, I release her from confinement, and she angles her body toward mine. I’m cussing the console that’s between us. There’s something to be said about bench seats when you’re trying to make a move on your girl.

“T-Then what?” Her voice is throaty and husky with desire. She rubs her thighs together to ward off the ache, one that I am more than willing to take care of for her. We’re not there yet. I need those results in my hand. I need that printed proof that everything I’m telling her is true.

I open my mouth to tell her when her phone rings. She pulls away and I drop my hands. She fumbles with her purse and pulls her phone out. Mom flashes on the screen. “Hello,” she answers, her voice sounding as if she just ran a marathon. Her wide eyes flash to mine, and I wink at her. “No, I’m fine. I had to run to my phone. I left it in the other room.” She’s quiet as she listens and I take the opportunity to think about anything other than devouring her, or describing in detail what I was about to do to her next in my mind.

Fluffy puppies.


Grandma Baldwin.

“Hi, baby,” she says, and instantly she has my attention. “I miss you too. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” She pauses, listening to our daughter, and I hate that I can’t hear her sweet angelic voice. Delaney reaches over and laces her fingers through mine. I look down at our combined hands so I don’t see what Delaney is doing, but when Kendrix’s sweet voice fills the cab of my truck, I know she’s put her on speaker for me.

“I’m going to be high in the sky like the birds,” my daughter states proudly.

“You are.” Delaney laughs. “You be sure to stay close to Gram and listen to what she tells you.”

“I will, Mommy. I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetie. Goodnight.”

“Night.” The truck goes silent and the call is ended. “She’s excited,” Delaney speaks up.

“I can tell. Her first time flying?”

“Yeah. We’ve never left California. It was my first time too, since the accident.”

“How did you do?”

“Great. Mom had my anxiety at an all-time high. Telling me how much she hated Jackson and that the people were rude. She couldn’t have been more off base.”

“She wanted to keep you, both of you from me.”