Kent’s eyes flash to mine before quickly darting back to the phone. I should pull it away, bring her attention back to me, but I can’t seem to make my hand move. Maybe this is good. Get her used to seeing him. Kenton Baldwin is a force and I know that if these results come back that he is her father, he’s going to steamroll into our lives. Funny, that doesn’t sound bad to me.

“Your name is beautiful. Just like you. You look like your momma.”

He’s right. She does look just like me. She has my facial features, all except my nose. Her hair is that inky black that matches his to a T. “Thanks. What’s that?” She points to his hand.

“Oh, this is a hammer.” He holds it up so she can get a better look.

“What do you do with a hammer?” she asks him, and I know without seeing her that that little nose of hers, the one that matches her father’s, is scrunched up.

His attention is on my phone. All for her, and it gives me some time to study him. To really take him in, and I see it. The same slope of the nose, and even her cheekbones. The ones I always thought resembled mine, they’re his. I never had anyone to compare them to. But as I sit here and listen to him explain a hammer and nails and building supplies, I see it.

He’s her father.

My breath hitches at what that means for me. Someone is lying. Is it my mother? Is it Kenton? He seems so genuine, and the way his eyes are glued to my phone, not willing to miss a single second I’m allowing him with my daughter, with our daughter, doubt creeps in. Either way, I’ve been lied to. My mind whirls, and I hate to say this, but I believe him. My mother has always been a control freak. I’ve never known her to stoop to this level, but she thrives on having control. Kent, he seems to thrive on me, and now our daughter. I’m still going to go through with the test, but I know what the results will be.

After all this time, the missing piece of the puzzle has appeared. I can put a name and meaning behind the man I’ve been dreaming about. It also explains why I feel so comfortable and safe with him. He meant something to me.

My mother is the villain here. I feel it deep in my gut, the one that never steers me wrong. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I jolt, looking up to find Kent’s eyes on my phone, but the gentle brush of his thumb tells me he’s aware of me and my lack of focus.

“Okay, sweetie.” I turn the phone to face me, and Kent steps close. “You better give the phone back to Gram. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow and I’m going to give you the biggest hug you’ve ever received.”

“Yay, I like hugs, Momma. And, Mr. Kent, he said I could hammer a nail. Can I, Momma?”

My eyes find his, and he shrugs sheepishly. “Yeah, sweetie. You can learn how to hammer a nail from Mr. Kent. But,” I add, “let’s keep this a secret, okay? Don’t tell Gram. That way, when you learn, you can surprise her.”

“Oh, I’m good at that, aren’t I, Momma? I’m good at surprises.”

“Yes, sweetie, you are. Mommy loves you.”

“Love you, bye, Momma.” She waves, and the screen goes black.

As soon as my hand falls, I’m engulfed in a hug. Strong arms wrap around me, and this time, his hold is firm. “Laney.” His voice cracks. “She’s fucking incredible,” he murmurs.

Did you hear that? That was my heart cracking wide open. Not just for him, but for Kendrix and for me. For the family we could have been. For the time we’ve all lost together. I’m angry. As my earlier revelations settle inside me, it takes everything I have not to call my mother and demand answers. But I want to watch her squirm. No way could this man be the one who tore us apart. I refuse to believe it.

When he finally pulls back, his eyes are misty, and I have to swallow back the lump in my throat. “Thank you. For letting me see her, for letting me talk to her. Just… thank you, Laney. God, she’s incredible. So smart and curious. She’s mine, Laney. I promise you that little girl is a part of me. There is no other explanation for the way I’m feeling right now.”

“I know.”

“What?” Shock is written all over his face.

“I don’t know how or why, but I believe she’s your daughter. That she’s our daughter.”

“Fuck.” He crushes me to his chest once more, and this time, I squeeze him just as tight.