I had a piece of your mother in you, and that was the greatest gift of all. You look so much like her, and as you got older, that resemblance increased. Life was good, we were happy, all of us, until my parents passed, and we moved to Jackson. Tillie had a hard time living in the house where I met your mother. She hated the town, hell, the entire state just for the simple fact it’s where I was unfaithful.

As if the above story isn’t bad enough, I still have more to say. Before I go any further, I want to tell you how sorry I am for keeping all of this from you. It was wrong, and I don’t deserve your forgiveness. My only hope is that you find happiness and peace, and that your heart finds its love. When you find it, Delaney, when you find him, hold on tight and never let go.I stop reading and place a kiss on her temple. “How you doing?”

“I can’t believe this, Kent. All these years.” Her voice cracks.

“You want me to stop? Maybe you’ve heard enough for today?”

“No. Keep going. I need to hear it. All of it.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. Please.” She peers up at me under long lashes that are wet from her tears. Her blue eyes are pleading and filled with the hurt that her father’s words are causing her.

“I’m right here, baby. No matter what else we happen to uncover, I’m right here. It’s you and me, you got that? You’re not running away from me. I just got you back.”

“I’m not going to run. I just… need to hear what else he’s been hiding. I want it all out there so I can deal with it and move on.”

“I love you.” I kiss her temple one more time, before wrapping my arm a little tighter around her as I continue to read on.The day of your accident, it all came rushing back to me. The day I lost your mother, the day you were born. I was in a dark place. I felt guilty because I had just talked to you, and you were upset. There was this guy, Kenton. You were in love with him, but he stood you up. I knew you were upset. I should have made you pull over until you were calmed down. I should have told you to stay put and that I would come and get you, but I did neither. Instead, I was talking to you. Listening to you talk about how great this guy was, and how you were sure he was on the same page, until he never showed up. Apparently, you saw his truck at the local bar in town, and you were frantic. You had to get back to school. You weren’t willing to wait, so you left that night. You came home and packed your things and there was no stopping you. Tillie and I were at a fundraiser a few towns over. I should have left. I should have come to you, but I stayed and while I was talking to you, trying to calm you down, you were hit.

I’ll spare you the details of what I heard, but it hit me deep in my soul. I was going to lose you just like I lost her, and I couldn’t deal. Tillie took over. She got us to the hospital; she handled it all. I was checked out… lost inside myself, inside my pain. By the time I knew what was happening, she had concocted this lie about how he didn’t want you or your baby. We fought about it, but she swore she wasn’t losing someone else she loved to that town or the trash in it. I didn’t have any fight left in me, so I let her do what she wanted. I’d made so many mistakes in my life. I questioned everything, even my ability to protect you. Tillie convinced me this was the best way. That we would move to California to be closer to you, and we would help you raise your baby. She had no idea if or even when you would get your memories back and she said she would deal with it when it happened. I let her, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

I know that I kept you from your love, and my granddaughter from her father. I can’t tell you what kind of man he is, because I never met him. I never gave him the chance to do the right thing. My hope is that you’ve found your way back to him and that the two of you are able to be together. That together, you can raise your daughter. Please tell him I’m sorry. I’m just at as much fault as Tillie, and keeping the truth from you is my greatest regret in life. I’m a coward, Delaney. I couldn’t face you. I hope that the truth sets your heart free.