“They’re mine,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Look, man. I know where you’re coming from. I do. But she doesn’t remember you, Kent. How can you expect her to just pick up where you left off when those memories are yours alone?”

I let his words sink in and he’s right. No matter how much I want to pull her into my arms and never let go, I can’t do that. Glimpses of me in her dreams isn’t enough. What other choice do I have? “I’ll make her remember,” I answer my own question aloud. “I’ll show her what we were together. I’ll make her fall in love with me again.”

“Again?” Ridge questions.

“Again. There is no doubt in my mind that she loved me. I ran from it. Worried about settling down. Fuck me, I was a dick. I should have been there that night. She had something to tell me, and my dumb ass thought she was going to tell me she loved me and that she wanted a commitment. What she didn’t know was that I was already committed to her. I just never told her. There was no one else for me when she went back to school. It was always just her. Just Delaney. Now I’m sure she was also going to tell me about our daughter. Did I tell you her name?” I ask him. “Kendrix.” I don’t give him the chance to reply. “It’s as if subconsciously she was naming our little girl after me. Even though her family tried to tell her I didn’t want her, it was as if her heart knew the truth. That I wanted them both. I want them both.” I’m quick to add.

“We’re here,” Ridge says as he pulls up to the house. I know my best friend and his words have double meaning. Sure, we’re at the jobsite, but he also meant he and the guys are here for me. Hell, so are the wives and the littles. I have a huge support system and I have never been more grateful for them. I want Laney and Kendrix to meet them. I know my family will accept them with open arms and maybe, just maybe, I can convince them to stay. The alternative is me leaving, not something I ever wanted to do, but I’ll do it for them. For my girls, I would do anything.

“I’ll be right there,” I tell Ridge, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I call the lab and schedule someone to be here Friday morning. I have to pay extra for a technician to come out, but I’m fine with that. I don’t want my little girl to have to go to the hospital for this. I’m sure she’s going to be confused and scared as it is. They have assured me, that it’s as simple as swabbing the inside of both our cheeks and that they will run the tests as soon as they can. It could take up to a week for the results, but processing times are usually two to three days in their lab. I chose the right place. The sooner I have it on paper as proof for my girls, the better.

I sit in the truck until I get my email confirmation for Friday’s appointment. As soon as it comes through, I’m out of the truck and stalking toward the front door. When I enter, I see Delaney standing next to the window. “Morning, Laney,” I say softly.

“Hi. I-I wasn’t sure that you were coming in.” Her face blushes a light shade of pink.

“Were you watching for me?” I ask, taking a small step toward her.

She shrugs her reply as her cheeks grow a darker shade of pink. “Last night was a lot to take on.”

I nod. “It was, but you want to know something?” I ask, taking another step and then another. I don’t stop until I’m standing toe-to-toe with her. Her gaze falls to our feet, and that won’t do. Gently, I place my index finger under her chin and lift her eyes to mine. “I still want you. Both of you.”

“Kenton.” She breathes my name, and my heart stammers in my chest. Fuck me, but I’ve missed her.

“I was calling the lab. They’ll be here Friday morning at eight. They’ve assured me it’s nothing more than a swab to her cheek.”

She nods. “I researched it last night. I didn’t want to put her through something that would make her frightened.”

“I told them to ask for me. I’ll explain that she doesn’t know that I’m being tested as well. I don’t want to scare her, but, Laney, I’m her father. It takes up to a week for the results, but we could have them as soon as a few days. When we get them back and you have your concrete proof, I want her to know who I am.”